Posted: February 29, 2008
Date: 2004 (Approx:)
Time: 1:00 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Vancouver B.C.
Number of witnesses: 0
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Spherical light.
Full Description of event/sighting: I had looked out my window on a very clear night to see northern lights that were only briefly visible. The big dipper hung upright outside my kitchen window, the handle pointed straight down. I was immediately struck by the extra star in the lower handle of the dipper. I grew up in Vernon, B.C. where throughout my youth I'd watched the skies with a clarity you don't see in other areas. This star had never been in the handle before. It was not quite the intensity of the others but bright. It had a reddish hue, unlike the others had a slightly diffused glow that appeared as an almost orb like effect around the central point of light it originated from. I knew it did not belong there. In moments I began to notice it had moved off to left of the handle. It continued to move circling at first away from the handle then back again into the handle, now much near the top of it. It completed a full circle back to the bottom of the handle near it's original point, that encompassed about 3/4 of the handles length (a pretty large area of sky.)
Movement of this object in this almost perfect circle was however oddly jerky. It appeared to move in increments of distance that were uneven both in length, i.e.: shorter and longer movements and in direction seeming to adjust back to 0, the circuit it was trying to maintain. All of this is of course very difficult to distinguish at whatever elevation and distance it was, but clear enough to be visible to the naked eye at times. When it reached and passed the bottom of the handle continuing in a circular pattern it had sufficiently slowly fade in brightness that it became increasingly harder to see until I could no longer see it. The total time was about 5 minutes. I had the very distinct impression that it had slowly spiraled upward away from me and so becoming dimmer. Somewhere I have record of the date which I'm trying to find.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Appeared To Be Over Vancouver, British Columbia A Glowing White Disk UFO
Posted: February 26, 2008
Date: February 26, 2008
Time: 6:08 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Disk shaped.
Full Description of event/sighting: Was watching the six o'clock news. My TV is next to the sliding glass doors of our apartment giving me a fairly good view to the west. It was mainly heavy overcast with just a few openings in the clouds were the light from the sun which had just set was still shining through. I was casually glancing at one such opening just north of the airport when I observed a glowing white disk shape object shoot across the gap. The object was about the size of an Aspirin held at arms length. It was about ten degrees above the horizon and I would estimate the speed to be several thousand miles per hour. Object was in sight for only a second or two. I jumped up to see if it reappeared further north but the cloud cover was solid.
I've seen several such white objects the past few nights but usually just out of the corner of my eye and they are gone before I could lock onto them. This one appeared while I was looking right at it.
Sure have been a lot of really interesting sightings lately. Have you heard anymore about the ships coming out of the water back east.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: February 26, 2008
Time: 6:08 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Disk shaped.
Full Description of event/sighting: Was watching the six o'clock news. My TV is next to the sliding glass doors of our apartment giving me a fairly good view to the west. It was mainly heavy overcast with just a few openings in the clouds were the light from the sun which had just set was still shining through. I was casually glancing at one such opening just north of the airport when I observed a glowing white disk shape object shoot across the gap. The object was about the size of an Aspirin held at arms length. It was about ten degrees above the horizon and I would estimate the speed to be several thousand miles per hour. Object was in sight for only a second or two. I jumped up to see if it reappeared further north but the cloud cover was solid.
I've seen several such white objects the past few nights but usually just out of the corner of my eye and they are gone before I could lock onto them. This one appeared while I was looking right at it.
Sure have been a lot of really interesting sightings lately. Have you heard anymore about the ships coming out of the water back east.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Kelowna, British Columbia A Very Bright Blue Light
Posted: February 24, 2008
Date: February 23, 2008
Time: Approx: 10:15 p.m.
Hi Brian, it is Saturday around 10:30pm just went out for a smoke before bed here and looked up the sky (have that habit lately) and noticed a very bright blue object quite high up odd thing is I noticed a red and white flashing moving very fast very high in the air towards it and it stopped on a dime as it got close to the blue larger looking object than a second red and white flying object came from behind the blue one or out of nowhere now two red and white blinking flew off together one slightly lower than the other out towards the Okanagan Lake direction. First red and white came from like the North flying parallel with like Black Mountain but way up there... heading towards Okanagan Mountain towards the blue object than heading basically direction towards like Peachland. Let's see if you get any other reports. I called my fiancé outside to look he only notice the blue object and I couldn't spot the red and white ones anymore. Not falling stars either or planes unless they were fighter jets...but if they were could they stop on a dime? And if so what were they doing near the blue object. I am so spooked right now. By the way no noise...they were up quite high though. And the blue object is quite a distance away and looks very similar to what I saw earlier this week as far as the color goes...but didn't notice the neon green in it. Very blue/white/bright. I will go out and look again soon...I noticed all this at about 10:15pm.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: February 23, 2008
Time: Approx: 10:15 p.m.
Hi Brian, it is Saturday around 10:30pm just went out for a smoke before bed here and looked up the sky (have that habit lately) and noticed a very bright blue object quite high up odd thing is I noticed a red and white flashing moving very fast very high in the air towards it and it stopped on a dime as it got close to the blue larger looking object than a second red and white flying object came from behind the blue one or out of nowhere now two red and white blinking flew off together one slightly lower than the other out towards the Okanagan Lake direction. First red and white came from like the North flying parallel with like Black Mountain but way up there... heading towards Okanagan Mountain towards the blue object than heading basically direction towards like Peachland. Let's see if you get any other reports. I called my fiancé outside to look he only notice the blue object and I couldn't spot the red and white ones anymore. Not falling stars either or planes unless they were fighter jets...but if they were could they stop on a dime? And if so what were they doing near the blue object. I am so spooked right now. By the way no noise...they were up quite high though. And the blue object is quite a distance away and looks very similar to what I saw earlier this week as far as the color goes...but didn't notice the neon green in it. Very blue/white/bright. I will go out and look again soon...I noticed all this at about 10:15pm.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Boston Bar, British Columbia Object Pulsates And Travels Off
Posted: February 24, 2008
Date: 1968 ?
Time: Evening
Hi there, I was just telling my kids the other day about an experience I had as a child and thought if would be neat to Google Boston Bar UFO.
Imagine my surprise to see something that falls in line with my own experience. I can't say what year it was, but I'm 46 now and was a child then, so it very well may have been '68. My grandparents told my parents that they had to come up to North Bend, and see what a lot of people around were talking about. We went up, and my grandfather set up his telescope, and the whole family sat in the back yard, watching the first star that appeared (at my grandfather's insistence).
When it had become completely dark, I don't know what time, all of a sudden, the star we had been fixed on started pulsating and changing colors with each pulse. It did this several times, and then whisked away without any apparent acceleration, across the sky horizontally until it disappeared over the mountain.
I swear to God, this is the absolute truth. My whole family saw it together that night, many years ago.
P.S. If you would like, feel free to email me back.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: 1968 ?
Time: Evening
Hi there, I was just telling my kids the other day about an experience I had as a child and thought if would be neat to Google Boston Bar UFO.
Imagine my surprise to see something that falls in line with my own experience. I can't say what year it was, but I'm 46 now and was a child then, so it very well may have been '68. My grandparents told my parents that they had to come up to North Bend, and see what a lot of people around were talking about. We went up, and my grandfather set up his telescope, and the whole family sat in the back yard, watching the first star that appeared (at my grandfather's insistence).
When it had become completely dark, I don't know what time, all of a sudden, the star we had been fixed on started pulsating and changing colors with each pulse. It did this several times, and then whisked away without any apparent acceleration, across the sky horizontally until it disappeared over the mountain.
I swear to God, this is the absolute truth. My whole family saw it together that night, many years ago.
P.S. If you would like, feel free to email me back.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Kelowna, British Columbia Close Encounter Of A UFO (Object Gave Off A Hum)

Date: February 18, 2008
Time: 10:15 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Kelowna in sky looking towards Okanagan Mountain Park about was probably above Gibson Rd somewhere or even closer.
Number of witnesses: 3 but neighbor doesn't remember seeing it!
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Almond shaped, very bright blue/green, blinding white.
Full Description of event/sighting: I finished playing poker on-line and was getting tired and went out on deck for a smoke.
I was looking out the deck window and noticed an object in the sky that seemed kind of low for a star and was making a humming, (electrical noise) it sort of startled me.
I watched it and looked over to my neighbors house to the left and noticed him and his 2 5 year old daughter looking at it. I heard him say whoa, and he went in the house. I looked up higher in the sky towards his house and noticed like a falling star.
I thought what is going on and I looked back in front of me and the object seemed like it was closer. So I ran in to get my camera (regular digital because it was right in cupboard inside door) I went back outside and snapped pictures.
My camera flashed and everything, no picture showed up. I switched to video mode and captured it, but on my camera it appears to be further away than I could visibly see it with my eyes.
The neighbor came out of his house again by himself and I noticed him.
Thought great, someone else is seeing this. I ran back into the house and went to my bedroom to get video camera.
I went back out and of course the battery was dead so I had to go in again and get the cord plugged into the deck. By this time the object was moving away and I could no longer hear the hum. I do have a recording on both devices but it is not as clear as I'd like it to be.
The object was not moving erratically or anything, but it appears that way with my amateur taping.
The weird thing is, when I went to crawl into my bed, it said 11:45pm. I called neighbor yesterday to see what he thought about object the other night in the sky and he had no idea what I was talking about. I seen him point and look at it and they all went in the house like quickly.
Weird that he doesn't remember. The next morning on the radio they announce that a meteor went through the valley.
Like I said I noticed a falling star but this thing was not moving fast enough and people saw the "meteor at 5:00 in the morning where as I saw it at like 10:15 p.m. the night before.
I thought it was later than 10:15, like closer to 12 at first, but neighbor has two 5 year olds, and he told me what time he got home. Even when I looked at clock I had thought to myself why were the girls out at that hour. Weird.
Thank you to the witness for the excellent report.
If anyone has witnessed the UFO/Object, please send me an email with details of what you saw. Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from everywhere in the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: or
The Vike Factor - Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.
Peachland, British Columbia A Disc Shaped Cluster Of Lights
Posted: February 22, 2008
Date: February 20, 2008
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: South East.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Disc.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was waiting for the eclipsed moon to show just over my condo in Peachland B.C. Canada. I was lazy to go down off the 3rd floor for full view so I just enjoyed watching the sky. We live right off of Okanagan Lake. When I looked East I saw a bright disc shaped cluster of lights. Blue, red and white streaks of light but it had to be spinning as all the colors were not always visible. It bobbled up and down and side to side. I was watching for a couple of hours and it appeared to be watching the eclipse but probably was mapping or observing the area. Oddly enough, my 22 year old daughter had told me that morning that the night before, she saw a UFO at about 11:30 pm and she watched it in the west for about an hour.
If one was to use 180 degrees from east skyline to west skyline, it was about 35 degrees high in the east. Fairly low just about the small mountains. It stayed the same distance away for quite some time and then gradually moved more south.
My daughter was on the phone, so I called her to witness it. Sure enough it was the same type as the night before. No quick movements at all. To the eye of someone randomly scanning the sky, they would not be able to catch it as it was moving ever so slowly but brilliantly! The night was very clear and was so easy to landmark it with a close star. The sky here is very dark as there are no city lights. As not to be bias I decided to compare its distance/position in relation to this star. It moved above, below, farther and closer to it randomly. My daughter's eyes are better than mine and she was able to see the shape as being disc-like. We watched it for hours. The last time we went out it was gone. Took pictures but my camera is not that great for night sky and I am no photographer.
Tonight, the 21st. I went outside the same time as last and did not see anything like it in the same place. Small planes were out that night and I wonder if they saw it too. I don't want to be too excited about it and share with too many people because there are so many skeptics. Makes it a very personal experience for sure.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: February 20, 2008
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: South East.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Disc.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was waiting for the eclipsed moon to show just over my condo in Peachland B.C. Canada. I was lazy to go down off the 3rd floor for full view so I just enjoyed watching the sky. We live right off of Okanagan Lake. When I looked East I saw a bright disc shaped cluster of lights. Blue, red and white streaks of light but it had to be spinning as all the colors were not always visible. It bobbled up and down and side to side. I was watching for a couple of hours and it appeared to be watching the eclipse but probably was mapping or observing the area. Oddly enough, my 22 year old daughter had told me that morning that the night before, she saw a UFO at about 11:30 pm and she watched it in the west for about an hour.
If one was to use 180 degrees from east skyline to west skyline, it was about 35 degrees high in the east. Fairly low just about the small mountains. It stayed the same distance away for quite some time and then gradually moved more south.
My daughter was on the phone, so I called her to witness it. Sure enough it was the same type as the night before. No quick movements at all. To the eye of someone randomly scanning the sky, they would not be able to catch it as it was moving ever so slowly but brilliantly! The night was very clear and was so easy to landmark it with a close star. The sky here is very dark as there are no city lights. As not to be bias I decided to compare its distance/position in relation to this star. It moved above, below, farther and closer to it randomly. My daughter's eyes are better than mine and she was able to see the shape as being disc-like. We watched it for hours. The last time we went out it was gone. Took pictures but my camera is not that great for night sky and I am no photographer.
Tonight, the 21st. I went outside the same time as last and did not see anything like it in the same place. Small planes were out that night and I wonder if they saw it too. I don't want to be too excited about it and share with too many people because there are so many skeptics. Makes it a very personal experience for sure.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Terrace (Jackpine Flats) British Columbia A Orange Fireball
Posted: February 21, 2008
Date: February 20, 2008
Time: Approx: 8:45-8:50 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Jackpine Flats.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Fireball in the sky.
