Posted: June 14, 2009
Date: Summer 1963
Time: N/A.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Oval
Hello, (referring to Victoria B.C. Summer of 1963 sighting - I have been trying for years to locate any article or info on this sighting. It must be the same one. I know it was summer but the year I'm not sure but your article sounds like around the same time.
There were 4 of us on our front porch of our house when this object just floated across to the right of us (I would guest just above a telephone pole, maybe 50 ft).
It appeared oval and had portholes ( 3-4 I believe ) and no sound. The object stopped and it appeared 2 figures came to the portholes and looked out. We could only see black outlines of them and we were amazed and waved at them yelling greetings and give us a ride.
The incident may have lasted for approximately 1-2 minutes and then the figures went from the portholes and it just floated away and then just took off at an unbelievable speed and it was gone going south and whoosh it was gone.
We did tell our parents but they thought we were pulling their leg but the next day it was in the paper ( I should have kept it ). I have tried finding the article in our local paper, but to know avail. Anyway that's what we saw, totally amazing.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Whistler British Columbia Canada Unusual Sounds
Posted: June 14, 2009
Date: May 8, 2009
Time: 11:40 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: Unknown.
Shape of objects: Unknown.
Weather Conditions: Clear with patches of clouds.
Description: Both witnesses heard initially heard a sound that started out soft and increased in volume until it was quite loud, then decreased and seemed to fade away completely.
The sound was difficult to describe, but seemed almost electronic in nature and contained more than one tone. The sound itself was consistently held for approx. at least 1 min.
Accompanying the sound were a series of lights, green that appeared to be equally spaced and revolving.
Being indoors at the time, we didn't see anything upon looking through the blinds and by the time we went outside to investigate, the sound was fading, but we couldn't see any objects.
Our location was overlooking a secluded lake in the Whistler area.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: May 8, 2009
Time: 11:40 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: Unknown.
Shape of objects: Unknown.
Weather Conditions: Clear with patches of clouds.
Description: Both witnesses heard initially heard a sound that started out soft and increased in volume until it was quite loud, then decreased and seemed to fade away completely.
The sound was difficult to describe, but seemed almost electronic in nature and contained more than one tone. The sound itself was consistently held for approx. at least 1 min.
Accompanying the sound were a series of lights, green that appeared to be equally spaced and revolving.
Being indoors at the time, we didn't see anything upon looking through the blinds and by the time we went outside to investigate, the sound was fading, but we couldn't see any objects.
Our location was overlooking a secluded lake in the Whistler area.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Chilliwack British Columbia Canada More Eye Witnesses To Objects And Aircraft Circling
Posted: June 4, 2009
Date: May 29, 2009
Time: 2:08 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Chilliwack, BC Canada.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 2
Shape of Objects: Round.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was thirsty in the night and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water when I saw some bright lights outside my big bay window. My eyes were half open as I just got out of bed, so I went out onto the patio for a closer look, and hoping the fresh air would wake my senses as well.
What I saw was shocking to me. Two very bright lights that appeared to be round, but were so bright and a little bit far away to tell for sure. So I grabbed the digital camera to take a video or two. Being a little too far away for a night picture to be any decent, I decided video was the only option. With Canon Powershot I could zoom in 12x to see more clearly and up close what was out there.
The object to the left was closer, so my first video started with it up close. It was orange and red, but more orange with lights around the outside of the circle. 5 lights I believe. Neither object made a sound. These round objects appear to be spinning fairly fast in a clockwise direction. I got my girlfriend out of bed to show her as it was exciting and something you just don't see everyday.
The object to the left that was closer faded out as it moved southward. These 2 objects were seen to the west, actually just north of the silhouetted Chilliwack Mountain.
As I filmed the second video, I could see several airplanes to the south circling from over the Chilliwack airport and over Chilliwack Mountain, and it looked like they were keeping these objects on their radar. One plane, seemed to pass just past it. I was thinking, from up there it must be blinding. The other object that was more distant was the exact same, spinning clockwise, but near the end of the fourth video i took, the object started whipping back and fourth in the sky and up and down and then took off to the south where the other disappeared.
I witnessed 5 planes that I could count follow the object in what seemed to be a pursuit. Then I decided to go on the internet, found your site and was shocked to read blogs from May 22nd and May 24th and such that the exact same thing happened, down to the airplanes chasing the objects! Not sure what is going on out there, but it seems since May 22nd, almost everyday this has been going on.
I am putting the videos on the net as we speak and am going to pixilate them. Maybe a more up close will show or tell more. Were they military planes? Is this an experiment? Have UFO's come out of there dimension into this one through a fabric in time and then disappeared back? I will see if in the next couple nights more happens.
Interesting note: On May 28th, 2007 UFO's were spotted at UCFV in Chilliwack and mine was just into May 29th, so I basically call it the 28th. Seems like May is a hot month for activity strangely enough.
Thanks and if you could let me know your thoughts that would be great. Oh, one thing left out, the objects actually turned very bright white with light as if it were a giant flash and then went back to it's orangish reddish color.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: May 29, 2009
Time: 2:08 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Chilliwack, BC Canada.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 2
Shape of Objects: Round.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was thirsty in the night and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water when I saw some bright lights outside my big bay window. My eyes were half open as I just got out of bed, so I went out onto the patio for a closer look, and hoping the fresh air would wake my senses as well.
What I saw was shocking to me. Two very bright lights that appeared to be round, but were so bright and a little bit far away to tell for sure. So I grabbed the digital camera to take a video or two. Being a little too far away for a night picture to be any decent, I decided video was the only option. With Canon Powershot I could zoom in 12x to see more clearly and up close what was out there.
The object to the left was closer, so my first video started with it up close. It was orange and red, but more orange with lights around the outside of the circle. 5 lights I believe. Neither object made a sound. These round objects appear to be spinning fairly fast in a clockwise direction. I got my girlfriend out of bed to show her as it was exciting and something you just don't see everyday.
The object to the left that was closer faded out as it moved southward. These 2 objects were seen to the west, actually just north of the silhouetted Chilliwack Mountain.
