Friday, February 1, 2002, Time: 9:00 PM Location: 3 Kilometers east of Telkwa, British Columbia, Canada on HYW #16 Viewing Time: approx: 90 seconds. Weather Condition: Overcast
Woodmere UFO Sighting A Huge Boomerang Shaped Craft
I was contacted by a friend who told me about three ladies who went to Smithers, British Columbia, Canada for a days shopping. Once they had their day outing the ladies left Smithers at approx: 8:45 PM Friday night, February 1, 2002 on their way home to Houston, B.C. It was a dark and overcast night as they traveled the 45 minutes back to Houston on highway #16 heading east. After passing through the small community of Telkwa just 3 kilometers east they all noticed a "very" bright light glowing through the overcast sky. While they watched this bright light in the distance their thoughts were that it was the moon shining through, they gasped as this object poked slowly through the cloud cover descending as it drew closer in their direction.
The witnesses were traveling at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour with the glowing object coming toward them. One of the girls thought it may be a bomb or something as she remembered the world terrorist events of recent times. The glowing light dropped a head of them just above the tree tops, still moving in their direction and getting closer to the highway.
The closer the light came to them, the larger it grew in size.
As the seconds passed, all three witnesses became curious as to what this was and had slowed the car to approx: 50 kilometers per hour to get a better look. The bright light was almost above the vehicle. The driver of the car stepped on the gas and sped up to put some distance between them and the light which now turned out to be a "huge" craft. One of the girls who was sitting in the back seat of the small car turned around and lay her back over the console between the driver and passengers seat, watching the object as it passed over the car. This witness who was looking up as it passed overhead of the vehicle said there were 7 very large, bright white lights passing overhead with 2 orange lights at either end.
Very shaken, nervous and cold running through them they headed quickly towards home as the object still continued along its way toward the Telkwa area. They mentioned that other vehicles were on the highway and had to have seen the object due to it's size and brightness. These ladies also said that a pick up truck passed them at a good rate of speed just seconds down the road after this incident.
Investigators note:
I went to interview the three ladies on Sunday night, February 3, 2002 at a friends home. While we were discussing this encounter one of them got a good case of the goose bumps. She said she was happy that she wasn't alone when this took place because she was so frightened not knowing what this object was. She also noted that if she had been alone she would never have said anything about what she witnessed due to not being believed by others.
The witnesses drew a sketch of the object which passed overhead and I will have that on my website very soon. It was similar to a boomerang in shape and a "guestimate" of size would have placed this object at about 450 feet from end to end.
I also contacted newspapers and radio stations throughout the area to see if any other witnesses to this sighting had come forward but was told no one had reported seeing any type of object that night. I also contacted the Houston RCMP asking if anyone had made a report but was told no. They did though take a report from me, asking for the names of the witnesses which I declined to give. I then contacted the Smithers RCMP Detachment asking the same question and as far as they knew nothing had been reported to them either, but the receptionist asked me if a constable could contact me to get more information on this sighting. An RCMP constable did call and I told him what I knew. He then asked me if I would give him some personal information about myself. I agreed and the RCMP constable asked for my full name, weight, height, color of my eyes, hair color, drivers license number and my street number and mailing address which I was happy to give to him. He told me he had already contacted the Houston RCMP detachment and the Smithers Airport Tower asking if they had any information about what was seen on February 1, 2002. The Smithers RCMP now has an open file on this case.
Update: This morning ( February 14th 2002), I checked my email and found that another good friend and excellent UFO investigator wrote telling me of a sighting which took place between January 29 & 31st of 2002 approximately 6 km east of Burns Lake, BC. So something is taking place in and around our area.
Update To The Above (January 31, 2002 sighting) - Something Is Taking Place In My Area.
Hi Brian,
I'm trying to peg down a better date on this, but the story is like this.
About 6 km east of town is the KOA campground and trailer court. (name deleted by HBCC UFO) has a trailer in there. He has a girlfriend in Prince George who comes down here frequently, and who was a second witness.
About 3 a.m. (name deleted by HBCC UFO) was awakened by a bright light shining in his bedroom window. At this time, i'm not sure if his girlfriend was already awake, or if (name deleted by HBCC UFO) woke her, but he asked her if she knew what the light was.
Again, I need to get more details on this, remembering of course that he had just been awakened, but I'd like to know how long he saw the light and whether it came from above or from the side. (name deleted by HBCC UFO) isn't too sure, and was going to ask his girlfriend.
He briefly thought it may have been a vehicle driving by, but after moving his truck to a location where he could shine the headlights in the bedroom window, he realized the illumination was totally different. He also thought a street light down the road may have flashed for a moment, but the light he saw was much brighter.
If you remember the newspaper article 'Flash! Blink! Zip! UFO seen over Burns Lake' from the 70's, this sounds like the same situation where Francois Lake residents were awakened by a bright light. Who knows, maybe we'll enjoy a replay of events from thirty years ago.
The above report is from a good friend and excellent UFO investigator just east of me.
Military Exercise Taken Place:
On February 7, 2002 we left Smithers Airport finally after having a flight to Vancouver cancelled the previous day due to bad weather. There was a low cloud ceiling and the Dash 8-300 aircraft was not able to make a landing. But we rebooked for Thursday, February 7, 2002 to fly out of Smithers, BC. Finally the plane landed and we boarded the aircraft. The pilot's voice came over the PA announcing that the planes wings would need to be de-icing before take off. After all was done and we taxied out onto the runway, the pilot again made an announcentment informing all the passengers that we were going to have to make a "slight" detour from our planned flight to Vancouver, BC. His explanation was military exercises were taking place "somewhere" along our flight path.
