Date: December, 2001 Time: Just after sunrise
Well today I received a package through Fed- Ex from Jaime Maussan a journalist in Mexico. He received the tape from a Mexican Surgeon who was on holiday in Vancouver, B.C. last December, 2001. The tape has never been seen before, and I can say it is really interesting. Jamie really did a wonderful job editing the tape for me in which I appreciate very much. The surgeon was traveling across a major bridge in the Vancouver area, he was driving and a companion was video taping the scenery as they had a good view from the bridge. The passenger was shooting tape from the passenger side of the car, and tuned the camera over to the drivers side as the sun was catching the mountains which does look very beautiful. It is early morning on a cool crisp day and as the passenger zoomed in on the mountains a object appeared.
Now from what I see, and I am not an expert with images. The object is round and appears to be rotating. The sun catches it well. With no obstruction in the field of view the passenger had while taking the video, the object completely vanished, then reappeared while it traveled along, it again vanished and re-appeared. The passengers in the car did not even see the object until later when they were playing back their holiday footage. The object I would say would have been a good size, due to the distance away when the video was taken.
It also traveled at a good clip.
To view the footage:

Thank you to my good friend Jaime Maussan for sending the video footage to me.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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