Full Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian, this event is probably related to the shooting down of the U.S. satellite last night. I was outside checking on the progression of the lunar eclipse. I was looking away from the eclipse, scanning the night sky further to the right and up of Orion's belt (there are probably better reference points but I'm not very good at astronomy - I've also refrained from using compass directions as I'm unsure if I have them right. Sorry!) I suddenly saw what looked like an orange fireball, far off in the sky, like a shooting star but larger than usual, heading right to left for a short distance until it disappeared. The whole event only took a second or two and I was just lucky to be looking in the right area when it happened. My husband who was outside with me missed it as by the time I pointed it out to him, it was gone. I did not know at that time that the spy satellite had been shot down but we went inside and found out via the internet that it had occurred several hours earlier. I then suddenly realized I should check the time and it was a few minutes past nine. Based on the time given by the military, I think this was too late to have been the fuel tank exploding, and that what I saw was debris hitting our atmosphere and burning up. Thank you for listening.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: February 20, 2008
Time: Approx: 8:45-8:50 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Jackpine Flats.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Fireball in the sky.
Full Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian, this event is probably related to the shooting down of the U.S. satellite last night. I was outside checking on the progression of the lunar eclipse. I was looking away from the eclipse, scanning the night sky further to the right and up of Orion's belt (there are probably better reference points but I'm not very good at astronomy - I've also refrained from using compass directions as I'm unsure if I have them right. Sorry!) I suddenly saw what looked like an orange fireball, far off in the sky, like a shooting star but larger than usual, heading right to left for a short distance until it disappeared. The whole event only took a second or two and I was just lucky to be looking in the right area when it happened. My husband who was outside with me missed it as by the time I pointed it out to him, it was gone. I did not know at that time that the spy satellite had been shot down but we went inside and found out via the internet that it had occurred several hours earlier. I then suddenly realized I should check the time and it was a few minutes past nine. Based on the time given by the military, I think this was too late to have been the fuel tank exploding, and that what I saw was debris hitting our atmosphere and burning up. Thank you for listening.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Gordon Head/Saanich, British Columbia Object Bobbing Around The Sky
Posted: February 21, 2008
Date: February 20, 2008
Time: 11:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Gordon Head/Saanich
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 10-15
Shape of objects: Star-like, possibly ovoid
Full Description of event/sighting: 21-Feb-08.
Brian, I'll start by saying I'm 41 years and have never seen a UFO or like object in my life until now. I'm sure we've all seen weird things in the sky from time to time but I haven't seen anything where I can definitely say for sure. I'll try and give you as much detail as I can so it will be long winded but I certainly hope I'm not the only one that saw the activity. I have looked for them on occasion but last night was a first. After coming home late from a workout I had a shower and was ready to head to bed and looked up at the moon. We had just had a solar eclipse of course and the moon was bright again and just about full. I thought the North Star was exceptionally bright and sparkling and wondered whether the tinges of red were after effects from the eclipse. Then I noticed the star was almost bouncing if you will, like a spider will do on the end of its thread. The more I watched the object the more it bounced like a bobber on the water but it was also moving left to right a little as if it was on the end of a fishing rod, little movements up and down and to the side.
Due to the intense sparkling I couldn't make out a shape of the object, it definitely appeared to be lower in the sky than other stars, maybe even within our atmosphere. After watching for several minutes, I wondered whether to wake my wife up. I wanted another witness to what I was seeing but I had to make sure. I walked out on my sundeck and looked at the object through the one of the large apple trees in my front yard. I needed a stationary object to look at, along with the object in the sky to ensure it was the object that was moving and not the heat from the earth or just my eyes playing tricks. The branches weren't moving as there was no wind and the object was dancing around the branches. Then I looked over by the Big Dipper and noticed a couple more objects. These were higher up, more distant and appeared a little more red, less sparkly but these were also moving.
So I woke my wife up to come have a look and she confirmed that the larger object I was seeing, was moving in the sky slightly, up and down, left to right. The object was not a helicopter, there was no noise, and we have many that fly over our house - both life flight ones and corporate ones (Helijet). Also, this object was moving too quickly up and down, left to right to be a helicopter. Again, it looked like a bobber on the end of a fishing line as if someone was jigging for fish.
I decided to move out to the centre of my deck and have a look at the whole sky. Brian, I could count at least 15 or more of these objects in the sky! All the others were smaller, slightly red, some were moving slightly and a few appeared to be stationary but did not look like stars. I quickly opened up my laptop as I knew the satellite shoot-down was coming up and I saw that the satellite had already been shot down, as it were. My feeling on the sighting; the objects were there in the sky to protect us, or the earth, and were watching, or guarding us. I wasn't scared like I thought I would be, more just in awe.
A couple more details on the object:
. Just as others have reported with "UFOs", the lights on the object appeared to be more intense - the object was distant but the blue, white and red lights coming off the object were so clear!
. After watching the object for over 30 minutes it appeared to come closer, but not as close as I would have liked - any pictures would not have turned out.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: February 20, 2008
Time: 11:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Gordon Head/Saanich
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 10-15
Shape of objects: Star-like, possibly ovoid
Full Description of event/sighting: 21-Feb-08.
Brian, I'll start by saying I'm 41 years and have never seen a UFO or like object in my life until now. I'm sure we've all seen weird things in the sky from time to time but I haven't seen anything where I can definitely say for sure. I'll try and give you as much detail as I can so it will be long winded but I certainly hope I'm not the only one that saw the activity. I have looked for them on occasion but last night was a first. After coming home late from a workout I had a shower and was ready to head to bed and looked up at the moon. We had just had a solar eclipse of course and the moon was bright again and just about full. I thought the North Star was exceptionally bright and sparkling and wondered whether the tinges of red were after effects from the eclipse. Then I noticed the star was almost bouncing if you will, like a spider will do on the end of its thread. The more I watched the object the more it bounced like a bobber on the water but it was also moving left to right a little as if it was on the end of a fishing rod, little movements up and down and to the side.
Due to the intense sparkling I couldn't make out a shape of the object, it definitely appeared to be lower in the sky than other stars, maybe even within our atmosphere. After watching for several minutes, I wondered whether to wake my wife up. I wanted another witness to what I was seeing but I had to make sure. I walked out on my sundeck and looked at the object through the one of the large apple trees in my front yard. I needed a stationary object to look at, along with the object in the sky to ensure it was the object that was moving and not the heat from the earth or just my eyes playing tricks. The branches weren't moving as there was no wind and the object was dancing around the branches. Then I looked over by the Big Dipper and noticed a couple more objects. These were higher up, more distant and appeared a little more red, less sparkly but these were also moving.
So I woke my wife up to come have a look and she confirmed that the larger object I was seeing, was moving in the sky slightly, up and down, left to right. The object was not a helicopter, there was no noise, and we have many that fly over our house - both life flight ones and corporate ones (Helijet). Also, this object was moving too quickly up and down, left to right to be a helicopter. Again, it looked like a bobber on the end of a fishing line as if someone was jigging for fish.
I decided to move out to the centre of my deck and have a look at the whole sky. Brian, I could count at least 15 or more of these objects in the sky! All the others were smaller, slightly red, some were moving slightly and a few appeared to be stationary but did not look like stars. I quickly opened up my laptop as I knew the satellite shoot-down was coming up and I saw that the satellite had already been shot down, as it were. My feeling on the sighting; the objects were there in the sky to protect us, or the earth, and were watching, or guarding us. I wasn't scared like I thought I would be, more just in awe.
A couple more details on the object:
. Just as others have reported with "UFOs", the lights on the object appeared to be more intense - the object was distant but the blue, white and red lights coming off the object were so clear!
. After watching the object for over 30 minutes it appeared to come closer, but not as close as I would have liked - any pictures would not have turned out.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
South Of Peachland, British Columbia Odd Object (Unknown)
Posted: February 20, 2008
Date: February 19, 2008
Time: Approx: 11:12 p.m.
Location of Sighting: South of Peachland.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects:
Full Description of event/sighting: At approx 11:12pm PST I walked on to my balcony and noticed an oddly slow moving but object south east of Peachland at about 5,000-10,000 feet. The white, red and blue colors didn't switch rapidly but more so faded into others and sometimes appeared all at once, neither was more prevalent, but I could notice the white the most (most likely because it's very dark out). The movement of this aircraft also struck me as odd. It would travel in a straight line and appear get closer in distance and it would drift to the right, slightly back to the center, then further left. The closer the craft got, to where I was standing and to the moonlight I could make out that the aircraft was spinning but the pattern didn't appear to be fixed and was slanted on an axis, almost like a top (the children's toy). The lights took on a more blinking effect at this time.
Wasn't an incredible fast moving object but the flight path was like nothing I've ever seen. Upon movement there were no soft arcs but rather very tight changes. I took a video with my camera, my cell phone, and took numerous pictures with both but its hard to say if I captured any of the essence until I get the pictures on my computer tomorrow. I watched the object until 11:45pm as it seemed to disappear abruptly. Update: it's now 12:34am and I went to check on the object and it is now over the mountains east of Peachland, and the only way I can describe the movement is if you tied a tennis ball to a rope, dangled it and slightly swung it in circles keeping the tennis ball parallel to the ground.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: February 19, 2008
Time: Approx: 11:12 p.m.
Location of Sighting: South of Peachland.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects:
Full Description of event/sighting: At approx 11:12pm PST I walked on to my balcony and noticed an oddly slow moving but object south east of Peachland at about 5,000-10,000 feet. The white, red and blue colors didn't switch rapidly but more so faded into others and sometimes appeared all at once, neither was more prevalent, but I could notice the white the most (most likely because it's very dark out). The movement of this aircraft also struck me as odd. It would travel in a straight line and appear get closer in distance and it would drift to the right, slightly back to the center, then further left. The closer the craft got, to where I was standing and to the moonlight I could make out that the aircraft was spinning but the pattern didn't appear to be fixed and was slanted on an axis, almost like a top (the children's toy). The lights took on a more blinking effect at this time.
Wasn't an incredible fast moving object but the flight path was like nothing I've ever seen. Upon movement there were no soft arcs but rather very tight changes. I took a video with my camera, my cell phone, and took numerous pictures with both but its hard to say if I captured any of the essence until I get the pictures on my computer tomorrow. I watched the object until 11:45pm as it seemed to disappear abruptly. Update: it's now 12:34am and I went to check on the object and it is now over the mountains east of Peachland, and the only way I can describe the movement is if you tied a tennis ball to a rope, dangled it and slightly swung it in circles keeping the tennis ball parallel to the ground.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
North Shuswap Lake, British Columbia Object Moving In Circular Pattern
Posted: February 20, 2008
Date: February 20, 2008
Time: 12:31 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Southwestern sky viewed from North Shuswap Lake.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Unknown.
Full Description of event/sighting: An object moving in a very slow circular pattern and blinking/flashing multiple colors in a tight pattern spanning 20 minutes and counting. It remained fixed for some time as viewed through the branches of a tree. It has now descended below the view through the trees estimated distance is difficult, but at least 30 km.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: February 20, 2008
Time: 12:31 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Southwestern sky viewed from North Shuswap Lake.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Unknown.
Full Description of event/sighting: An object moving in a very slow circular pattern and blinking/flashing multiple colors in a tight pattern spanning 20 minutes and counting. It remained fixed for some time as viewed through the branches of a tree. It has now descended below the view through the trees estimated distance is difficult, but at least 30 km.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Central Okanagan (Winfield or near Black Mountain) A Large Orange Ball
Posted: February 19, 2008
Date: February 19, 2008
Time: Approx: 5:30 a.m.
HBCC UFO Research Note: If anyone else any information on this event, would they please write to Brian Vike - Director of HBCC UFO Research with a detailed report.
Hi Brian,
I'm googling like crazy to find someone to pass this on to. Around 5:30 this morning our phone lines lit up with calls from 4 people having seen a large orange ball streaking through the Central Okanagan. Described as south of Winfield or near Black Mountain. The callers (3 men and one woman) all said it appeared to have hit the ground and they saw a green glow that quickly went out. Police and fire have nothing to report.
News Director/Morning Show Co-Host.
Thank you to the Morning Show for sending in the report and information.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: February 19, 2008
Time: Approx: 5:30 a.m.
HBCC UFO Research Note: If anyone else any information on this event, would they please write to Brian Vike - Director of HBCC UFO Research with a detailed report.
Hi Brian,
I'm googling like crazy to find someone to pass this on to. Around 5:30 this morning our phone lines lit up with calls from 4 people having seen a large orange ball streaking through the Central Okanagan. Described as south of Winfield or near Black Mountain. The callers (3 men and one woman) all said it appeared to have hit the ground and they saw a green glow that quickly went out. Police and fire have nothing to report.
News Director/Morning Show Co-Host.
Thank you to the Morning Show for sending in the report and information.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Bridge River, Lillooet, British Columbia - 1966 UFO Sighting (Letter)
Posted: February 17, 2008
Date: 1966
HBCC UFO Research Note: This sighting report I had posted back in 2004 after I received the letter from Sue, I thought it would be nice to post the actually letter Sue sent to me. There are 4 links below so you can read Sue's letter to me. Also I want to point out is that I was given permission to leave Sue's name in, and one other. I have removed another ladies name. I just gave a short bit about what the letter holds, you can read about the entire sighting in at the links provided.
Originally Posted: February 27, 2004
Dear Brian
Winter of 1966, Time 9:00 PM
In 1966, finding myself alone, except for the family cat, Caboodle, after the family breakup and ultimate divorce, I traveled up the Fraser River Canyon to the small village of Lillooet, two hundred road miles north of Vancouver. My former C.O. from my Army days, (name deleted), lived in a mobile home and worked with (name deleted) on her Bridge River-Lillooet News. I joined them, and having spent a month living over The News Office with (name deleted), I learned I could rent a dandy suite overlooking the Fraser River Canyon.