As I filmed the second video, I could see several airplanes to the south circling from over the Chilliwack airport and over Chilliwack Mountain, and it looked like they were keeping these objects on their radar. One plane, seemed to pass just past it. I was thinking, from up there it must be blinding. The other object that was more distant was the exact same, spinning clockwise, but near the end of the fourth video i took, the object started whipping back and fourth in the sky and up and down and then took off to the south where the other disappeared.
I witnessed 5 planes that I could count follow the object in what seemed to be a pursuit. Then I decided to go on the internet, found your site and was shocked to read blogs from May 22nd and May 24th and such that the exact same thing happened, down to the airplanes chasing the objects! Not sure what is going on out there, but it seems since May 22nd, almost everyday this has been going on.
I am putting the videos on the net as we speak and am going to pixilate them. Maybe a more up close will show or tell more. Were they military planes? Is this an experiment? Have UFO's come out of there dimension into this one through a fabric in time and then disappeared back? I will see if in the next couple nights more happens.
Interesting note: On May 28th, 2007 UFO's were spotted at UCFV in Chilliwack and mine was just into May 29th, so I basically call it the 28th. Seems like May is a hot month for activity strangely enough.
Thanks and if you could let me know your thoughts that would be great. Oh, one thing left out, the objects actually turned very bright white with light as if it were a giant flash and then went back to it's orangish reddish color.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Parksville Qualicum Vancouver Island B. C. Canada UFOs Missing Time And Marks On Witnesses Back
Posted: June 3, 2009
Date: Numerous (2009)
Time: Dust to evening.
Location of Sighting: Parksville/Qualicum.
Number of witnesses: 5
Number of Objects: Best night was over 30.
Shape of Objects: Ovular.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Myself and two daughters aged 19 and 15 have seen several sighting together as well as individually. One of their friends was also over at out house during one of these episodes. We lived close to a mountain and on several occasions we have witnessed two smaller lights shoot out of a bigger light that was amber in color. The two descended to the top of the mountain and hovered briefly before dislodging something from below. Then one could very briefly see a flash from behind the ridge. They would do this 2 or 3 times before shooting straight up very quickly and disappearing into thin air! Another night at the same house there was suddenly 25 or more really bright lights that were about 10 times the brightness of any star and they would flash and twirl around. This went on for about 40 minutes before they all stopped at once.
We moved to a new house and I would occasionally see a couple of really fast moving objects in the sky. Then one night we grabbed a couple blankets and lay in the yard watching the sky. That night we saw 35-40 very fast moving objects that would vary their activities from shifting from really high rates of speed to hovering to quick descent and ascent patterns and just plain disappearing. This took less than 2 hours. Most recently we (my 19yr old and I) experienced a simultaneous loss of time when we both awoke abruptly at 1:30 in the afternoon! We are both early risers so to be in bed until the afternoon was very shocking to us.
My daughter said her back felt funny and when I looked at it there were at least 50 poke marks in her skin. These healed and were not detectable the same night. I had 2 punctures beneath each of my eyebrows that were red in the center and swollen around the edges. The next day my scalp seemed itchy and when I scratched i felt many small scabs scattered all over my scalp. However we both felt refreshed and full of positive energy and a definite feeling of well being followed us for days. I don't know for a fact if we were 'taken' as there is no memory of anything. I do know that the circumstances were highly unusual.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: Numerous (2009)
Time: Dust to evening.
Location of Sighting: Parksville/Qualicum.
Number of witnesses: 5
Number of Objects: Best night was over 30.
Shape of Objects: Ovular.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Myself and two daughters aged 19 and 15 have seen several sighting together as well as individually. One of their friends was also over at out house during one of these episodes. We lived close to a mountain and on several occasions we have witnessed two smaller lights shoot out of a bigger light that was amber in color. The two descended to the top of the mountain and hovered briefly before dislodging something from below. Then one could very briefly see a flash from behind the ridge. They would do this 2 or 3 times before shooting straight up very quickly and disappearing into thin air! Another night at the same house there was suddenly 25 or more really bright lights that were about 10 times the brightness of any star and they would flash and twirl around. This went on for about 40 minutes before they all stopped at once.
We moved to a new house and I would occasionally see a couple of really fast moving objects in the sky. Then one night we grabbed a couple blankets and lay in the yard watching the sky. That night we saw 35-40 very fast moving objects that would vary their activities from shifting from really high rates of speed to hovering to quick descent and ascent patterns and just plain disappearing. This took less than 2 hours. Most recently we (my 19yr old and I) experienced a simultaneous loss of time when we both awoke abruptly at 1:30 in the afternoon! We are both early risers so to be in bed until the afternoon was very shocking to us.
My daughter said her back felt funny and when I looked at it there were at least 50 poke marks in her skin. These healed and were not detectable the same night. I had 2 punctures beneath each of my eyebrows that were red in the center and swollen around the edges. The next day my scalp seemed itchy and when I scratched i felt many small scabs scattered all over my scalp. However we both felt refreshed and full of positive energy and a definite feeling of well being followed us for days. I don't know for a fact if we were 'taken' as there is no memory of anything. I do know that the circumstances were highly unusual.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Chilliwack British Columbia Canada Aircraft Chase Two Large Round Orange Colored Lights
Posted: June 2, 2009
Date: May 28, 2009
Time: 2:10 a.m.
Hi, just was searching the web to see if anyone else saw what I saw. I was shocked to see that other people have described what occurred in the skies last night at 2:10 am. Two large round orange colored lights were in the night sky to the west, just north of Chilliwack Mountain. Yes, for a bit, they were maneuvering around each other as stated by a previous blog. One was a bit closer to me than the other. These lights were visible in the night sky for at least half an hour. How long were they visible before I saw them? I ran and got my camera and took several videos of them in the night sky. The eerie part is that just like a blog I read today, several planes were circling them and chasing after them till they disappeared. Word for word, the same exact thing happened last night as reported earlier. Can share the videos soon. Thanks for reading, and have to say this is very interesting. What is it out there? Why would planes be chasing it? I'm going to keep looking out there and next time turn a plane scanner on and see if I can get some radio communication. Wouldn't that be sweet.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: May 28, 2009
Time: 2:10 a.m.
