Date: October - November, 2000
Hi Brian, Thought I'd reply to the questions you mentioned. Yes I did see the light well before I got my camera and took photos of it and it was moving south . When I first saw it I only saw the light flashing about erratically over my field out back below the hydro lines. My camera was nearby in my car so I quickly grabbed it , ran to the fence and by this time it had just crossed over the fence and was hovering over my neighbor's property.
I took 3 pictures, I've reviewed the negatives and found the first overexposed, the 2nd is the shaky one and the 3rd the best one. At the time all I saw was the light and it wasn't until I got the photos developed that I saw the image below the light. As for the slanted line I assumed it was just a cat-hair on the lens or so. Upon enlarging the photos on my PC, I believe the craft itself is the lower grey image and the light above it exactly mimics it. Since the sun had just gone down but it wasn't totally dark, I'm considering the possibility that normally one cannot see these crafts because of their light-bending technology but that under certain light conditions as in this view towards a recent sunset, that technology doesn't work perfectly allowing one to see the object separate from light.
After my third photo was taken, the light moved south along the power-lines, I drove down the road here which also runs south but did not see it again. I've figured out from the other pictures on the roll that the date of this event was around October or November 2000, and my camera is an automatic 35m Minolta with a 38-60 mm action zoom. Location is Port Coquitlam BC Canada.

Thank you to the witness for the interesting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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