The sliding doors opened onto a wide sun deck. The P.G.E. rails were just beyond the fence at the end of the lot. When the 110 car freigts rumbled by I was face to face with the engineers. I used to try to list the many boxcars, the rolling stock of railroads from all over North America in those pre computer days.
To view all letters:
First Page Of Letter: *Bridge River, Lillooet, British Columbia - 1966 UFO Sighting Letter - Page 1*
Second Page Of Letter: *Bridge River, Lillooet, British Columbia - 1966 UFO Sighting Letter - Page 2*
Third Page Of Letter: *Bridge River, Lillooet, British Columbia - 1966 UFO Sighting Letter - Page 3*
Fourth Page Of Letter: *Bridge River, Lillooet, British Columbia - 1966 UFO Sighting Letter - Page 4*
Thank you so much to Sue for this wonderful sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: 1966
HBCC UFO Research Note: This sighting report I had posted back in 2004 after I received the letter from Sue, I thought it would be nice to post the actually letter Sue sent to me. There are 4 links below so you can read Sue's letter to me. Also I want to point out is that I was given permission to leave Sue's name in, and one other. I have removed another ladies name. I just gave a short bit about what the letter holds, you can read about the entire sighting in at the links provided.
Originally Posted: February 27, 2004
Dear Brian
Winter of 1966, Time 9:00 PM
In 1966, finding myself alone, except for the family cat, Caboodle, after the family breakup and ultimate divorce, I traveled up the Fraser River Canyon to the small village of Lillooet, two hundred road miles north of Vancouver. My former C.O. from my Army days, (name deleted), lived in a mobile home and worked with (name deleted) on her Bridge River-Lillooet News. I joined them, and having spent a month living over The News Office with (name deleted), I learned I could rent a dandy suite overlooking the Fraser River Canyon.
The sliding doors opened onto a wide sun deck. The P.G.E. rails were just beyond the fence at the end of the lot. When the 110 car freigts rumbled by I was face to face with the engineers. I used to try to list the many boxcars, the rolling stock of railroads from all over North America in those pre computer days.
To view all letters:
First Page Of Letter: *Bridge River, Lillooet, British Columbia - 1966 UFO Sighting Letter - Page 1*
Second Page Of Letter: *Bridge River, Lillooet, British Columbia - 1966 UFO Sighting Letter - Page 2*
Third Page Of Letter: *Bridge River, Lillooet, British Columbia - 1966 UFO Sighting Letter - Page 3*
Fourth Page Of Letter: *Bridge River, Lillooet, British Columbia - 1966 UFO Sighting Letter - Page 4*
Thank you so much to Sue for this wonderful sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (16 Paged Faxed RCMP Report)
Posted: February 17, 2008
Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation HBCC UFO Received
September 2001
I have been in contact with CBC Radio News and they have provided the following information.
The area where this took place was between, Falkland and the Chase area in British Columbia. Some horse back riders had found the carcass of the animal (cow) and had contacted the farmer and the RCMP were also informed. There was only one set of tracks leading to the animal, these tracks were left behind by the farmer as he inspected the dead animal. No other tracks were found around the area, leading in or out. After an inspection of the dead animal, there was "no" blood remaining in the animal, no blood found around the scene what so ever, also I was told there was a rectal core was taken from the cowl. The udder was removed, and sexual organs were also missing.
To view the text report I typed up: *Text Report*
For the actual RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) FAXED report which I just scanned and posted, please visit the 16 links to the faxed copies the RCMP sent to me over the mute case.
To view the faxed report please visit the 16 links below, actually documents:
Page 1 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 1*
Page 2 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 2*
Page 3 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 3*
Page 4 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 4*
Page 5 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 5*
Page 6 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 6*
Page 7 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 7*
Page 8 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 8*
Page 9 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 9*
Page 10 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 10*
Page 11 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 11*
Page 12 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 12*
Page 13 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 13*
Page 14 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 14*
Page 15 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 15*
Page 16 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 16*
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation HBCC UFO Received
September 2001
I have been in contact with CBC Radio News and they have provided the following information.
The area where this took place was between, Falkland and the Chase area in British Columbia. Some horse back riders had found the carcass of the animal (cow) and had contacted the farmer and the RCMP were also informed. There was only one set of tracks leading to the animal, these tracks were left behind by the farmer as he inspected the dead animal. No other tracks were found around the area, leading in or out. After an inspection of the dead animal, there was "no" blood remaining in the animal, no blood found around the scene what so ever, also I was told there was a rectal core was taken from the cowl. The udder was removed, and sexual organs were also missing.
To view the text report I typed up: *Text Report*
For the actual RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) FAXED report which I just scanned and posted, please visit the 16 links to the faxed copies the RCMP sent to me over the mute case.
To view the faxed report please visit the 16 links below, actually documents:
Page 1 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 1*
Page 2 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 2*
Page 3 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 3*
Page 4 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 4*
Page 5 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 5*
Page 6 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 6*
Page 7 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 7*
Page 8 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 8*
Page 9 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 9*
Page 10 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 10*
Page 11 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 11*
Page 12 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 12*
Page 13 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 13*
Page 14 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 14*
Page 15 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 15*
Page 16 Of Letter: *Cattle Mute RCMP Investigation Falkland, B.C. (Faxed RCMP Report) - Page 16*
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Nass Valley British Columbia UFO Sighting (Letter And Diagrams)
Posted: February 17, 2008
Date: August or Mid September 1985 Time: approx. 9 - 9.30 p.m.
Hi Brian, It was nice to hear from you. Its a funny thing you know that every time I hear or read about UFO sightings, I wish I would have reported it to someone at the time I saw whatever it was. I pulled out some old records, I believe it was late August or mid September 1985. You see I worked for Lyle Gold and Sons Logging and being that I live in the Nass Valley I used to travel the back road to Cranberry Junction and from there down the highway towards Stewart to the old Vandike Logging camp every Sunday night.
To view the letter and diagrams please visit the following link below, (original letter):
Page 1 Of Letter: *Nass Valley British Columbia UFO Sighting (Letter And Diagrams) - Page 1*
Page 2 Of Letter: *Nass Valley British Columbia UFO Sighting (Letter And Diagrams) - Page 2*
Page 3 Of Letter: *Nass Valley British Columbia UFO Sighting (Letter And Diagrams) - Page 3*
Page 4 Of Letter: *Nass Valley British Columbia UFO Sighting (Letter And Diagrams) - Page 4*
Page 5 Of Letter: *Nass Valley British Columbia UFO Sighting (Letter And Diagrams) - Page 5*
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: August or Mid September 1985 Time: approx. 9 - 9.30 p.m.
Hi Brian, It was nice to hear from you. Its a funny thing you know that every time I hear or read about UFO sightings, I wish I would have reported it to someone at the time I saw whatever it was. I pulled out some old records, I believe it was late August or mid September 1985. You see I worked for Lyle Gold and Sons Logging and being that I live in the Nass Valley I used to travel the back road to Cranberry Junction and from there down the highway towards Stewart to the old Vandike Logging camp every Sunday night.
To view the letter and diagrams please visit the following link below, (original letter):
Page 1 Of Letter: *Nass Valley British Columbia UFO Sighting (Letter And Diagrams) - Page 1*
Page 2 Of Letter: *Nass Valley British Columbia UFO Sighting (Letter And Diagrams) - Page 2*
Page 3 Of Letter: *Nass Valley British Columbia UFO Sighting (Letter And Diagrams) - Page 3*
Page 4 Of Letter: *Nass Valley British Columbia UFO Sighting (Letter And Diagrams) - Page 4*
Page 5 Of Letter: *Nass Valley British Columbia UFO Sighting (Letter And Diagrams) - Page 5*
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Hudson Bay Mountain Smithers British Columbia Two Objects (Letter)
Posted: February 17, 2008
The report I have added here is in the form of a letter which was faxed to me from eyewitnesses in Smithers, B.C. A entire family watched two UFO hovering and moving very slowly over the Hudson Bay mountain in Smithers, British Columbia on Saturday, June 1, 2002 at 11:00 p.m.
I did drive out to visit the folks and met a wonderful family at their home. You will read about the report and also a diagram the witnesses drew up on the letter as well.
To view the letter and diagram please visit the 1 link below, (original letter faxed to HBCC UFO Research):
Page 1 Of Letter: *Hudson Bay Mountain Smithers British Columbia Two Objects (Letter And Diagram) - Page 1*

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
The report I have added here is in the form of a letter which was faxed to me from eyewitnesses in Smithers, B.C. A entire family watched two UFO hovering and moving very slowly over the Hudson Bay mountain in Smithers, British Columbia on Saturday, June 1, 2002 at 11:00 p.m.
I did drive out to visit the folks and met a wonderful family at their home. You will read about the report and also a diagram the witnesses drew up on the letter as well.
To view the letter and diagram please visit the 1 link below, (original letter faxed to HBCC UFO Research):
Page 1 Of Letter: *Hudson Bay Mountain Smithers British Columbia Two Objects (Letter And Diagram) - Page 1*

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Granisle, British Columbia More Witnesses To Ongoing UFO And Strange Activity
Posted: February 17, 2008
Date: November 29 to December 19, 2007 Time: Everyday between 5:00 p.m. - 3:00 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Above and around Babine Lake. Number of witnesses: Depends on which day of observation. Number of objects: Depends. Shape of objects: Disc, and slender shaped flashing objects.
HBCC UFO Research Note: In the report the eyewitness mentions about not disclosing his or her personal information to me at this time. I can't stress enough that here at HBCC UFO Research a witnesses private information is ever given out to anyone. It stays here with me and me only.
Full Description of event/sighting: Mr. Vike, I am not comfortable telling my name at this particular point in time. There are unbelievably weird things going on here and I wish to obtain a sense of being taken seriously if you will, before I expose personal information. I have lived in this town for almost 15 years, never before have I believed or wanted to believe in "extra terrestrials, or UFOs", but lately, I've seen things, lights in the sky, shadows of abnormal things. I know this is to report UFO sightings but I believe I've seen more then UFOs.
There is another family here (Granisle) that have been in contact with you quit a bit. I'm good friends with these folks, they are not lying to you. I've seen lights in the sky everyday towards the eastern side of the lake. At first I was convinced these were logging trucks, but as these lights have continued to appear I have began to realize and tell myself almost exclusively, if that's the right word, logging trucks cannot fly, hover or dart back in forth through the sky at amazing speeds.
I've seen lights almost everyday for 3 weeks, the women that was writing to you about a picture her daughter had taken, she's not lying. You can clearly make out a figure, an abnormal figure. One I believe I've seen before on December 12, 2007. I was at home, it was roughly one o'clock am and I was beginning to get ready for bed. I was standing in my kitchen when I caught a glimpse of something in a thicket of trees standing behind my house. Now Mr. Vike before I confess what I saw, I'm asking you, please be understanding and as much as you may not want to believe me, there was something there. At first I thought it was a child, then I realized the time. No parent in there right mind would let a small child be out this late, no child would want to be out this late. For these reasons I have come to believe I was being observed. Lately I've had odd feeling of being watched, this may seem like BS, but I believe I have a good sense of being able to tell when someone (or in this case, something) is watching me. As for the lights, I've observed them almost everyday with the family that writes to you. Up until now I have refused to contact you about what I've seen, but these lights aren't normal and I'm afraid. I am only writing to you because I have been urged to do so. The lights I saw were flashing red and yellow discs. I've observed them through telescope and binoculars. I appreciatively ask you to email me as soon as possible with your analysis, please and thank you. I'll be waiting for your reply.
Thank you to the witness for their report. Seems Granisle, British Columbia is some active UFO area right now for some reason I cannot figure out.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: November 29 to December 19, 2007 Time: Everyday between 5:00 p.m. - 3:00 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Above and around Babine Lake. Number of witnesses: Depends on which day of observation. Number of objects: Depends. Shape of objects: Disc, and slender shaped flashing objects.
HBCC UFO Research Note: In the report the eyewitness mentions about not disclosing his or her personal information to me at this time. I can't stress enough that here at HBCC UFO Research a witnesses private information is ever given out to anyone. It stays here with me and me only.
Full Description of event/sighting: Mr. Vike, I am not comfortable telling my name at this particular point in time. There are unbelievably weird things going on here and I wish to obtain a sense of being taken seriously if you will, before I expose personal information. I have lived in this town for almost 15 years, never before have I believed or wanted to believe in "extra terrestrials, or UFOs", but lately, I've seen things, lights in the sky, shadows of abnormal things. I know this is to report UFO sightings but I believe I've seen more then UFOs.
There is another family here (Granisle) that have been in contact with you quit a bit. I'm good friends with these folks, they are not lying to you. I've seen lights in the sky everyday towards the eastern side of the lake. At first I was convinced these were logging trucks, but as these lights have continued to appear I have began to realize and tell myself almost exclusively, if that's the right word, logging trucks cannot fly, hover or dart back in forth through the sky at amazing speeds.