Hi, just was searching the web to see if anyone else saw what I saw. I was shocked to see that other people have described what occurred in the skies last night at 2:10 am. Two large round orange colored lights were in the night sky to the west, just north of Chilliwack Mountain. Yes, for a bit, they were maneuvering around each other as stated by a previous blog. One was a bit closer to me than the other. These lights were visible in the night sky for at least half an hour. How long were they visible before I saw them? I ran and got my camera and took several videos of them in the night sky. The eerie part is that just like a blog I read today, several planes were circling them and chasing after them till they disappeared. Word for word, the same exact thing happened last night as reported earlier. Can share the videos soon. Thanks for reading, and have to say this is very interesting. What is it out there? Why would planes be chasing it? I'm going to keep looking out there and next time turn a plane scanner on and see if I can get some radio communication. Wouldn't that be sweet.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Monday, June 1, 2009
Chilliwack British Columbia Canada Bright Light
Posted: June 1, 2009
Date: May 28, 2009
Time: 4:00 Thru 4:30 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Chilliwack B.C. Canada.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Very Bright Light.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Very bright light rose over Cheam Mountain, located in the East as day light was breaking. We at first thought it was a star, but it moved to fast and there was not another star in the East, also the sky was to light for a star. We then thought it was a plane, but there were no flashing lights and it hovered to long and it didn't move like a plane. We also thought maybe a planet but have never seen a planet move like this thing. Watched from 4-4:30 am, as it rose above the peak of Cheam Mountain, then slowly moved south-west, then went direct East away from the Fraser Valley, all the while there were no other lights in the eastern sky. There was one star to the south in mid sky, and it remained stationary for the whole time. Within 30 seconds of coming into the house, we returned and looked out the window and the light had vanished. It was bigger and brighter than anything else in the sky, and bigger than any planet we've ever seen, and it definitely was moving.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: May 28, 2009
Time: 4:00 Thru 4:30 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Chilliwack B.C. Canada.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Very Bright Light.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Very bright light rose over Cheam Mountain, located in the East as day light was breaking. We at first thought it was a star, but it moved to fast and there was not another star in the East, also the sky was to light for a star. We then thought it was a plane, but there were no flashing lights and it hovered to long and it didn't move like a plane. We also thought maybe a planet but have never seen a planet move like this thing. Watched from 4-4:30 am, as it rose above the peak of Cheam Mountain, then slowly moved south-west, then went direct East away from the Fraser Valley, all the while there were no other lights in the eastern sky. There was one star to the south in mid sky, and it remained stationary for the whole time. Within 30 seconds of coming into the house, we returned and looked out the window and the light had vanished. It was bigger and brighter than anything else in the sky, and bigger than any planet we've ever seen, and it definitely was moving.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Monday, May 25, 2009
Vernon, British Columbia Canada A Large Single Bright Light
Posted: May 25, 2009
Date: May 24, 2009
Time: 9:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Vernon, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: A light.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Around 9:45 pm last night I watched a large single bright light fly slowly at a height of under 500 feet over 25th Ave. It headed east until just past downtown Polsen Park, then it dimmed and disappeared. It was silent and slow enough to seem to be drifting along. The sighting itself lasted less than a minute for it to cover the few blocks from when I first spotted it until it disappeared. I can only describe it as a single light. Size of a large car. And silent.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: May 24, 2009
Time: 9:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Vernon, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: A light.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Around 9:45 pm last night I watched a large single bright light fly slowly at a height of under 500 feet over 25th Ave. It headed east until just past downtown Polsen Park, then it dimmed and disappeared. It was silent and slow enough to seem to be drifting along. The sighting itself lasted less than a minute for it to cover the few blocks from when I first spotted it until it disappeared. I can only describe it as a single light. Size of a large car. And silent.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Chilliwack, British Columbia Canada Two Large Orange Colored Lights
Posted: May 24, 2009
Date: May 23, 2009
Time: Approx: 11:30 p.m.
Last night I was arriving home around 11:30pm on Saturday, May 23rd, and I noticed in the sky 2 large orange - red lights maneuvering in the sky around each other. After I pulled in to my driveway and got out, I witnessed a third light. They were directly above our house on (street name removed) Avenue in Chilliwack. I called my wife outside and she saw them too. Then I also noticed 2 small private planes flying towards the general direction of the lights. Maybe 3 or 4 minutes later, the lights disappeared.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: May 23, 2009
Time: Approx: 11:30 p.m.
Last night I was arriving home around 11:30pm on Saturday, May 23rd, and I noticed in the sky 2 large orange - red lights maneuvering in the sky around each other. After I pulled in to my driveway and got out, I witnessed a third light. They were directly above our house on (street name removed) Avenue in Chilliwack. I called my wife outside and she saw them too. Then I also noticed 2 small private planes flying towards the general direction of the lights. Maybe 3 or 4 minutes later, the lights disappeared.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Chilliwack, British Columbia Canada A Large Orange Red Light
Posted: May 24, 2009
Date: May 22, 2009
Time: Approx: 10:30 p.m.
The night before, Friday May 22nd, around 10:30pm, I was standing outside my front door when a large light caught my eye. I looked up and could not believe what I saw! It was a large orange-red light moving north. It had the brilliance of a flare and that is what I thought it was at first. The edges were flickering like a flame. I ran to get my Binoculars and when I got back the light was brimming and then went out. I could still see the object and it had a round bottom. On both sightings there no noise.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: May 22, 2009
Time: Approx: 10:30 p.m.