Now knowing that two UFO sightings had just taken place in our area, I started to wonder if there was any connection to these incidents or was this just a routine practice planned in advance. I asked the stewardess what the pilot meant by this minor adjustment in the flight plan and she did ask the pilot and the answer I got was that the military can call for an exercise at anytime.
After I got home from my brief holiday south, I made several phone calls to enquire about any military exercise taking place in and around British Columbia at the time we had left for Vancouver. I contacted the military Public Affairs at Comox which is on Vancouver Island. I was informed that this gentleman was not aware of any type of exercises taking place at or around February 7 as I was told. The Public Affairs Officer informed me that he could not understand why the pilot would mention any military exercises occurring as they like to keep a low profile and not interfere with public transportation. I personally thought his statement a little strange.
I then contacted the Smithers Airport flight tower and asked a few questions. I enquired if they were aware of any type of military happenings taking place on the designated flight path to Vancouver from Smithers BC. They also were not aware of anything regarding this matter. But I was told by the folks at the Smithers Flight tower that there were several locations in British Columbia which the Canadian military use for low and high level flight exercises. There are two areas around Knight Inlet on the west coast and another which was mentioned was a 1000 square kilometer area around Antahim Lake here close to my area. This part of the country is east of the southern end of Tweedsmuir Park (a wilderness area).
Investigators note:
I am not stating here that there is any type of cover up, but only gathering the facts which may or may not have anything to do with these sightings early in February, 2002. We do though need to check into any and all ideas which may lead to our military knowing something about these objects (crafts) seen by a number of creditable witnesses.
Also due to the number of UFO reports I have received for 2001 there may be something taking place around the Bulkley Valley (Houston to Smithers B.C.) The total reports I have received are 6 for this area plus the two recent cases I have been working on.
Update for the February 1, 2002 sighting - Investigators note:
There has been another witness who reported seeing something large and very unusual on Friday, February 1, 2002. I just found out yesterday February 12, 2002 and I am trying to track this witness down.
This case is ongoing.
Friday, February 3, 2002, Time: 7:00 PM Location: Houston, British Columbia, Canada - Industrial Park Over Bulkley River Viewing Time: approx: 30 seconds. Weather Condition: Overcast - Light Snow Flurries
Houston Industrial Park Sighting.
On Sunday, February 3, 2002 another sighting was reported to me which took place in my home town of Houston, B.C. There were two witnesses (husband & wife). While this couple were at their residence which is above their business the wife heard a loud humming noise coming from outside. She got up to investigate, looking out a couple of windows before she noticed a very bright white object hovering above the Bulkley River just north a few hundred yards from their place of residence. She called to her husband to come and see it. They both witnessed this large bright white object shooting beams of light down towards the river hovering at tree top level. This sighting lasted approx: 30 seconds from the time it was discovered before it shot up the side of the mountain and disappeared. I was told the speed of this object was incredible to say the least. This couple told me they were going to call the Houston RCMP thinking that the object had crashed into the side of the mountain but did not as the object continued it's course up the mountain and out of sight before they knew what was going on.
Investigators Note:
I have visited the area where this craft was hovering, but have not found any trace evidence of any kind. Mind you we had about 4 inches of snow late the night of this sighting. I have also taken photos of this area for my files.
This case is ongoing.
Reported Sightings For 2001 I Have Been Working On:
1. Houston British Columbia, Canada, July 2001 - A fellow walks into the Houston Food Mart telling of an object hovering approx: 500 feet above a transmitting tower on Mount Harry Davis here in Houston, BC. This object was emitting sparks off the bottom side shooting down towards the transmitting tower. This sighting lasted when noted approx: 25 seconds before completely disappearing before the witnesses eyes. This witness was a hard fellow to track down, but I did finally catch up to him.
2. Houston, British Columbia, Canada, January 1999 - Snowmobilers on the Telkwa Mountain Range watched a silver/black disc shaped object hover in the distance. There was more than one witness to this sighting. Many people spend the winter months snowmobiling in the area due to the amount of snow we receive each year. One of the favorite places to go is the Telkwa Mountain Range and this is where this sighting took place. My wife and I dropped into a local restaurant for dinner one night, after finishing our meal I went to pay for it and I was asked about the HBCC UFO logo on my jacket, and after explaining what it was the owner went on to tell me of a sighting he had with others. He mentioned that they all watched, including a couple of tourists this silver/black disc shaped object hover in the distance. He also said it was hard to make out what this really was due to the distance away, but he did tell me what ever it was sat and hovered for some time before vanishing completely.
3. Houston to Smithers, British Columbia, Canada, September 2001 - A man driving west towards Smithers from Houston on Highway # 16 around Grouse Mountain watched a white light streak low over the valley below him. He claims the light was white in color and very bright. The UFO sighting lasted only a few seconds.
4. Houston to Smithers, British Columbia, Canada, August 2001 - Husband and his wife watched a large white light (object) east of Telkwa. Telkwa is between Smithers and Houston. The object which was reported was of a very large size and glowing brightly. The UFO encounter lasted approx: 20 seconds before disappearing rapidly to the north.
5. Smithers, British Columbia, Canada, September 2001 - A woman who runs a cafe at the (deleted by HBCC ) mentioned to me that she witnessed a bright glowing white object about five months ago which shot across the sky, came to a complete stop, and then disappeared up and out of sight. She told me she had not mentioned this before to anyone until now when she talked to me.
6. Smithers, British Columbia, Canada, August 2001 - A security officer, person who checks out (deleted by HBCC) told me her friends had witnessed a multi colored object hovering for a few seconds in the Smithers area, and shot off very quickly.
I would appreciate hearing from anyone who may know something or seen something about the above sightings.
Thank you very much.
Also on a side note, the Life Network flew a film crew out and filmed all of the eyewitness to this exciting event.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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