I've seen lights almost everyday for 3 weeks, the women that was writing to you about a picture her daughter had taken, she's not lying. You can clearly make out a figure, an abnormal figure. One I believe I've seen before on December 12, 2007. I was at home, it was roughly one o'clock am and I was beginning to get ready for bed. I was standing in my kitchen when I caught a glimpse of something in a thicket of trees standing behind my house. Now Mr. Vike before I confess what I saw, I'm asking you, please be understanding and as much as you may not want to believe me, there was something there. At first I thought it was a child, then I realized the time. No parent in there right mind would let a small child be out this late, no child would want to be out this late. For these reasons I have come to believe I was being observed. Lately I've had odd feeling of being watched, this may seem like BS, but I believe I have a good sense of being able to tell when someone (or in this case, something) is watching me. As for the lights, I've observed them almost everyday with the family that writes to you. Up until now I have refused to contact you about what I've seen, but these lights aren't normal and I'm afraid. I am only writing to you because I have been urged to do so. The lights I saw were flashing red and yellow discs. I've observed them through telescope and binoculars. I appreciatively ask you to email me as soon as possible with your analysis, please and thank you. I'll be waiting for your reply.
Thank you to the witness for their report. Seems Granisle, British Columbia is some active UFO area right now for some reason I cannot figure out.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Richmond, British Columbia Lights In The Sky
Posted: February 17, 2008
Date: December 20, 2007 Time: Evening.
HBCC UFO Research Note: The below report came in to me through the submissions portion of the website, which leaves the eyewitness anonymous even to myself, so I do not have the witnesses email address to reply to them.
My co worker and I were getting off work warming are vehicles when I noticed a very bright light in a clear sky. I told my coworker too look and he seen it too. The light would come on for five seconds then go out. Then the light appeared in a different part of the sky then went out. Then it appeared again in a different place, went out and that was it. I have never seen nothing like it. I have lived around the airport in Richmond just about my whole life and I know it was no plane or helicopter. The only reason I left this message is I was watching the "Island A News" and they had someone on there that took pictures and videos of lights in the sky that looked the same, so I tried too find it on the internet and found this site.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 20, 2007 Time: Evening.
HBCC UFO Research Note: The below report came in to me through the submissions portion of the website, which leaves the eyewitness anonymous even to myself, so I do not have the witnesses email address to reply to them.
My co worker and I were getting off work warming are vehicles when I noticed a very bright light in a clear sky. I told my coworker too look and he seen it too. The light would come on for five seconds then go out. Then the light appeared in a different part of the sky then went out. Then it appeared again in a different place, went out and that was it. I have never seen nothing like it. I have lived around the airport in Richmond just about my whole life and I know it was no plane or helicopter. The only reason I left this message is I was watching the "Island A News" and they had someone on there that took pictures and videos of lights in the sky that looked the same, so I tried too find it on the internet and found this site.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Prince George, British Columbia A Ball Of Light
Posted: February 17, 2008
Date: December 21, 2007 Time: Approx: 5:00 p.m.
HBCC UFO Research Note: This below sighting came in through submission for your site, which leaves the eyewitness anonymous to even myself. Hello Brian, It is Grandma (name removed) here from Prince George. I have thought about this so I've decided to send it to you. I was coming home from College Heights on that Friday evening around 5ish, when I happened to see a very large very bright light up in the sky between two trees. I decided to pull over to see if it was a plane but it was not moving, it was like looking at a big street light only very, very white and bright. I took my eyes off of it for about 10 seconds as there was a car coming up behind me so he passed me and I looked back up and it was on the other side of the two trees and then it was just gone. It wasn't a plane, that thing was huge. Anyways Happy New Year to you.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 21, 2007 Time: Approx: 5:00 p.m.
HBCC UFO Research Note: This below sighting came in through submission for your site, which leaves the eyewitness anonymous to even myself. Hello Brian, It is Grandma (name removed) here from Prince George. I have thought about this so I've decided to send it to you. I was coming home from College Heights on that Friday evening around 5ish, when I happened to see a very large very bright light up in the sky between two trees. I decided to pull over to see if it was a plane but it was not moving, it was like looking at a big street light only very, very white and bright. I took my eyes off of it for about 10 seconds as there was a car coming up behind me so he passed me and I looked back up and it was on the other side of the two trees and then it was just gone. It wasn't a plane, that thing was huge. Anyways Happy New Year to you.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
South Vancouver, British Columbia A Loud Energetic Whirring Sound
Posted: February 17, 2008
Date: December 29, 2007 Time: 6:00 a.m.
Location of Sighting: south Vancouver Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 0 Shape of objects: Not applicable.
Full Description of event/sighting: A very loud, energetic whirring sound that did not display a Doppler shift. Sounded as if it was directly above my apartment building. I am on the 10th floor. Lasted for about 15 - 20 seconds. It woke me up.
I live 10km away from the Vancouver Airport, but this did not sound at all like an airplane. As I said, it also had no Doppler shift, indicating the source was stationary. Then suddenly, the sound slowly disappeared.
Has anyone ever reported a sound like this?
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 29, 2007 Time: 6:00 a.m.
Location of Sighting: south Vancouver Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 0 Shape of objects: Not applicable.
Full Description of event/sighting: A very loud, energetic whirring sound that did not display a Doppler shift. Sounded as if it was directly above my apartment building. I am on the 10th floor. Lasted for about 15 - 20 seconds. It woke me up.
I live 10km away from the Vancouver Airport, but this did not sound at all like an airplane. As I said, it also had no Doppler shift, indicating the source was stationary. Then suddenly, the sound slowly disappeared.
Has anyone ever reported a sound like this?
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
30 Minutes West Of McBride, British Columbia Unidentified Creature ?
Posted: February 17, 2008
Date: December 2007
HBCC UFO Research would like to request that if anyone might have some ideas of what this creature may have been, would you please write to me with your ideas. I have lived here all of my life, or in B.C. and heard of some strange stories of unusual animals roaming the McBride, British Columbia area, but haven't personally received an eyewitness account.
My wife's uncle was on his way home from Fort MacMurray to meet up with the rest of his family for Christmas and saw a strange animal approx. 30 min west of McBride. After he described it to me, I said "ok, what's the punchline" but he assured me that what he saw was real (he studied it for 25min or so) and had only mentioned it to me as he is very curious as to what he saw and knows that I spend a great deal of time in the outdoors. I told him I would put the description on HBCC and see what kind of ideas would be presented (I was drawing a blank.)
Here's the story. He said it was pretty snowy, so he was driving slow, and noticed an animal on the shoulder of the road. Thinking it was a moose, he came to a stop and couldn't believe what he saw. At approximately 20 feet in front of his truck was a big black bear sized animal (roughly 400 lbs or so) with a shape similar to that of a huge wolf. It was black with white or silver tips along his back and had hair that he guessed would be at least a foot long. He had about a 3 to 4 foot long tail that was roughly a foot in diameter and was very fluffy. He had a dark brown, oval, blunt face with rounded ears similar to a bear but had strange teeth clearly visible outside of its' gums. It had a very pronounced shoulder hump and a swayed back, long legs and stood roughly 4 to 5 feet at the shoulder and was approx. 8 feet long (overall length). He said the feet (and tracks as he later investigated) were sort of a mix between a bear and a wolf and had very large claws - larger than any grizzly he had ever seen and were widely spaced.
He said that it moved so slowly across the road to the opposite ditch that the whole process took around 25 minutes. He said it was really "sloth" like. Unfortunately he didn't have a camera so he has no evidence of what he saw.
I jokingly asked what he had been smoking prior to his road trip (even though he is not that type) but he assured me that he was fully coherent and was not making the story up. He has lived all over Canada, is an avid hunter, has seen 200+ pound wolves in the Yukon, numerous grizzlies, black bears, cougars etc. but couldn't even come close to identifying what species this creature was.
Anyway, I was stumped. I've held up my end of the bargain by posting the description on here so I will ask all of you what he asked me...."ever seen anything like that?"
Thank you to the person for the really interesting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 2007
HBCC UFO Research would like to request that if anyone might have some ideas of what this creature may have been, would you please write to me with your ideas. I have lived here all of my life, or in B.C. and heard of some strange stories of unusual animals roaming the McBride, British Columbia area, but haven't personally received an eyewitness account.
My wife's uncle was on his way home from Fort MacMurray to meet up with the rest of his family for Christmas and saw a strange animal approx. 30 min west of McBride. After he described it to me, I said "ok, what's the punchline" but he assured me that what he saw was real (he studied it for 25min or so) and had only mentioned it to me as he is very curious as to what he saw and knows that I spend a great deal of time in the outdoors. I told him I would put the description on HBCC and see what kind of ideas would be presented (I was drawing a blank.)
Here's the story. He said it was pretty snowy, so he was driving slow, and noticed an animal on the shoulder of the road. Thinking it was a moose, he came to a stop and couldn't believe what he saw. At approximately 20 feet in front of his truck was a big black bear sized animal (roughly 400 lbs or so) with a shape similar to that of a huge wolf. It was black with white or silver tips along his back and had hair that he guessed would be at least a foot long. He had about a 3 to 4 foot long tail that was roughly a foot in diameter and was very fluffy. He had a dark brown, oval, blunt face with rounded ears similar to a bear but had strange teeth clearly visible outside of its' gums. It had a very pronounced shoulder hump and a swayed back, long legs and stood roughly 4 to 5 feet at the shoulder and was approx. 8 feet long (overall length). He said the feet (and tracks as he later investigated) were sort of a mix between a bear and a wolf and had very large claws - larger than any grizzly he had ever seen and were widely spaced.
He said that it moved so slowly across the road to the opposite ditch that the whole process took around 25 minutes. He said it was really "sloth" like. Unfortunately he didn't have a camera so he has no evidence of what he saw.
I jokingly asked what he had been smoking prior to his road trip (even though he is not that type) but he assured me that he was fully coherent and was not making the story up. He has lived all over Canada, is an avid hunter, has seen 200+ pound wolves in the Yukon, numerous grizzlies, black bears, cougars etc. but couldn't even come close to identifying what species this creature was.
Anyway, I was stumped. I've held up my end of the bargain by posting the description on here so I will ask all of you what he asked me...."ever seen anything like that?"
Thank you to the person for the really interesting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Green Flash - Effecting Power In Ladysmith British Columbia
Posted: February 17, 2008
Date: December 2007 (Approx: date) Time: Evening.
Hi Brian, You have heard from me before, and since my last story I have checked your website a couple times a week to see what else is going on in the world. Well, today I read a story very similar to something a friend and I once saw about a months ago. We had also seen a green illuminating flash! I live in Ladysmith B.C., my friend and I were down at the beach on night last month. We were planning to take a walk but the wind was too intense. So we sat in the car and hung out in there while listening to music. Suddenly, all the lights and power at the beach went out. At the exact same moment there was the green flash! It looked like it had come from the direction of the water.
I was so wierded out, I wanted to go right away. As we were driving off we got back into town and the power by then was back on. So we stopped at a gas station to buy some snacks. I was the only one of us who went in. But I saw a friend of mine in there so I decided to tell her what we had seen. The man in front of me turned around with a nervous look on his face and said his daughter had just come back from the beach and had seen the very same thing! She was also a little disturbed by it.
The next day, I spoke to some friends of mine. The first one said their power went out. But not the lights. It was just the electricity it seemed. The second friend said their power was flickering in their house. I knew the town would blame it all on the wind. But when the wind blows and the power is related, the power shuts off completely. And this time, it was not the case. It was all too strange and I am sure the strange green flash was connected. Any way, thank you for listening.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: December 2007 (Approx: date) Time: Evening.
Hi Brian, You have heard from me before, and since my last story I have checked your website a couple times a week to see what else is going on in the world. Well, today I read a story very similar to something a friend and I once saw about a months ago. We had also seen a green illuminating flash! I live in Ladysmith B.C., my friend and I were down at the beach on night last month. We were planning to take a walk but the wind was too intense. So we sat in the car and hung out in there while listening to music. Suddenly, all the lights and power at the beach went out. At the exact same moment there was the green flash! It looked like it had come from the direction of the water.
I was so wierded out, I wanted to go right away. As we were driving off we got back into town and the power by then was back on. So we stopped at a gas station to buy some snacks. I was the only one of us who went in. But I saw a friend of mine in there so I decided to tell her what we had seen. The man in front of me turned around with a nervous look on his face and said his daughter had just come back from the beach and had seen the very same thing! She was also a little disturbed by it.
The next day, I spoke to some friends of mine. The first one said their power went out. But not the lights. It was just the electricity it seemed. The second friend said their power was flickering in their house. I knew the town would blame it all on the wind. But when the wind blows and the power is related, the power shuts off completely. And this time, it was not the case. It was all too strange and I am sure the strange green flash was connected. Any way, thank you for listening.
Thank you to the witness for the report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Over Vernon, British Columbia Object Streaks Through The Sky
Posted: February 17, 2008
Date: November 3, 2007 Time: 4:10 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Over Vernon, B.C. Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Point of amber light.
Full Description of event/sighting: A very bright amber/blond 'point' of light streaked from the north to the south over Vernon in the North Eastern sky, button hooked 180 degrees and streaked from the south to the north. The path was a very narrow horizontal "U" shape. The entire duration of the sighting was less than 2 seconds. This object was very fast and made no noise. There was some very thin cloud cover over the valley this morning, and the object was clearly below the clouds.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Would you like to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Report) If so and have an interesting UFO or Sasquatch story to relate, please drop Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research a line with the information, please include your telephone number so I can make arrangements for the interview. Please note that HBCC UFO Research does not ever give out anyone's private information to anyone.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Also advertise your product with HBCC UFO Research, all advertising funds go directly to a new toll free UFO reporting hotline.
Details on how to Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters*
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. *The Vike Report Eyewitness UFO Radio Show*
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. *Vike Report Radio Show Blog*
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: November 3, 2007 Time: 4:10 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Over Vernon, B.C. Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Point of amber light.