The night before, Friday May 22nd, around 10:30pm, I was standing outside my front door when a large light caught my eye. I looked up and could not believe what I saw! It was a large orange-red light moving north. It had the brilliance of a flare and that is what I thought it was at first. The edges were flickering like a flame. I ran to get my Binoculars and when I got back the light was brimming and then went out. I could still see the object and it had a round bottom. On both sightings there no noise.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Chilliwack, British Columbia Canada Four Round Glowing Orange Lights
Posted: May 24, 2009
Date: May 23, 2009
Time: Approx: 10:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Chilliwack, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 4
Shape of Objects: Round glow.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: My husband and I went for a walk last evening within the city of Chilliwack. At one point I looked up into the sky and saw 4 glowing orange lights. I said to my husband look at those lights - what are they? He glanced up and said "fireworks". I looked and said no they are not fireworks - flares perhaps, but they don't appear to be moving. I don't think so. Then my husband said - they are lights on a crane at the Rhombus hotel (where there is construction going on). That seemed plausible because there was one light that was higher and more out front then the others and then there were 3 lights in a row at a lower distance and they did appear stationery. As we walked further and kept looking at them we realized - no they are not in the proximity of the Rhombus and there is no crane there! What are they? We kept watching and the lights then appeared to start moving or turning direction to the north and then they went "out" one at a time. We hoped to get home in time to grab the camera before the last light went out but we missed it.
The lights were in the northwestern sky. We did not hear any sounds. They were an orangish color kind of glowing. The sky was clear - no clouds. The lights were larger than any airplanes would be. They were kind of like the idea of a street lamp glow but way off in the distance and high in the sky.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: May 23, 2009
Time: Approx: 10:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Chilliwack, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 4
Shape of Objects: Round glow.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: My husband and I went for a walk last evening within the city of Chilliwack. At one point I looked up into the sky and saw 4 glowing orange lights. I said to my husband look at those lights - what are they? He glanced up and said "fireworks". I looked and said no they are not fireworks - flares perhaps, but they don't appear to be moving. I don't think so. Then my husband said - they are lights on a crane at the Rhombus hotel (where there is construction going on). That seemed plausible because there was one light that was higher and more out front then the others and then there were 3 lights in a row at a lower distance and they did appear stationery. As we walked further and kept looking at them we realized - no they are not in the proximity of the Rhombus and there is no crane there! What are they? We kept watching and the lights then appeared to start moving or turning direction to the north and then they went "out" one at a time. We hoped to get home in time to grab the camera before the last light went out but we missed it.
The lights were in the northwestern sky. We did not hear any sounds. They were an orangish color kind of glowing. The sky was clear - no clouds. The lights were larger than any airplanes would be. They were kind of like the idea of a street lamp glow but way off in the distance and high in the sky.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Nanaimo British Columbia Canada Large UFO With Slight Blue Halo Around It
Posted: May 24, 2009
Date: May 21, 2009
Time: 9:45 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Nanaimo B.C.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of Objects: 2
Shape of Objects: Round.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I went outside of my residence to have a cigarette when I spotted a large light overhead. It was about 10 times the size of any star or planet in the night sky. It was very bright white and had a slight blue halo around the light. It was traveling directly overhead towards Richmond or Delta BC on the mainland. My first thoughts were that it was a very large low flying jet or search helicopter. But, I soon realized that there was no detectable wind to blow away any sound waves and any sound of a jet engine or helicopter just did not exist.
I ran into my house and got my spouse to come outside. By the time we got back outside, the object appeared to be over the Georgia Straight somewhere between Nanaimo and Tsawwassen B.C. At that exact time my neighbor came outside to let his dogs out. We asked him if he could see what we are seeing or knew what it could possibly be. With some brief instruction to where the object was he too had no idea of what we were witness to. At that time the object began a slight movement from side to side as it traveled east south-east from Nanaimo.
We continued to watch the bright silent object until it appeared to be above the Tsawwassen ferry terminal or somewhere close to Mt. Baker Washington.
All of a sudden the object began to turn from the white/blue shade to a red shade. It also began to shrink to total invisibility within a span of 5 seconds.
The entire incident lasted approximately 3 minutes. My wife, my neighbor and myself stood totally speechless for at least 30 seconds while our brains collectively tried to rationalize what we just witnessed together. Unable to make any sense of the situation we all somehow just retreated back to our residences with the hair on the back of our necks standing up.
Shortly before 11pm that evening, after repeatedly checking the night sky every 10 minutes, I did go out for another cigarette with my spouse.
Looking east over the city of Vancouver a slight bit toward the north shore, we noticed a pulsing red light moving north. We watched this oddity for several minutes and witnessed it changing speed of travel multiple times. We watched again in awe for at least 5 minutes until it disappeared behind trees in front of our residence.
My spouse and I have no idea what we witnessed in the late evening of May 21st 2009. My neighbor refuses to speak of the event.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: May 21, 2009
Time: 9:45 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Nanaimo B.C.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of Objects: 2
Shape of Objects: Round.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I went outside of my residence to have a cigarette when I spotted a large light overhead. It was about 10 times the size of any star or planet in the night sky. It was very bright white and had a slight blue halo around the light. It was traveling directly overhead towards Richmond or Delta BC on the mainland. My first thoughts were that it was a very large low flying jet or search helicopter. But, I soon realized that there was no detectable wind to blow away any sound waves and any sound of a jet engine or helicopter just did not exist.
I ran into my house and got my spouse to come outside. By the time we got back outside, the object appeared to be over the Georgia Straight somewhere between Nanaimo and Tsawwassen B.C. At that exact time my neighbor came outside to let his dogs out. We asked him if he could see what we are seeing or knew what it could possibly be. With some brief instruction to where the object was he too had no idea of what we were witness to. At that time the object began a slight movement from side to side as it traveled east south-east from Nanaimo.
We continued to watch the bright silent object until it appeared to be above the Tsawwassen ferry terminal or somewhere close to Mt. Baker Washington.
All of a sudden the object began to turn from the white/blue shade to a red shade. It also began to shrink to total invisibility within a span of 5 seconds.
The entire incident lasted approximately 3 minutes. My wife, my neighbor and myself stood totally speechless for at least 30 seconds while our brains collectively tried to rationalize what we just witnessed together. Unable to make any sense of the situation we all somehow just retreated back to our residences with the hair on the back of our necks standing up.
Shortly before 11pm that evening, after repeatedly checking the night sky every 10 minutes, I did go out for another cigarette with my spouse.
