Friday, January 25, 2008

Hungry Hill - 15 Miles West of Houston, B.C. Slow Moving UFO

Posted: January 25, 2008

Date: October 17, 2002 Time: approx: 8:30 p.m.

I receive word from a friend, that he had heard about a sighting which took place on Hungry Hill which is approx: 15 Miles West of Houston, B.C. An older couple were on their way home to Topley, B.C. (which is approx: 13 miles east of Houston) from shopping in Smithers, B.C. . They were coming up Hungry Hill (which is a long steep grade) when one of the witnesses saw a green/red flashing. She said it would flash from red to green, and then green to red according to this lady. She said to her husband, who was driving their car, do you see what I see ? He said yes I do !

(HBCC UFO Note: The witness mentioned to me, that she told her husband we had better not tell anyone as they would think we were crazy).

They both said the object moved slowly above the tree line near the top of the hill, she said it would stop, hover, and continue moving slowly, then disappear. As they drove along the object reappeared, still just above the tree tops, and then moved across the highway in front of them and again came to a complete stop. At this point they stopped their car and watched the strange object, moving back and forth across the highway still just above tree top level. Before the object left the location, it started trailing "sparkly stuff" behind it, which shot out approx: 100 to 200 feet and left in a northwesterly direction which would have been towards Grouse Mountain. The object was circular in shape, or what they could see from the flashing of the lights.

Both witnesses said there was no noise, or interference on the radio, they said they heard no noise what so ever. (HBCC UFO Note: The two folks who watched this, and mentioned to me they could not hear any sounds from the object, this could have been due to them driving along in their car with the radio on. But after they pulled over, the husband did get out of the vehicle and still reported no sound from it. He explained, whatever it was, was very close, just a head of them and kept crossing the highway).

Both witnesses said the object was approx: the size of the old satellite dishes, (C - Band, which is approx: 10 to 12 feet in diameter. They still use this C - Band system and this is why they used this to determine a size for it).

Before I finished the conversation with them, they both stressed that the object would move back and forth across the highway, and when it reached either side, it stopped and hovered for a couple seconds, and then fly back across the highway to the other side. This whole process took about 10 minutes before it left the area and when leaving, it moved very quickly.

Thanks to the two witnesses for their report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

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