Full Description of event/sighting: A very bright amber/blond 'point' of light streaked from the north to the south over Vernon in the North Eastern sky, button hooked 180 degrees and streaked from the south to the north. The path was a very narrow horizontal "U" shape. The entire duration of the sighting was less than 2 seconds. This object was very fast and made no noise. There was some very thin cloud cover over the valley this morning, and the object was clearly below the clouds.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Would you like to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Report) If so and have an interesting UFO or Sasquatch story to relate, please drop Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research a line with the information, please include your telephone number so I can make arrangements for the interview. Please note that HBCC UFO Research does not ever give out anyone's private information to anyone.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Also advertise your product with HBCC UFO Research, all advertising funds go directly to a new toll free UFO reporting hotline.
Details on how to Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters*
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. *The Vike Report Eyewitness UFO Radio Show*
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. *Vike Report Radio Show Blog*
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Victoria, British Columbia Round/Disc Shaped Craft
Posted: February 17, 2008
Date: November 2007 (?) Time: Approx: 10:30 p.m.
The other evening, same time, about 10:30 pacific time, I was looking out the window, looking at my very urban lack of a view, and I saw that I at first thought to be a grey/female seagull, floating on the wind. Riding the wind, because the wings were not moving. This however was close, very close, about 30-40 feet away, and not very high. As my eye followed the "gull" I noticed that it did not move as a bird should, it did not flap its wings to stay afloat, it remained at the same altitude with this eerie kind of movement, the best word to describe it would be stealth. I imagine that if you looked up, directly above it, it may appear invisible.
So as I realized that it was a craft of some sort, my heart began to beat faster, naturally, and it moved out of sight. It was dark, it had no lights, it was practically invisible, but it was round shaped, kind of flat, like a disc; although I am not completely sure of its shape. I am sure that it was something observing the movements of the planet, or perhaps our species. Each night I look to the night and I feel different, as if something is watching me. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not at all paranoid, or nuts. I am just more aware of the fact that something is there, something is observing me, all of us. But the question I wonder is why? And will we ever get the opportunity to discover the secrets of the universe, the world of another planet and the truths of our own ?
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Would you like to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Report) If so and have an interesting UFO or Sasquatch story to relate, please drop Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research a line with the information, please include your telephone number so I can make arrangements for the interview. Please note that HBCC UFO Research does not ever give out anyone's private information to anyone.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Also advertise your product with HBCC UFO Research, all advertising funds go directly to a new toll free UFO reporting hotline.
Details on how to Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters*
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. *The Vike Report Eyewitness UFO Radio Show*
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. *Vike Report Radio Show Blog*
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: November 2007 (?) Time: Approx: 10:30 p.m.
The other evening, same time, about 10:30 pacific time, I was looking out the window, looking at my very urban lack of a view, and I saw that I at first thought to be a grey/female seagull, floating on the wind. Riding the wind, because the wings were not moving. This however was close, very close, about 30-40 feet away, and not very high. As my eye followed the "gull" I noticed that it did not move as a bird should, it did not flap its wings to stay afloat, it remained at the same altitude with this eerie kind of movement, the best word to describe it would be stealth. I imagine that if you looked up, directly above it, it may appear invisible.
So as I realized that it was a craft of some sort, my heart began to beat faster, naturally, and it moved out of sight. It was dark, it had no lights, it was practically invisible, but it was round shaped, kind of flat, like a disc; although I am not completely sure of its shape. I am sure that it was something observing the movements of the planet, or perhaps our species. Each night I look to the night and I feel different, as if something is watching me. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not at all paranoid, or nuts. I am just more aware of the fact that something is there, something is observing me, all of us. But the question I wonder is why? And will we ever get the opportunity to discover the secrets of the universe, the world of another planet and the truths of our own ?
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Would you like to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Report) If so and have an interesting UFO or Sasquatch story to relate, please drop Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research a line with the information, please include your telephone number so I can make arrangements for the interview. Please note that HBCC UFO Research does not ever give out anyone's private information to anyone.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Also advertise your product with HBCC UFO Research, all advertising funds go directly to a new toll free UFO reporting hotline.
Details on how to Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters*
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. *The Vike Report Eyewitness UFO Radio Show*
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. *Vike Report Radio Show Blog*
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Kelowna, British Columbia Bright Light At Times Flashing Red (Disappears)
Posted: February 17, 2008
Date: November 10, 2007 Time: 5:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Kelowna. Number of witnesses: 2 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Flat and round.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was out on my balcony this particular evening and it was getting dark. There is a big mountain right behind my house. I saw a bright white light and it wasn't moving, just kind of hovering. A few times a red light flashed and then remained solid.
It did not seem to move at all, and there was no sound, then it started to slowly move to the left and then got faster. It then disappeared, which I found odd because the only place it could have gone was inside the mountain which was impossible. For the position it was in I cannot think of one thing to explain this.
During this time I called my daughter to come and see it and she came out and saw the whole thing as well. It's weird but the thought never crossed my mind to grab a camera. This all took place in about 4-5 minutes and I was mesmerized.
This object was not a plane or helicopter, it was too close to me and there was no sound whatsoever.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Would you like to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Report) If so and have an interesting UFO or Sasquatch story to relate, please drop Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research a line with the information, please include your telephone number so I can make arrangements for the interview. Please note that HBCC UFO Research does not ever give out anyone's private information to anyone.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Also advertise your product with HBCC UFO Research, all advertising funds go directly to a new toll free UFO reporting hotline.
Details on how to Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters*
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. *The Vike Report Eyewitness UFO Radio Show*
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. *Vike Report Radio Show Blog*
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: November 10, 2007 Time: 5:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Kelowna. Number of witnesses: 2 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Flat and round.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was out on my balcony this particular evening and it was getting dark. There is a big mountain right behind my house. I saw a bright white light and it wasn't moving, just kind of hovering. A few times a red light flashed and then remained solid.
It did not seem to move at all, and there was no sound, then it started to slowly move to the left and then got faster. It then disappeared, which I found odd because the only place it could have gone was inside the mountain which was impossible. For the position it was in I cannot think of one thing to explain this.
During this time I called my daughter to come and see it and she came out and saw the whole thing as well. It's weird but the thought never crossed my mind to grab a camera. This all took place in about 4-5 minutes and I was mesmerized.
This object was not a plane or helicopter, it was too close to me and there was no sound whatsoever.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Would you like to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Report) If so and have an interesting UFO or Sasquatch story to relate, please drop Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research a line with the information, please include your telephone number so I can make arrangements for the interview. Please note that HBCC UFO Research does not ever give out anyone's private information to anyone.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Also advertise your product with HBCC UFO Research, all advertising funds go directly to a new toll free UFO reporting hotline.
Details on how to Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters*
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. *The Vike Report Eyewitness UFO Radio Show*
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. *Vike Report Radio Show Blog*
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Moving Orb At Top Of Burnaby Mountain (Over SFU)
Posted: February 17, 2008
Date: November 17, 2007 Time: Approx: 11:00 p.m.
Last night around 11:00 PM, I saw a glowing, round object suddenly appear high above the trees, and then head downward on an angle, to somewhere behind the trees. (That was it! Gone in about 4 seconds.) It's size was about 3 or 4 times the size of Venus. There was no sound, and no vapor or smoke trail visible against a fairly clear sky.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: November 17, 2007 Time: Approx: 11:00 p.m.
Last night around 11:00 PM, I saw a glowing, round object suddenly appear high above the trees, and then head downward on an angle, to somewhere behind the trees. (That was it! Gone in about 4 seconds.) It's size was about 3 or 4 times the size of Venus. There was no sound, and no vapor or smoke trail visible against a fairly clear sky.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Victoria B.C. Or South Vancouver Island - Heard A Small Explosion
Posted: February 17, 2008
Date: November 27, 2007 Time: Between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m.
HBCC UFO Research Note: If anyone reading the below report who resides on Vancouver Island possible heard the small explosion would you please be kind enough to let me know here at HBCC UFO Research. Thank you, Brian.
Message: Hi Brian, I'm wondering if you've had any reports of some type of small explosion over Victoria B.C or south Vancouver Island. Yesterday afternoon (between 3 and 4 P.M.) we had sunshine as well as an assortment of clouds in the sky. My husband and I were driving north in the city and I noticed a very strange cloud to the north east. All the clouds were white except this one. It was dark grey, very long and narrow. Actually it looked like a very low dark jet trail. It was well below the other clouds and even appeared to have come through one of the white clouds. However it was the northern end of the cloud that really caught my attention. It abruptly widened out with a narrower grey band continuing on for a short distance. The best comparison I can think of is of a very fast rock entering water. I'm sure you've seen photographs of objects that come to an abrupt stop and spray goes sideways and backwards but not at all forward. Only the moving object continues for a short distance. Another description that comes to mind is a picture of a bullet passing through a wall. The bullet continues but the debris goes sideways and back. I hope you can visualize what I am describing. If I was not so computer illiterate I would send you a sketch (picture worth a thousand words!)
I watched the cloud for several minutes until we stopped at a shopping centre. It was dissipating rapidly although none of the nearby clouds were changing at all. By the time I finished shopping it was completely gone but the white clouds were still there.
My husband agreed he had never seen a cloud like that before. As he spends a lot of time sailing he does keep an eye on the sky.
It might have been space debris, a very small meteorite or an unusual cloud formation. In any case I feel lucky to have seen it but wish I'd had a camera! Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: November 27, 2007 Time: Between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m.
HBCC UFO Research Note: If anyone reading the below report who resides on Vancouver Island possible heard the small explosion would you please be kind enough to let me know here at HBCC UFO Research. Thank you, Brian.
Message: Hi Brian, I'm wondering if you've had any reports of some type of small explosion over Victoria B.C or south Vancouver Island. Yesterday afternoon (between 3 and 4 P.M.) we had sunshine as well as an assortment of clouds in the sky. My husband and I were driving north in the city and I noticed a very strange cloud to the north east. All the clouds were white except this one. It was dark grey, very long and narrow. Actually it looked like a very low dark jet trail. It was well below the other clouds and even appeared to have come through one of the white clouds. However it was the northern end of the cloud that really caught my attention. It abruptly widened out with a narrower grey band continuing on for a short distance. The best comparison I can think of is of a very fast rock entering water. I'm sure you've seen photographs of objects that come to an abrupt stop and spray goes sideways and backwards but not at all forward. Only the moving object continues for a short distance. Another description that comes to mind is a picture of a bullet passing through a wall. The bullet continues but the debris goes sideways and back. I hope you can visualize what I am describing. If I was not so computer illiterate I would send you a sketch (picture worth a thousand words!)
I watched the cloud for several minutes until we stopped at a shopping centre. It was dissipating rapidly although none of the nearby clouds were changing at all. By the time I finished shopping it was completely gone but the white clouds were still there.
My husband agreed he had never seen a cloud like that before. As he spends a lot of time sailing he does keep an eye on the sky.
It might have been space debris, a very small meteorite or an unusual cloud formation. In any case I feel lucky to have seen it but wish I'd had a camera! Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Possible UFO Landing - Granisle Hwy, British Columbia
Posted: February 17, 2008
Date: November 29, 2007 Time: 7:00 p.m.
Breaking News: December 2, 2007 I spoke to a witnesses sister not long ago who told me that her brother witnessed what one would call a "Mothership" and 6 other UFO craft zipping around the sky. The main Cigar shaped craft sat stationary, or hovering for approx: 4 hours, this taking place in Hazelton, BC ! This all on November 29, 2007 and of course the evening's major event in Granisle, British Columbia following on the same day. This is a "Major" UFO event that took place here in the Pacific Northwest in British Columbia. Numerous witnesses to parts of the November 29th's UFO event ! I will be speaking to the sister's brother shortly.
Update: December 2, 2007 I have talked to witnessed and have their story on what they saw. Also there was another witness who saw a blue flash of light which lit up the entire area before the main sighting which I speak about here, this was seen much earlier in the day. Also I have just heard from a witness from Telkwa, B.C. wou witnessed a green flash of light as they were driving home. This happened on the same night around the same time (7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.) Somewhere between the two times.
Another Update - December 2, 2007 More witnesses found for the flash of light, also information just came in over a sighting of a "Cigar Shaped UFO" over Hazelton, BC on November 29, 2007, this sighting was in the morning.
Also I just found out about more "disk" shaped craft being seen over the Granisle, British Columbia area, UFOs also moving in and out of Babine Lake and alien encounters. Getting very interesting gang. I have almost the report written up and just may hold off from posting until I hear back from another witness and the media as they may have had some calls on these events as well.
HBCC UFO Research Note: I received an email this morning, November 30, 2007 from a resident of Granisle, British Columbia which is a 45 minute drive east and then north from me here in Houston, British Columbia. So this is close. Without giving anything away as for detail on this case as I am waiting to hear back from the witness who wrote to me. There were 3 eyewitnesses who watched a very interesting event last night, November 29, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. on the Granisle Hwy. I have been on the telephone as soon as I received the email from the witness with the RCMP and LDM which is the Highways department asking if there were any accidents last night on the 29th at around 7:00 p.m. or road maintenance. So far nothing had happened on the highway last night according to the RCMP and LDM.
Anyway, I am waiting to speak to the one witness, also waiting to see where exactly this took place so I can head out to have a look around the area. The roads are a bit of a nightmare, but one can just drive slowly. I would also be trying to speak to the other two eyewitnesses as well.
Will post everything once I do the interviews, etc. Also in the meantime, if anyone has any information of this unusual event that took place on the Granisle Hwy here in British Columbia, please feel free to contact me with the details.
Just making the call to the eyewitness now as they provided their phone number to me.
Thank you. Brian Vike - Director of HBCC UFO Research.
Date: November 29, 2007 Time: 7:00 p.m.