Looking east over the city of Vancouver a slight bit toward the north shore, we noticed a pulsing red light moving north. We watched this oddity for several minutes and witnessed it changing speed of travel multiple times. We watched again in awe for at least 5 minutes until it disappeared behind trees in front of our residence.
My spouse and I have no idea what we witnessed in the late evening of May 21st 2009. My neighbor refuses to speak of the event.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Grand Forks British Columbia Canada A White Circular Light
Posted: May 24, 2009
Date: May 23, 3009
Time: 9:25 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Grand Forks, BC Canada.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: White circular light.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: This evening my partner and I, are my 2 children were sitting outside enjoying the evening and I saw a circular large bright white almost 'floating' in the air. The object was heading Northeast and was veering left and right erratically. It changed color from white to orange and eventually disappeared after blinking a few times. We all saw it, my partner, myself and my 5 year old twins. Very exciting, it's been a while since I have had a sighting! I am wondering if anyone else saw it, as it was a clear sky and the object was quite large!
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: May 23, 3009
Time: 9:25 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Grand Forks, BC Canada.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: White circular light.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: This evening my partner and I, are my 2 children were sitting outside enjoying the evening and I saw a circular large bright white almost 'floating' in the air. The object was heading Northeast and was veering left and right erratically. It changed color from white to orange and eventually disappeared after blinking a few times. We all saw it, my partner, myself and my 5 year old twins. Very exciting, it's been a while since I have had a sighting! I am wondering if anyone else saw it, as it was a clear sky and the object was quite large!
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Vernon, British Columbia Canada A Bright Silent Light
Posted: May 23, 2009
Date: May 21. 2009
Time: After 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Vernon, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: A Light.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Hi Brian, Last night after 10:00pm I noticed a "light", silent, very bright, drift in from the west heading east above 25th Ave no higher than 500 feet. The "light" would be maybe the size of a large car. It remained bright and silent as it slowly drifted over town and then dimmed out completely. Thanks and take care.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: May 21. 2009
Time: After 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Vernon, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: A Light.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Hi Brian, Last night after 10:00pm I noticed a "light", silent, very bright, drift in from the west heading east above 25th Ave no higher than 500 feet. The "light" would be maybe the size of a large car. It remained bright and silent as it slowly drifted over town and then dimmed out completely. Thanks and take care.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Chilliwack Lake Area British Columbia Round Lights Moving Up From The Ground
Posted: May 23, 2009
Date: May 17, 2009
Time: Approx: 10:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Chilliwack, .BC.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 2
Shape of Objects: Round
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Two orb like objects floating up and down from ground went up, straight up, one slightly behind it in speed they would I assume to climb to about 10,000 feet and then it started again from ground up for 4 time on the second time I video taped the whole event.
Watching the video describes and shows this in much more detail.
Thank you to the witness for their interesting sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: May 17, 2009
Time: Approx: 10:45 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Chilliwack, .BC.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 2
Shape of Objects: Round
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Two orb like objects floating up and down from ground went up, straight up, one slightly behind it in speed they would I assume to climb to about 10,000 feet and then it started again from ground up for 4 time on the second time I video taped the whole event.
Watching the video describes and shows this in much more detail.
Thank you to the witness for their interesting sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Chilliwack Lake Area British Columbia Canada Bright UFO Casts Light Onto Trees
Posted: May 23, 2009
Date: May 18, 2009
Time: Approx: 11:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Chilliwack Lake area, BC, Canada.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Orb.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Hi, I'm (name removed) and I'm 24 years old. I was camping over the long weekend with some friends and we were sitting around the fire for the night. We're originally from Vancouver, so being able to see the sky clear enough to actually see so many stars was amazing for us. We were all looking up at the sky at the stars. My friends went back to their conversation and the campfire and I continued watching. I was trying to spot satellites when I noticed a huge white light (Orb shaped) beam across the sky. At first I thought it was a shooting star, but there was no tail. Also, the light coming off of it was a little "hazy" if that makes sense. It travelled towards the direction of the lake. I'm usually pretty skeptical (I'm a Catholic high school teacher) but, this event has really shaken me. I kept trying to tell myself that it wasn't real, but the light would change speed, traveling slowly and then gathering speed, and then slowing down again until it finally disappeared behind a mountain and I lost sight. As the orb went over the ridge, it cast a lot of bright light on the surrounding trees on that ridge.
Thank you to the witness for their interesting sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: May 18, 2009
Time: Approx: 11:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Chilliwack Lake area, BC, Canada.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Orb.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Hi, I'm (name removed) and I'm 24 years old. I was camping over the long weekend with some friends and we were sitting around the fire for the night. We're originally from Vancouver, so being able to see the sky clear enough to actually see so many stars was amazing for us. We were all looking up at the sky at the stars. My friends went back to their conversation and the campfire and I continued watching. I was trying to spot satellites when I noticed a huge white light (Orb shaped) beam across the sky. At first I thought it was a shooting star, but there was no tail. Also, the light coming off of it was a little "hazy" if that makes sense. It travelled towards the direction of the lake. I'm usually pretty skeptical (I'm a Catholic high school teacher) but, this event has really shaken me. I kept trying to tell myself that it wasn't real, but the light would change speed, traveling slowly and then gathering speed, and then slowing down again until it finally disappeared behind a mountain and I lost sight. As the orb went over the ridge, it cast a lot of bright light on the surrounding trees on that ridge.
Thank you to the witness for their interesting sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Surrey, British Columbia Canada Different Colored Bright Lights
Posted: May 23, 2009
Date: May 17, 2009
Time: 9:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Surrey, B.C. Canada.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 3
Shape of Objects: Bright lights, different colors.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: It was well into twilight. My friend and I were standing at the driveway smoking a cigar. As we were talking, I noticed an unusually large bright object moving in the north sky to the east. At first I dismissed it as a satellite but then became more wary of it due to it's size, brightness and slow speed. As it came more to the east it suddenly moved up and down in a wavy pattern and increased in speed. Then slowed down and continued as before until it went into a cloud. At this point a new light appeared that was not as bright and was purple pink in color, not yellow white like the first. This new object was moving in the opposite direction and was behind the first.
