Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Texada Island, British Columbia UFOs Hovering Over The Ocean

Posted: January 22, 2008

Date: October 31, 1974 Time: 10:00 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 4 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Unknown, only lights visible. Weather Conditions: Clear, no wind.

Description: I was walking home along the coastline of Texada when I noticed some lights, red and white, hovering about 100-200 feet above the ocean. I sent one friend back to the cabin we had just left to tell everyone else what we were looking at. a local told my friend that it was probably a flare from one of the Comox based planes doing their "exercises". As we kept looking at these lights, we agreed that it was not a flare because of the stagnant position. they (lights) were close enough that it seemed it was coming from one single object. watching for at least ten minutes, the red lights went off and the single white light sped horizontally across the sky at an amazing speed. no sound, nothing.

TV/Radio N/A.

Thank you to UFOINFO for this report. http://www.ufoinfo.com/

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