Breaking News: December 2, 2007 I spoke to a witnesses sister not long ago who told me that her brother witnessed what one would call a "Mothership" and 6 other UFO craft zipping around the sky. The main Cigar shaped craft sat stationary, or hovering for approx: 4 hours, this taking place in Hazelton, BC ! This all on November 29, 2007 and of course the evening's major event in Granisle, British Columbia following on the same day. This is a "Major" UFO event that took place here in the Pacific Northwest in British Columbia. Numerous witnesses to parts of the November 29th's UFO event ! I will be speaking to the sister's brother shortly.
Update: December 2, 2007 I have talked to witnessed and have their story on what they saw. Also there was another witness who saw a blue flash of light which lit up the entire area before the main sighting which I speak about here, this was seen much earlier in the day. Also I have just heard from a witness from Telkwa, B.C. wou witnessed a green flash of light as they were driving home. This happened on the same night around the same time (7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.) Somewhere between the two times.
Another Update - December 2, 2007 More witnesses found for the flash of light, also information just came in over a sighting of a "Cigar Shaped UFO" over Hazelton, BC on November 29, 2007, this sighting was in the morning.
Also I just found out about more "disk" shaped craft being seen over the Granisle, British Columbia area, UFOs also moving in and out of Babine Lake and alien encounters. Getting very interesting gang. I have almost the report written up and just may hold off from posting until I hear back from another witness and the media as they may have had some calls on these events as well.
HBCC UFO Research Note: I received an email this morning, November 30, 2007 from a resident of Granisle, British Columbia which is a 45 minute drive east and then north from me here in Houston, British Columbia. So this is close. Without giving anything away as for detail on this case as I am waiting to hear back from the witness who wrote to me. There were 3 eyewitnesses who watched a very interesting event last night, November 29, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. on the Granisle Hwy. I have been on the telephone as soon as I received the email from the witness with the RCMP and LDM which is the Highways department asking if there were any accidents last night on the 29th at around 7:00 p.m. or road maintenance. So far nothing had happened on the highway last night according to the RCMP and LDM.
Anyway, I am waiting to speak to the one witness, also waiting to see where exactly this took place so I can head out to have a look around the area. The roads are a bit of a nightmare, but one can just drive slowly. I would also be trying to speak to the other two eyewitnesses as well.
Will post everything once I do the interviews, etc. Also in the meantime, if anyone has any information of this unusual event that took place on the Granisle Hwy here in British Columbia, please feel free to contact me with the details.
Just making the call to the eyewitness now as they provided their phone number to me.
Thank you. Brian Vike - Director of HBCC UFO Research.
Hazelton, British Columbia UFO Sighting
Posted: February 17, 2008
Before I write down the eyewitness account of what was seen, I should note that the sister of the witness wrote an email to me over the event. She lives down on the lower mainland outside of Vancouver, B.C. In her email she told me the date of the sighting, which was on November 29, 2007 and the time was from 4:30 a.m. to approximately 9:00 a.m., which would have been daylight hours just before 9:00 a.m.
Her sister's email report to me was short as she gave her telephone number so I could call and talk to her personally about what her brother saw.
Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 7 Shape of objects: Cigar shape through spotting scope.
Sister's full description of event/sighting: Good morning Brian, I've never heard of you until my girlfriend found your site after I was telling her what happened the other night (which was up north here in Hazelton, British Columbia). I live in Ladner, BC. My brother lives in Hazelton. My brother called me at 5:00 a.m. and I was on the phone with him until approximately 8:00 a.m. He watched as a craft hovered low on his ranch for about 4 hours. Other crafts, a total of seven zipped all around, what we are calling the command ship which remained on the ranch and in plain view the entire time.
Her brothers phone number is (removed by HBCC UFO Research) I tried calling the number on your 1 888 # but it seems to be a fax.
I (sister) can be reached at (phone number removed by HBCC UFO Research). I will be available for a call all day today.
HBCC UFO Research Note: The lady's brother phoned and woke his sister up at 5:00 a.m. This shows how exciting and amazing the sighting was over the man's ranch, they both stayed on the telephone for 3 hours, finally hanging up and later just after 9:00 a.m. the brother called his sister back to say the objects had left the area. Fascinating !
I telephoned the fellow who witnessed a sighting of multiple objects in Hazelton and got his feedback on what was seen.
The witness was at home on his ranch and had fallen asleep on his couch. At around 4:30 a.m. he woke up, but he told me he wasn't really asleep, more like just laying there hoping to catch a nap. The fellow decided to get up and head upstairs to his bedroom and flicked the TV on and immediately tuned it off and jumped into his bed. In his bedroom he has a large picture window which looks over his ranch. The man says it is beautiful land, as he can see his ranch, horses and Roche Debulle (mountain).
He said it was a clear night and he was looking up at the night sky when he saw 4 to 7 objects, which were up at a good altitude and had red and green lights on them. As he watched, and looking over towards a foothill on his ranch he noticed an extremely bright light which also was very large in size. The man watched it for a good period of time and eventually it moved over top his property and stopped and hovered. I asked the witness roughly how low the object was, and he told me it was about half the height of Roche Debulle which is a beautiful mountain at the back of his property. (What ever this craft was, it was really low in altitude)
The witness said this low hovering main craft was just a big yellow colored light until he brought out his spotting scope and was able to really see some kind of shape to it. It turns out this object was like a giant cigar. All the other six objects which were green and red in color sat stationary much higher above and in a straight line across the night sky.
Due to the main crafts brightness he only saw a ball shaped light. It was only when he used his spotting scope that he could actually see shape to the object.
He was afraid to take his eyes off the thing just in case he missed something, but did eventually move down stairs to make a cup of coffee and was still able to observe the object from his kitchen window and it still sat there for a long time afterwards. Finally dawn started to break and when night turned to day the craft rose up, straight upwards and eventually just disappeared. The man told me he was able to watch the craft rising up until he wasn't able to view it anymore. As for the line of colored objects, they seemed to disappear due to the oncoming brightness from the daylight. That was it, an amazing UFO event !
There are links below to show the ranch area and location where the large cigar shaped craft was first seen.
First Photo Here: *This is the ridge that the gentleman first spotted the craft hanging just above the mountain. Looking North. *
Second Photo Here: *This is the ranch facing north to the ridge. *
Third Photo Here: *This is the Ranch house. The window above is his bedroom where he first spotted them. (Them meaning the UFOs).*
Fourth Photo Here: *Out his East dining room window facing Roche Debulle is where it moved and hung again*
*This sighting report was added to the main report which can be found at Hazelton, British Columbia UFO Sighting*
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Before I write down the eyewitness account of what was seen, I should note that the sister of the witness wrote an email to me over the event. She lives down on the lower mainland outside of Vancouver, B.C. In her email she told me the date of the sighting, which was on November 29, 2007 and the time was from 4:30 a.m. to approximately 9:00 a.m., which would have been daylight hours just before 9:00 a.m.
Her sister's email report to me was short as she gave her telephone number so I could call and talk to her personally about what her brother saw.
Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 7 Shape of objects: Cigar shape through spotting scope.
Sister's full description of event/sighting: Good morning Brian, I've never heard of you until my girlfriend found your site after I was telling her what happened the other night (which was up north here in Hazelton, British Columbia). I live in Ladner, BC. My brother lives in Hazelton. My brother called me at 5:00 a.m. and I was on the phone with him until approximately 8:00 a.m. He watched as a craft hovered low on his ranch for about 4 hours. Other crafts, a total of seven zipped all around, what we are calling the command ship which remained on the ranch and in plain view the entire time.
Her brothers phone number is (removed by HBCC UFO Research) I tried calling the number on your 1 888 # but it seems to be a fax.
I (sister) can be reached at (phone number removed by HBCC UFO Research). I will be available for a call all day today.
HBCC UFO Research Note: The lady's brother phoned and woke his sister up at 5:00 a.m. This shows how exciting and amazing the sighting was over the man's ranch, they both stayed on the telephone for 3 hours, finally hanging up and later just after 9:00 a.m. the brother called his sister back to say the objects had left the area. Fascinating !
I telephoned the fellow who witnessed a sighting of multiple objects in Hazelton and got his feedback on what was seen.
The witness was at home on his ranch and had fallen asleep on his couch. At around 4:30 a.m. he woke up, but he told me he wasn't really asleep, more like just laying there hoping to catch a nap. The fellow decided to get up and head upstairs to his bedroom and flicked the TV on and immediately tuned it off and jumped into his bed. In his bedroom he has a large picture window which looks over his ranch. The man says it is beautiful land, as he can see his ranch, horses and Roche Debulle (mountain).
He said it was a clear night and he was looking up at the night sky when he saw 4 to 7 objects, which were up at a good altitude and had red and green lights on them. As he watched, and looking over towards a foothill on his ranch he noticed an extremely bright light which also was very large in size. The man watched it for a good period of time and eventually it moved over top his property and stopped and hovered. I asked the witness roughly how low the object was, and he told me it was about half the height of Roche Debulle which is a beautiful mountain at the back of his property. (What ever this craft was, it was really low in altitude)
The witness said this low hovering main craft was just a big yellow colored light until he brought out his spotting scope and was able to really see some kind of shape to it. It turns out this object was like a giant cigar. All the other six objects which were green and red in color sat stationary much higher above and in a straight line across the night sky.
Due to the main crafts brightness he only saw a ball shaped light. It was only when he used his spotting scope that he could actually see shape to the object.
He was afraid to take his eyes off the thing just in case he missed something, but did eventually move down stairs to make a cup of coffee and was still able to observe the object from his kitchen window and it still sat there for a long time afterwards. Finally dawn started to break and when night turned to day the craft rose up, straight upwards and eventually just disappeared. The man told me he was able to watch the craft rising up until he wasn't able to view it anymore. As for the line of colored objects, they seemed to disappear due to the oncoming brightness from the daylight. That was it, an amazing UFO event !
There are links below to show the ranch area and location where the large cigar shaped craft was first seen.
First Photo Here: *This is the ridge that the gentleman first spotted the craft hanging just above the mountain. Looking North. *
Second Photo Here: *This is the ranch facing north to the ridge. *
Third Photo Here: *This is the Ranch house. The window above is his bedroom where he first spotted them. (Them meaning the UFOs).*
Fourth Photo Here: *Out his East dining room window facing Roche Debulle is where it moved and hung again*
*This sighting report was added to the main report which can be found at Hazelton, British Columbia UFO Sighting*
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Granisle, British Columbia UFO Sighting (Multiple Witnesses)
Posted: February 17, 2008
A major UFO event took place on November 29, 2007 along the Granisle Hwy, close to the lookout. Three witnesses were driving home from the Topley, B.C. area which is located just south of Granisle. The highway driving wasn't the best with slippery sections of compact snow and some black ice. As the witnesses approached the Granisle lookout, just a short distance south from it, fog rolled in and a bright explosion (no sound) lit up the whole sky, their truck on the highway and surrounding area. It was like night was turned into day for a brief second or two.
When HBCC UFO Research first read the report, or the first sentence in the emailed sighting report I thought the witnesses may have seen a fireball. But from talking to two of the eyewitnesses it became clear to me that what they saw was rather unusual and not something easily explainable.
Right after the blue flash lit up the area a streak of white light shot out of the sky towards the ground on the witnesses right hand side of the vehicle. "It was very strange and surreal", the witness told me. The folks continued on driving and then came across a whole set of orange and red lights in front of them. (keep in mind the white streak of light shot out of the sky, downward and appeared to be in front of them). The colored lights looked like they were in front of them on the hill. Then just disappeared before they got to it seconds later. There was no other traffic on the highway at the time of the event. One of the people wanted to go back and see if they could find anything, but the other two passengers in their vehicle were too frightened so they continued on their way to home to Granisle.
Second Witness To Granisle, B.C. (A little earlier in the day and independent from everyone else)
I called back to another eyewitness, a fellow who resides in Granisle, B.C. What he saw was completely unusual. On November 29, 2007 at approximately 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. when the fellow witnessed a very strange cloud formation which seemed to have parked itself directly over top of the old Granisle mine. The cloud he described as being "dome" shaped and luminous. Up here in the north it would have been just around dusk at the time he saw the dome shaped cloud, which I will add, seemed to have structure to it. There was no type of wind shear off the cloud itself. It was a perfect dome shape and extremely large in size. As the witness said, you couldn't miss it as it stood out clearly. At approximately 6:00-6:30 p.m. the gentleman dropped his mother off at her home and he was heading back to his place which is alongside the lake shore when he then noticed a light in the sky, which was moving horizontally. The man told me the light appeared to be thin and really long in length. The long skinny light was blue/blackish in color, similar to a black light, and his best guess as to the length of it would have been 1/4 mile.
As this object moved down the lake he was able to see how the lights were situated on the craft. At either end, they were somewhat brighter. As he looked along the entire length of the craft, he saw a bright patch, then dimmer, then bright again. This continued in the same pattern straight down the length of the object. Bright, dim, bright, dim. (I have added a "rough" graphic below of how this may have appeared.)
Graphic of object here: *What the blue craft/object appeared to look like (rough idea).*
The object moved toward the dome shaped cloud, seemed to be above it, then that was the last sight of it before it disappeared. He said he was able to observe the blue colored object for about 10 to 15 minutes. What is interesting about this, is that the fellow told me the unusual cloud was parked over the mine all day. Also it was a lot darker than the surrounding clouds which were moving on by, as he mentioned, maybe more of an inky color. There was no sound whatsoever coming from the cloud, or the long blue craft.
HBCC UFO Research had a wonderful chat on the phone with two of the witnesses who gave a great description of what was seen that night.