As the first came out of the clouds the second did a complete U-turn. That's when I knew for sure these things were not natural. We continued to watch and the second object suddenly increased in brightness and then flashed on and off while still traveling in a straight line. After it flashed it was much smaller and eventually faded out. At same time the first object faded out in the far east. Then in the position that the two object intersected a small blue light appeared that move very fast and immediately did a smaller U-turn and quickly vanished. Then that was it and now I can not stop watching the skies. I hope there are others that saw this!
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: May 17, 2009
Time: 9:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Surrey, B.C. Canada.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 3
Shape of Objects: Bright lights, different colors.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: It was well into twilight. My friend and I were standing at the driveway smoking a cigar. As we were talking, I noticed an unusually large bright object moving in the north sky to the east. At first I dismissed it as a satellite but then became more wary of it due to it's size, brightness and slow speed. As it came more to the east it suddenly moved up and down in a wavy pattern and increased in speed. Then slowed down and continued as before until it went into a cloud. At this point a new light appeared that was not as bright and was purple pink in color, not yellow white like the first. This new object was moving in the opposite direction and was behind the first.
As the first came out of the clouds the second did a complete U-turn. That's when I knew for sure these things were not natural. We continued to watch and the second object suddenly increased in brightness and then flashed on and off while still traveling in a straight line. After it flashed it was much smaller and eventually faded out. At same time the first object faded out in the far east. Then in the position that the two object intersected a small blue light appeared that move very fast and immediately did a smaller U-turn and quickly vanished. Then that was it and now I can not stop watching the skies. I hope there are others that saw this!
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Vernon British Columbia UFO And Helicopter (Pictures)
Posted: May 19, 2009
Date: May 14, 2009
Time: Approx: 5:00 p.m.
I hope you are well these days. So today there was a helicopter flying around and around and around here in Vernon BC all afternoon, and around 5:00 p.m. I tried to take a picture of it when I saw something below it. I had seen a pearl UFO the other day as well, but didn't get a picture. This time I was ready. I will attach the pictures and you are welcomed to post it. You may have to use the link to open the original since it's a large file. You should have three photos.
Thank you to the witness for their report and photos. The photos are copyright 2009 to the owner.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: May 14, 2009
Time: Approx: 5:00 p.m.
I hope you are well these days. So today there was a helicopter flying around and around and around here in Vernon BC all afternoon, and around 5:00 p.m. I tried to take a picture of it when I saw something below it. I had seen a pearl UFO the other day as well, but didn't get a picture. This time I was ready. I will attach the pictures and you are welcomed to post it. You may have to use the link to open the original since it's a large file. You should have three photos.
Thank you to the witness for their report and photos. The photos are copyright 2009 to the owner.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Site:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
North Surrey, British Columbia A Large Red Pulsing Light
Posted: May 13, 2009
Date: May 13, 2009
Time: 22:40 - 23:00
Location of Sighting: N. Surrey, B.C. Canada.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Unknown.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was sitting out on my deck with my wife. Weather was mild and skies very clear. Noted a number of aircraft which mainly appeared to be heading for YVR or Vancouver airport. What caught my attention was that a number of those planes appeared to be on their final approach, then suddenly appeared to veer away. I noticed a large reddish/whitish light which appeared to be hanging motionless in the air and appeared to be in the vicinity of the airport almost directly over the approach.
At first I thought it must be the landing light of a plane heading right for me. I grabbed my binoculars to check and could not see the usual green and red running lights. I could see a large red pulsing light superimposed on top of a larger glowing whitish object.
The red light seemed to be quite sharply defined as a circle almost like looking at a stop light but the mass behind it was just that a glowing mass. I watched the object for several minutes and did not see any movement. I mentioned it to my wife and got the standard reply of its just an airplane. I gave her the binoculars and after looking at it, she realized it was not like any plane she had ever seen before. We continued to watch and soon realized it was slowly drifting further north away from the approach lanes. Several large planes approached to land and I noticed they appeared to be quite similar in size to the object and the running lights were plainly visible.
They didn't appear to pay any attention to the object but headed straight in to land. After about ten minutes I noticed what appeared to be a small plane heading right for the object, as it approached the object. The object appeared to move away to the north at about the same speed and it appeared to give off a burst of light as the sky lit up with a reddish glow for a short time. This soon put both the plane and the object behind some trees. We lost sight of the plane but could still see the object flashing through gaps in the tree branches. We continued to watch until approx: 23:00 when it moved a little further north and was completely obscured. I don't know if the object had anything to do with what appeared to be evasive movement of the planes that first caught my attention or if it was just a coincidence, anyway since last night was the first night that was warm enough to be really comfortable it started off the season with a bang.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: May 13, 2009
Time: 22:40 - 23:00
Location of Sighting: N. Surrey, B.C. Canada.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Unknown.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was sitting out on my deck with my wife. Weather was mild and skies very clear. Noted a number of aircraft which mainly appeared to be heading for YVR or Vancouver airport. What caught my attention was that a number of those planes appeared to be on their final approach, then suddenly appeared to veer away. I noticed a large reddish/whitish light which appeared to be hanging motionless in the air and appeared to be in the vicinity of the airport almost directly over the approach.
At first I thought it must be the landing light of a plane heading right for me. I grabbed my binoculars to check and could not see the usual green and red running lights. I could see a large red pulsing light superimposed on top of a larger glowing whitish object.
The red light seemed to be quite sharply defined as a circle almost like looking at a stop light but the mass behind it was just that a glowing mass. I watched the object for several minutes and did not see any movement. I mentioned it to my wife and got the standard reply of its just an airplane. I gave her the binoculars and after looking at it, she realized it was not like any plane she had ever seen before. We continued to watch and soon realized it was slowly drifting further north away from the approach lanes. Several large planes approached to land and I noticed they appeared to be quite similar in size to the object and the running lights were plainly visible.
They didn't appear to pay any attention to the object but headed straight in to land. After about ten minutes I noticed what appeared to be a small plane heading right for the object, as it approached the object. The object appeared to move away to the north at about the same speed and it appeared to give off a burst of light as the sky lit up with a reddish glow for a short time. This soon put both the plane and the object behind some trees. We lost sight of the plane but could still see the object flashing through gaps in the tree branches. We continued to watch until approx: 23:00 when it moved a little further north and was completely obscured. I don't know if the object had anything to do with what appeared to be evasive movement of the planes that first caught my attention or if it was just a coincidence, anyway since last night was the first night that was warm enough to be really comfortable it started off the season with a bang.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Vernon, British Columbia A Star Like Object
Posted: May 13, 2009
Date: May 11, 2009
Time: After 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Vernon, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Star like object.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Hi Brian, last night after 10:00pm I was hanging out on my balcony enjoying the night air when overhead a bright star like object caught my attention. It was travelling east. At the time I saw it, it was very bright white. It flew east over Vernon toward the mountain and began to slowly dim, and as it was dimming I saw what appeared to be a red light underneath. The height it was flying seemed to be approximately where the small planes will fly when circling Vernon. It was low, bright and slowly crossed over downtown Vernon. Take care.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: May 11, 2009
Time: After 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Vernon, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Star like object.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Hi Brian, last night after 10:00pm I was hanging out on my balcony enjoying the night air when overhead a bright star like object caught my attention. It was travelling east. At the time I saw it, it was very bright white. It flew east over Vernon toward the mountain and began to slowly dim, and as it was dimming I saw what appeared to be a red light underneath. The height it was flying seemed to be approximately where the small planes will fly when circling Vernon. It was low, bright and slowly crossed over downtown Vernon. Take care.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Maple Ridge, British Columbia Large Bright Lights Lined Up In The Sky
Posted: April 23, 2009
Date: April 19 2009
Time: 12:35 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Maple Ridge, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of Objects: 3
Shape of Objects: Round.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Hi there, My husband and I were just leaving a gathering and heading to our car. In the sky were three rather large, very bright lights all lined up in a row. There were two other gentlemen in the street that we did not know who were witnessing the same things. The lights just seemed to hover there for about 3 minutes before they moved into a triangle formation. One moved off and started to fade and the other two seemed to shoot off after it. We have the formation on a camera phone. Not the best pictures but you can see what we are talking about. We have been trying to analyze what they could have been but can't come up with anything plausible. We wanted to reach out and see if anyone else has reported this or if there is a simple explanation. Let us know if you wish to chat about this. Thanks for your input.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: April 19 2009
Time: 12:35 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Maple Ridge, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of Objects: 3
Shape of Objects: Round.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Hi there, My husband and I were just leaving a gathering and heading to our car. In the sky were three rather large, very bright lights all lined up in a row. There were two other gentlemen in the street that we did not know who were witnessing the same things. The lights just seemed to hover there for about 3 minutes before they moved into a triangle formation. One moved off and started to fade and the other two seemed to shoot off after it. We have the formation on a camera phone. Not the best pictures but you can see what we are talking about. We have been trying to analyze what they could have been but can't come up with anything plausible. We wanted to reach out and see if anyone else has reported this or if there is a simple explanation. Let us know if you wish to chat about this. Thanks for your input.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Whitecroft British Columbia Canada Star Like Object
Posted: April 12, 2009
Date: April 9, 2009Time: 8:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Whitecroft British Columbia Canada.Number of witnesses: 4Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Star shaped.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Looking southwest out back window, saw what originally looked like a white very bright star, which then changed colors to red blue and green alternating. Object stayed in the same spot just above the tree line. Colors increased intensity, for about 20 minutes, then faded to red and object left the area.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: April 9, 2009Time: 8:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Whitecroft British Columbia Canada.Number of witnesses: 4Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Star shaped.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Looking southwest out back window, saw what originally looked like a white very bright star, which then changed colors to red blue and green alternating. Object stayed in the same spot just above the tree line. Colors increased intensity, for about 20 minutes, then faded to red and object left the area.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Maple Ridge, British Columbia Canada Strange Lights (UFOs)
Posted: April 12, 2009
Date: April 10 2009
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Maple Ridge B.C. Canada.Number of witnesses: 3Number of Objects: 2Shape of Objects: Round.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Two lights looked like aircraft lights which we have regularly over our house but coming in at a different angle. Seemed to be descending like an aircraft (there was no engine noise) I thought it may be in distress as it was way to low to the ground and off the normal course that the planes come over our house. Also the lights where not flashing like normal aircraft lights. I started to think the plane would crash fairly close to our house if it continued the lights where very close to the ground no aircraft that large would be that close. The lights seemed to stop progressing forward then hovered in the air. The lights then started to spread apart. They turned from a horizontal position to a vertical position and continued to get spread apart. The bottom light got smaller and more orange in color and seemed to disappear. The light at the top started to fade and then disappeared to.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: April 10 2009
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Maple Ridge B.C. Canada.Number of witnesses: 3Number of Objects: 2Shape of Objects: Round.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Two lights looked like aircraft lights which we have regularly over our house but coming in at a different angle. Seemed to be descending like an aircraft (there was no engine noise) I thought it may be in distress as it was way to low to the ground and off the normal course that the planes come over our house. Also the lights where not flashing like normal aircraft lights. I started to think the plane would crash fairly close to our house if it continued the lights where very close to the ground no aircraft that large would be that close. The lights seemed to stop progressing forward then hovered in the air. The lights then started to spread apart. They turned from a horizontal position to a vertical position and continued to get spread apart. The bottom light got smaller and more orange in color and seemed to disappear. The light at the top started to fade and then disappeared to.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Fruitvale, British Columbia Eight Unknown Objects
Posted: April 12, 2009
Date: April 10, 2009
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Fruitvale, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of Objects: 8
Shape of Objects: Undetermined.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: About 7:00pm my wife was laying on the couch watching TV when she noticed a light over the mountain. The light was stationary, but strobing in different colors. The colors went from reds to blues to greens. I went outside with my binoculars to get a better look at the object and discovered that there were 8 of these at different points in the sky. The first one was the brightest with 3 more off to the right arrayed in a perfectly straight line with more above and to the right of the 3. When we looked to the east there was another one above the mountain there.