HBCC UFO Research started making enquiries straight away and I called the local RCMP detachment here in Houston, British Columbia, I told the RCMP dispatcher who I was (Brian Vike - Director of HBCC UFO Research) and I asked if there were any emergency vehicles called out on the evening of November 29, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. to the Granisle area and including the stretch of highway running from Topley to Granisle. I wanted to see if the lights being reported to me from the eyewitnesses may have been emergency vehicles. I was told that I would have to check with one of the RCMP members who was stationed in Granisle. (The reason why I called the Houston detachment was that they fill in for the RCMP member at times and I thought they may have some information).
Audio Clip: *My call to the Granisle, B.C. RCMP, I spoke to a wonderful lady in the office*
Audio Clip: *RCMP Officer Called Back From The Granisle Detachment *
As it stands, there were no calls out to attend to any emergencies that night on the Granisle Highway. This eliminates the RCMP. I also called LDM (Lakes District Maintenance) and talked with one of the LDM workers at their headquarters here in Houston, B.C. as LDM looks after the maintenance for the Granisle Highway. I asked if there were any sanding trucks, road graders or snow plows on the Granisle Highway at the time of the UFO incident. I also told the man who I was, and why I was checking to see if they had any equipment working on the highway. I also stated that I was trying to eliminate the explainable before moving onto the weirdness. The LDM worker said I may as well start looking into the weirdness as he said there was only one truck out and "may" have been on the highway that night, but not at that particular time. He certainly stressed that they had no equipment that would have been as bright as what had been reported. Not meaning the blue flash, but speaking more of the orange lights that all the witnesses had seen. The orange lights spread out for a great distance horizontally. None of the lights were reported to be flashing at all !
Audio Clip: *Call to Lakes District Maintenance to see if any snow plows or road graders were on the highway that night *
I also called The Peak Radio station in Smithers, B.C. to see if they may have received any calls from folks who witnessed the unusual event, and no reports were called in to the newsroom.
Also I spoke to a lady at CJFW Radio which is located in Smithers as well. I talked with the receptionist and she mentioned that they took a call from a lady who lives in the Hazelton, B.C. area and who reported lights in the sky there. I was then put through to the newsroom and spoke to another lady about what had taken place and she also confirmed that a report did come into CJFW Radio.
Audio Clip: *Call to CJFW Radio looking to see if they took any calls over the November 29, 2007 sightings.*
Now after speaking to two of the witnesses, it seemed we had an extremely bright flash of blue light, followed immediately by a white object streaking downwards toward the ground. We are not talking about a white object at a high altitude, but rather something very low and from what the people told me who saw this, the object could have landed, or impacted on the ground. (however there was no physical evidence of that happening). Then there are the unusual lights, large non flashing and sitting pretty much directly in-front of the travelers. The driver of the truck said the lights were there and then either blinked out or just disappeared. HBCC UFO Research did ask if it was at all possible that they might have missed the lights as they passed the area in their truck and the driver and daughter said no "it was as if they had just completely disappeared". They had been right in front of their vehicle just yards down the road.
I also talked to the daughter who was in the truck that evening and witnessed the bright blue flash of light, but did not see the streaking white light. She did observe the orange colored lights, not blinking/flashing and she told me they must have been a great size because the area the lights took up was huge. The daughter also said that she was able to watch the strange lights move through the wooded area, behind trees, etc until they either tuned off and just disappeared.
HBCC UFO asked if there were any roads in the area where the lights were, and I was told no. No roads at all. It seems to me that something, or a white colored object of some kind came from out of the brilliant blue flash and headed down towards the ground, and what the witnesses were watching was the object moving itself through the forested area ahead of their truck just off to the side of the highway.
Did an unidentified craft land ? That is the big question, but it sure appears that something of an unknown nature did come down. No reports have been filed to the authorities at least at this time.
I talked to a lady in the Houston mall who told me that there were other witnesses besides these people who already reported the sighting, who also saw blue flashing lights and unknown lights that were stationary in the sky. More weirdness, more witnesses !
*This sighting report was added to the main report which can be found at Granisle, British Columbia UFO Sighting (Multiple Witnesses)*
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
A major UFO event took place on November 29, 2007 along the Granisle Hwy, close to the lookout. Three witnesses were driving home from the Topley, B.C. area which is located just south of Granisle. The highway driving wasn't the best with slippery sections of compact snow and some black ice. As the witnesses approached the Granisle lookout, just a short distance south from it, fog rolled in and a bright explosion (no sound) lit up the whole sky, their truck on the highway and surrounding area. It was like night was turned into day for a brief second or two.
When HBCC UFO Research first read the report, or the first sentence in the emailed sighting report I thought the witnesses may have seen a fireball. But from talking to two of the eyewitnesses it became clear to me that what they saw was rather unusual and not something easily explainable.
Right after the blue flash lit up the area a streak of white light shot out of the sky towards the ground on the witnesses right hand side of the vehicle. "It was very strange and surreal", the witness told me. The folks continued on driving and then came across a whole set of orange and red lights in front of them. (keep in mind the white streak of light shot out of the sky, downward and appeared to be in front of them). The colored lights looked like they were in front of them on the hill. Then just disappeared before they got to it seconds later. There was no other traffic on the highway at the time of the event. One of the people wanted to go back and see if they could find anything, but the other two passengers in their vehicle were too frightened so they continued on their way to home to Granisle.
Second Witness To Granisle, B.C. (A little earlier in the day and independent from everyone else)
I called back to another eyewitness, a fellow who resides in Granisle, B.C. What he saw was completely unusual. On November 29, 2007 at approximately 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. when the fellow witnessed a very strange cloud formation which seemed to have parked itself directly over top of the old Granisle mine. The cloud he described as being "dome" shaped and luminous. Up here in the north it would have been just around dusk at the time he saw the dome shaped cloud, which I will add, seemed to have structure to it. There was no type of wind shear off the cloud itself. It was a perfect dome shape and extremely large in size. As the witness said, you couldn't miss it as it stood out clearly. At approximately 6:00-6:30 p.m. the gentleman dropped his mother off at her home and he was heading back to his place which is alongside the lake shore when he then noticed a light in the sky, which was moving horizontally. The man told me the light appeared to be thin and really long in length. The long skinny light was blue/blackish in color, similar to a black light, and his best guess as to the length of it would have been 1/4 mile.
As this object moved down the lake he was able to see how the lights were situated on the craft. At either end, they were somewhat brighter. As he looked along the entire length of the craft, he saw a bright patch, then dimmer, then bright again. This continued in the same pattern straight down the length of the object. Bright, dim, bright, dim. (I have added a "rough" graphic below of how this may have appeared.)
Graphic of object here: *What the blue craft/object appeared to look like (rough idea).*
The object moved toward the dome shaped cloud, seemed to be above it, then that was the last sight of it before it disappeared. He said he was able to observe the blue colored object for about 10 to 15 minutes. What is interesting about this, is that the fellow told me the unusual cloud was parked over the mine all day. Also it was a lot darker than the surrounding clouds which were moving on by, as he mentioned, maybe more of an inky color. There was no sound whatsoever coming from the cloud, or the long blue craft.
HBCC UFO Research had a wonderful chat on the phone with two of the witnesses who gave a great description of what was seen that night.
HBCC UFO Research started making enquiries straight away and I called the local RCMP detachment here in Houston, British Columbia, I told the RCMP dispatcher who I was (Brian Vike - Director of HBCC UFO Research) and I asked if there were any emergency vehicles called out on the evening of November 29, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. to the Granisle area and including the stretch of highway running from Topley to Granisle. I wanted to see if the lights being reported to me from the eyewitnesses may have been emergency vehicles. I was told that I would have to check with one of the RCMP members who was stationed in Granisle. (The reason why I called the Houston detachment was that they fill in for the RCMP member at times and I thought they may have some information).
Audio Clip: *My call to the Granisle, B.C. RCMP, I spoke to a wonderful lady in the office*
Audio Clip: *RCMP Officer Called Back From The Granisle Detachment *
As it stands, there were no calls out to attend to any emergencies that night on the Granisle Highway. This eliminates the RCMP. I also called LDM (Lakes District Maintenance) and talked with one of the LDM workers at their headquarters here in Houston, B.C. as LDM looks after the maintenance for the Granisle Highway. I asked if there were any sanding trucks, road graders or snow plows on the Granisle Highway at the time of the UFO incident. I also told the man who I was, and why I was checking to see if they had any equipment working on the highway. I also stated that I was trying to eliminate the explainable before moving onto the weirdness. The LDM worker said I may as well start looking into the weirdness as he said there was only one truck out and "may" have been on the highway that night, but not at that particular time. He certainly stressed that they had no equipment that would have been as bright as what had been reported. Not meaning the blue flash, but speaking more of the orange lights that all the witnesses had seen. The orange lights spread out for a great distance horizontally. None of the lights were reported to be flashing at all !
Audio Clip: *Call to Lakes District Maintenance to see if any snow plows or road graders were on the highway that night *
I also called The Peak Radio station in Smithers, B.C. to see if they may have received any calls from folks who witnessed the unusual event, and no reports were called in to the newsroom.
Also I spoke to a lady at CJFW Radio which is located in Smithers as well. I talked with the receptionist and she mentioned that they took a call from a lady who lives in the Hazelton, B.C. area and who reported lights in the sky there. I was then put through to the newsroom and spoke to another lady about what had taken place and she also confirmed that a report did come into CJFW Radio.
Audio Clip: *Call to CJFW Radio looking to see if they took any calls over the November 29, 2007 sightings.*
Now after speaking to two of the witnesses, it seemed we had an extremely bright flash of blue light, followed immediately by a white object streaking downwards toward the ground. We are not talking about a white object at a high altitude, but rather something very low and from what the people told me who saw this, the object could have landed, or impacted on the ground. (however there was no physical evidence of that happening). Then there are the unusual lights, large non flashing and sitting pretty much directly in-front of the travelers. The driver of the truck said the lights were there and then either blinked out or just disappeared. HBCC UFO Research did ask if it was at all possible that they might have missed the lights as they passed the area in their truck and the driver and daughter said no "it was as if they had just completely disappeared". They had been right in front of their vehicle just yards down the road.
I also talked to the daughter who was in the truck that evening and witnessed the bright blue flash of light, but did not see the streaking white light. She did observe the orange colored lights, not blinking/flashing and she told me they must have been a great size because the area the lights took up was huge. The daughter also said that she was able to watch the strange lights move through the wooded area, behind trees, etc until they either tuned off and just disappeared.
HBCC UFO asked if there were any roads in the area where the lights were, and I was told no. No roads at all. It seems to me that something, or a white colored object of some kind came from out of the brilliant blue flash and headed down towards the ground, and what the witnesses were watching was the object moving itself through the forested area ahead of their truck just off to the side of the highway.
Did an unidentified craft land ? That is the big question, but it sure appears that something of an unknown nature did come down. No reports have been filed to the authorities at least at this time.
I talked to a lady in the Houston mall who told me that there were other witnesses besides these people who already reported the sighting, who also saw blue flashing lights and unknown lights that were stationary in the sky. More weirdness, more witnesses !
*This sighting report was added to the main report which can be found at Granisle, British Columbia UFO Sighting (Multiple Witnesses)*
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Telkwa, British Columbia (Green Flash Lights Up The Entire Night Sky)
Posted: February 17, 2008
Date: November 29, 2007 Time: Between 7:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Telkwa, B.C. email from a witness reporting what he and his son saw the night sky light up green, also his email to Environment Canada and their response below.
Location of Sighting: Near the Field and Stream Trailer Court. Number of witnesses: 2 Number of objects: 0 (no objects witnessed, just bright green flash) Shape of objects: The whole sky lit up.
Full Description of event/sighting: My son and I were driving back to Telkwa when we saw the clear night sky flash dimly green. We didn't see any objects, but after talking with (friends name removed), he told me what he read on your site. So I thought that I would check it out. I have written to environment Canada, with the hope that they could explain it as a natural thing. Anyway, I just thought that I would add what I saw. When I was a kid I saw this once before, but at that time it was snowing and everything lit up green. I didn't hear thunder when I saw it that time so I knew that it wasn't an electrical storm. Anyways, I hope that Environment Canada will have some answers. Bye for now.
The witness who observed the flash of green light did receive a short reply from Environment Canada which is given below.
Subject: RE: Environment Canada (Inquiry, other, green flash in the sky, BC) Ser: J1130ZOXWF Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 06:46:53 -0500 From: To: (HBCC UFO Research has removed the witnesses email address here) CC:
Hello (name removed),
Thank you for sending your request to Environment Canada. Meteorologically, there is nothing that can explain the green flash you saw last night. The only thing I can think of would be a fireball (meteorite) passing over your area (or even exploding as it passed over the region).
Yours truly,
Bernard Duguay. Meteorological Inquiry Specialist. MSC National Inquiry Response Team. Environment Canada.
I also found out while looking into this case that a disk shaped craft was observed by two witnesses from their job site. Also reports of UFO's coming in and out of Babine Lake. Not to mention a possible missing time case I have now heard about as well. This all happening in and around Granisle, British Columbia. Other witnesses observed a bright UFO hovering over a person's home in the Houston, B.C. area, this witnessed by a number of neighbors.
Over the years HBCC UFO Research has received some pretty amazing sighting reports from this general area. Is it the mineral from the mines that may be an attraction, or the huge body of water - Babine Lake. I guess one could speculate, but I am sure no answers would be easily found.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: November 29, 2007 Time: Between 7:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Telkwa, B.C. email from a witness reporting what he and his son saw the night sky light up green, also his email to Environment Canada and their response below.
Location of Sighting: Near the Field and Stream Trailer Court. Number of witnesses: 2 Number of objects: 0 (no objects witnessed, just bright green flash) Shape of objects: The whole sky lit up.
Full Description of event/sighting: My son and I were driving back to Telkwa when we saw the clear night sky flash dimly green. We didn't see any objects, but after talking with (friends name removed), he told me what he read on your site. So I thought that I would check it out. I have written to environment Canada, with the hope that they could explain it as a natural thing. Anyway, I just thought that I would add what I saw. When I was a kid I saw this once before, but at that time it was snowing and everything lit up green. I didn't hear thunder when I saw it that time so I knew that it wasn't an electrical storm. Anyways, I hope that Environment Canada will have some answers. Bye for now.
The witness who observed the flash of green light did receive a short reply from Environment Canada which is given below.
Subject: RE: Environment Canada (Inquiry, other, green flash in the sky, BC) Ser: J1130ZOXWF Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 06:46:53 -0500 From: To: (HBCC UFO Research has removed the witnesses email address here) CC:
Hello (name removed),
Thank you for sending your request to Environment Canada. Meteorologically, there is nothing that can explain the green flash you saw last night. The only thing I can think of would be a fireball (meteorite) passing over your area (or even exploding as it passed over the region).
Yours truly,
Bernard Duguay. Meteorological Inquiry Specialist. MSC National Inquiry Response Team. Environment Canada.
I also found out while looking into this case that a disk shaped craft was observed by two witnesses from their job site. Also reports of UFO's coming in and out of Babine Lake. Not to mention a possible missing time case I have now heard about as well. This all happening in and around Granisle, British Columbia. Other witnesses observed a bright UFO hovering over a person's home in the Houston, B.C. area, this witnessed by a number of neighbors.
Over the years HBCC UFO Research has received some pretty amazing sighting reports from this general area. Is it the mineral from the mines that may be an attraction, or the huge body of water - Babine Lake. I guess one could speculate, but I am sure no answers would be easily found.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences.
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Outside Victoria, British Columbia Triangle Craft - (Letter And Diagram)

Brian Vike's Note: You can read the letter by clicking on the link below. I just wrote out the first sentence of the report.
Also attached to the letter you will see a diagram the witness did of what the black triangle appeared to look like.
Hi, Brian Vike, It was on a Wednesday evening at 8:18 when I actually saw a black triangle shaped aircraft fly right over my apartment building.
*Letter And Diagram:*

If anyone has witnessed the UFO/Object, please send me an email with details of what you saw. Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from everywhere in the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: or
The Vike Factor - Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.
Family Ghost Story From The 1940s Onward - British Columbia, Canada
Posted: February 17, 2008
Hi Brian, I will send you a separate email so you know who this story is coming from.
I noticed your category for ghost stories and thought I'd add a bit to your collection. However please be forewarned, it is not dramatic. No chains or moaning! More like just an unusual family member.
My family has always had ghosts. As a young boy living in Vancouver and Alert Bay my father sometimes saw people who were not there and my mother once watched a group of people disappear right in front of her. She was 15 years old and walking down a street near her home in Vancouver. Coming towards her on the sidewalk but on the next block, was a group of about a dozen people. The first thing she noticed was their odd clothing, very old fashioned. She then realized that although they appeared to be talking and laughing there was no sound of voices or of feet on the sidewalk. They reached the corner of their block and turned down the side street just before my mother reached the end of her block. She looked around the corner and although they should have been just a short distance away there was no sign of them. For people who live in Vancouver this was in the Kits area around 4th and happened about 1930.
When my parents married in Prince George in 1942 they built a house near the south side of Connought Hill. In those days that was quite far out of town and very quiet, particularly at night. During the winter of 1943 the ghost arrived.
It announced its arrival by walking up the steps to the front door shortly after my parents went to bed. They could hear the footsteps squeaking in the dry snow as it came up the stairs right outside the bedroom window. No matter how quickly they jumped out of bed and looked out the window they saw nothing unusual. However within 10 minutes of going back to bed a hazy white light about four feet tall would drift past the bedroom door. It never seemed to do any harm and they eventually got used to it. In the summer they never heard it arrive but one of them would notice it go by and calmly comment that the ghost was back. Mom used to wish there was some way of getting it to do housework if it was going to be wandering around all night! Three years later we moved to the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia and dad built another house that we lived in for 12 years. Sure enough, before long the ghost was again drifting through the hallways. Then for several years it was gone until one night I awoke to see it float past my bedroom door. The next morning my mom was a bit excited. Before I could say anything about the ghost she said "Guess what? The ghost is back and this time I saw it take a shape!" She had woken up to see a white hand and arm reaching towards the bedside lamp. Thinking it was my dad she reached out and turned on the light. Of course there was no one there and my dad was deep asleep.
We then moved to Victoria and this time we rented a house instead of building one. It took the ghost about six months to join us. Over the years my parents rented four more houses before buying the one I live in now. Yes, the ghost went with us to every one of them. It was never more than just a white haze until the late 1960's. Then it took on a very familiar shape. One afternoon my parents were sitting in the living room when Timmy, our Border Collie, walked through the room and down a hallway toward the bedrooms. As he went by he gave them a rather unusual look. A few minutes later they heard him barking. He was outside and wanted in. He never had been in the house and walking through the room. No, there were no open windows or doors. My parents checked! The ghost was changing and not always for the better! A few months later my parents were again in the living room when they heard a loud crash in the kitchen. They found that a big bottle of wood stain that was normally at the back of one of the upper kitchen cabinets had somehow come out of the cupboard (the door was still closed) the lid removed and placed on the counter and the bottle thrown against the opposite wall. However, as that was the worst damage that it ever did, we all just accepted that it was there and pretty well ignored it.
Just as an aside, around this time my parents saw two people disappear on the sidewalk outside the house. One afternoon they happened to notice four people walking along the sidewalk, two women in front and two men very close behind them. They were dressed in oddly old fashioned clothes and were bunched so close together that mom and dad thought the men would be stepping on the ladies dresses. For a very brief moment they were out of sight as a tree blocked part of the view from the house. All four went behind the tree and only the two women came out. The tree was near the house, nowhere near the people. The women did not appear to notice the men were gone. There was nowhere the men could have gone and dad even went outside to look. Nothing.
Many years later my younger brother was visiting our house with his wife and baby. I was married no longer living there. They were staying in the bedroom across the hall from my parents. During the night my mother suddenly awoke. A few minutes later the baby started to scream. Just as my brother got up in the dark to see to the baby, a basketball sized ball of light shot down the hallway. Immediately the baby stopped crying. Everyone was so startled they all got up and went into the living room. There, even with the lights on, they saw a couple of smaller balls of light bouncing near the ceiling in the corner of the room. It was very brief and then they were gone.
As the years went by the appearance changed. My mom died and dad still lives with us in the house. He and I have both seen a new shape. This one is shaped like a very narrow black hockey stick (not my idea of a ghost at all!) and darts around very quickly. I saw it first on Christmas Eve in 1992 but never mentioned it. A few days later my dad told of an odd black shape he'd seen darting through the house. the description matched exactly what I had seen. Other than changing size from tall to very short it doesn't really do very much except run around.
As I said at the beginning, our ghost is not dramatic, thank goodness! I would not be surprised if lots of people have similar "beings" but don't even really notice. However there were some rather strange, unsettling and dramatic events that took place during this time. One ghost (or angel?) even saved my life. Right now is not the time to go into it all but if you'd like I'd be happy to give you the details at a later date. Closer to Halloween perhaps! Now, in spite of the fact that I say the ghost didn't really frighten us, it is getting late, I am home alone and there is no light in the house except from the computer screen. I think I'd best stop for now before I start to hear strange noises ! I'm not quite as brave as I like to think I am.
Thank you to the person for the wonderful Ghost experiences.
Would you like to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Report) If so and have an interesting UFO or Sasquatch story to relate, please drop Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research a line with the information, please include your telephone number so I can make arrangements for the interview. Please note that HBCC UFO Research does not ever give out anyone's private information to anyone.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Also advertise your product with HBCC UFO Research, all advertising funds go directly to a new toll free UFO reporting hotline.
Details on how to Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters*
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. *The Vike Report Eyewitness UFO Radio Show*
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. *Vike Report Radio Show Blog*
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Hi Brian, I will send you a separate email so you know who this story is coming from.
I noticed your category for ghost stories and thought I'd add a bit to your collection. However please be forewarned, it is not dramatic. No chains or moaning! More like just an unusual family member.
My family has always had ghosts. As a young boy living in Vancouver and Alert Bay my father sometimes saw people who were not there and my mother once watched a group of people disappear right in front of her. She was 15 years old and walking down a street near her home in Vancouver. Coming towards her on the sidewalk but on the next block, was a group of about a dozen people. The first thing she noticed was their odd clothing, very old fashioned. She then realized that although they appeared to be talking and laughing there was no sound of voices or of feet on the sidewalk. They reached the corner of their block and turned down the side street just before my mother reached the end of her block. She looked around the corner and although they should have been just a short distance away there was no sign of them. For people who live in Vancouver this was in the Kits area around 4th and happened about 1930.
When my parents married in Prince George in 1942 they built a house near the south side of Connought Hill. In those days that was quite far out of town and very quiet, particularly at night. During the winter of 1943 the ghost arrived.
It announced its arrival by walking up the steps to the front door shortly after my parents went to bed. They could hear the footsteps squeaking in the dry snow as it came up the stairs right outside the bedroom window. No matter how quickly they jumped out of bed and looked out the window they saw nothing unusual. However within 10 minutes of going back to bed a hazy white light about four feet tall would drift past the bedroom door. It never seemed to do any harm and they eventually got used to it. In the summer they never heard it arrive but one of them would notice it go by and calmly comment that the ghost was back. Mom used to wish there was some way of getting it to do housework if it was going to be wandering around all night! Three years later we moved to the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia and dad built another house that we lived in for 12 years. Sure enough, before long the ghost was again drifting through the hallways. Then for several years it was gone until one night I awoke to see it float past my bedroom door. The next morning my mom was a bit excited. Before I could say anything about the ghost she said "Guess what? The ghost is back and this time I saw it take a shape!" She had woken up to see a white hand and arm reaching towards the bedside lamp. Thinking it was my dad she reached out and turned on the light. Of course there was no one there and my dad was deep asleep.
We then moved to Victoria and this time we rented a house instead of building one. It took the ghost about six months to join us. Over the years my parents rented four more houses before buying the one I live in now. Yes, the ghost went with us to every one of them. It was never more than just a white haze until the late 1960's. Then it took on a very familiar shape. One afternoon my parents were sitting in the living room when Timmy, our Border Collie, walked through the room and down a hallway toward the bedrooms. As he went by he gave them a rather unusual look. A few minutes later they heard him barking. He was outside and wanted in. He never had been in the house and walking through the room. No, there were no open windows or doors. My parents checked! The ghost was changing and not always for the better! A few months later my parents were again in the living room when they heard a loud crash in the kitchen. They found that a big bottle of wood stain that was normally at the back of one of the upper kitchen cabinets had somehow come out of the cupboard (the door was still closed) the lid removed and placed on the counter and the bottle thrown against the opposite wall. However, as that was the worst damage that it ever did, we all just accepted that it was there and pretty well ignored it.
Just as an aside, around this time my parents saw two people disappear on the sidewalk outside the house. One afternoon they happened to notice four people walking along the sidewalk, two women in front and two men very close behind them. They were dressed in oddly old fashioned clothes and were bunched so close together that mom and dad thought the men would be stepping on the ladies dresses. For a very brief moment they were out of sight as a tree blocked part of the view from the house. All four went behind the tree and only the two women came out. The tree was near the house, nowhere near the people. The women did not appear to notice the men were gone. There was nowhere the men could have gone and dad even went outside to look. Nothing.
Many years later my younger brother was visiting our house with his wife and baby. I was married no longer living there. They were staying in the bedroom across the hall from my parents. During the night my mother suddenly awoke. A few minutes later the baby started to scream. Just as my brother got up in the dark to see to the baby, a basketball sized ball of light shot down the hallway. Immediately the baby stopped crying. Everyone was so startled they all got up and went into the living room. There, even with the lights on, they saw a couple of smaller balls of light bouncing near the ceiling in the corner of the room. It was very brief and then they were gone.
As the years went by the appearance changed. My mom died and dad still lives with us in the house. He and I have both seen a new shape. This one is shaped like a very narrow black hockey stick (not my idea of a ghost at all!) and darts around very quickly. I saw it first on Christmas Eve in 1992 but never mentioned it. A few days later my dad told of an odd black shape he'd seen darting through the house. the description matched exactly what I had seen. Other than changing size from tall to very short it doesn't really do very much except run around.
As I said at the beginning, our ghost is not dramatic, thank goodness! I would not be surprised if lots of people have similar "beings" but don't even really notice. However there were some rather strange, unsettling and dramatic events that took place during this time. One ghost (or angel?) even saved my life. Right now is not the time to go into it all but if you'd like I'd be happy to give you the details at a later date. Closer to Halloween perhaps! Now, in spite of the fact that I say the ghost didn't really frighten us, it is getting late, I am home alone and there is no light in the house except from the computer screen. I think I'd best stop for now before I start to hear strange noises ! I'm not quite as brave as I like to think I am.
Thank you to the person for the wonderful Ghost experiences.
Would you like to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Report) If so and have an interesting UFO or Sasquatch story to relate, please drop Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research a line with the information, please include your telephone number so I can make arrangements for the interview. Please note that HBCC UFO Research does not ever give out anyone's private information to anyone.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Also advertise your product with HBCC UFO Research, all advertising funds go directly to a new toll free UFO reporting hotline.
Details on how to Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters*
Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. *The Vike Report Eyewitness UFO Radio Show*
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. *Vike Report Radio Show Blog*
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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