All 3 of us took turns viewing these lights through the binoculars. We watched these lights for approximately 15 minutes before they all dropped below line of sight behind the mountains. Since none of the other stars had moved in relation with the mountains in this time frame, we could only conclude that what we had seen were not stars.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: April 10, 2009
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Fruitvale, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of Objects: 8
Shape of Objects: Undetermined.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: About 7:00pm my wife was laying on the couch watching TV when she noticed a light over the mountain. The light was stationary, but strobing in different colors. The colors went from reds to blues to greens. I went outside with my binoculars to get a better look at the object and discovered that there were 8 of these at different points in the sky. The first one was the brightest with 3 more off to the right arrayed in a perfectly straight line with more above and to the right of the 3. When we looked to the east there was another one above the mountain there.
All 3 of us took turns viewing these lights through the binoculars. We watched these lights for approximately 15 minutes before they all dropped below line of sight behind the mountains. Since none of the other stars had moved in relation with the mountains in this time frame, we could only conclude that what we had seen were not stars.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Friday, April 10, 2009
UFO Hoax Was A Good Thing ?
Posted: April 10, 2009
Dan Aykroyd finds that the New Jersey UFO hoax was a good thing ? Aykroyd says it is a good thing, meaning the UFO hoax as it brings more attention to real cases, this while signing vodka bottles for his many fans.
Well personally speaking, Dan's comment is a little out there as far as I see it. It is tough enough to try to figure out at times which reported sighting is a hoax or the real deal. Now having Dan say this, he certainly is not at all helping the UFO field. I personally worked my butt off and drove hours and hours, spending alot of my own money going to meet folks who "claimed" they had a UFO/alien encounter. After visiting with some of these people, nothing happened and I wasted time and money which could have been better spent on a real honest sightings. I certainly was not a happy camper and I sure don't find promoting the idea that reporting hoaxes is good for the UFO business.
So to hear Dan Aykroyd come out with a silly and disappointing statement is beyond me. His comments just do not help and makes me really angry to say the least.
You can read and watch the video here:
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Dan Aykroyd finds that the New Jersey UFO hoax was a good thing ? Aykroyd says it is a good thing, meaning the UFO hoax as it brings more attention to real cases, this while signing vodka bottles for his many fans.
Well personally speaking, Dan's comment is a little out there as far as I see it. It is tough enough to try to figure out at times which reported sighting is a hoax or the real deal. Now having Dan say this, he certainly is not at all helping the UFO field. I personally worked my butt off and drove hours and hours, spending alot of my own money going to meet folks who "claimed" they had a UFO/alien encounter. After visiting with some of these people, nothing happened and I wasted time and money which could have been better spent on a real honest sightings. I certainly was not a happy camper and I sure don't find promoting the idea that reporting hoaxes is good for the UFO business.
So to hear Dan Aykroyd come out with a silly and disappointing statement is beyond me. His comments just do not help and makes me really angry to say the least.
You can read and watch the video here:
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Penticton, British Columbia A Large Bright Light
Posted: April 5, 2009
Date: August 2008
Time: Evening.
Hi Brian, further to my previous e-mail of last summer, our sightings continue to occur.
Only weeks later in August, about the same time of night, my daughter and her girlfriend were in the back yard one night jokingly "watching for UFOs". Never thinking we would actually see something, we all sat together visiting and watching the sky. No more than 1/2 hour later, I pointed to the sky and said - What is that? We all turned and watched a large bright object off towards the mountains West of Penticton. It looked like a very, very bright planet, like three to four times the size of say Venus. It began to rise slowly in the sky. After a bit it started to alternate course, starting to veer to the left and up. As it altered course its brightness dimmed and dimmed and after a few more seconds the light went out completely. We saw nothing else. The sighting lasted about 10 to twenty seconds
There we all stood with our mouths hanging open and my daughter with her camera in her hand, who then said "I guess I should have recorded that!" A few weeks ago my daughter advised me that she witnessed a similar sighting again.
I must say, as unsettling as this all is, it was nice to have two witnesses to the whole event the second time. My daughter's girlfriend now believes her father when he tells her that he has been seeing thinks in the sky. I have also since learned from my family that my grand father, who lived in the Okanagan from most of his life, had been sighting UFOs decades ago. Anyways, I find it all very interesting and thought I would drop you another quick e-mail.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: August 2008
Time: Evening.
Hi Brian, further to my previous e-mail of last summer, our sightings continue to occur.
Only weeks later in August, about the same time of night, my daughter and her girlfriend were in the back yard one night jokingly "watching for UFOs". Never thinking we would actually see something, we all sat together visiting and watching the sky. No more than 1/2 hour later, I pointed to the sky and said - What is that? We all turned and watched a large bright object off towards the mountains West of Penticton. It looked like a very, very bright planet, like three to four times the size of say Venus. It began to rise slowly in the sky. After a bit it started to alternate course, starting to veer to the left and up. As it altered course its brightness dimmed and dimmed and after a few more seconds the light went out completely. We saw nothing else. The sighting lasted about 10 to twenty seconds
There we all stood with our mouths hanging open and my daughter with her camera in her hand, who then said "I guess I should have recorded that!" A few weeks ago my daughter advised me that she witnessed a similar sighting again.
I must say, as unsettling as this all is, it was nice to have two witnesses to the whole event the second time. My daughter's girlfriend now believes her father when he tells her that he has been seeing thinks in the sky. I have also since learned from my family that my grand father, who lived in the Okanagan from most of his life, had been sighting UFOs decades ago. Anyways, I find it all very interesting and thought I would drop you another quick e-mail.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Vancouver, British Columbia Two Bright Object Move Across The Night Sky
Posted: March 26, 2009
Date: March 25, 2009
Time: 9:45 p.m.
HBCC UFO Research Note: One of the witnesses also gave me a call on the telephone just after the sighting took place, also as you will read below, sent in a written report.
My husband, who was out on the balcony, called me to come quick, I did.
As I looked westward into a clear starry night, I saw 2 lights similar in appearance to stars, about as bright and as large as Venus in the southern sky and unblinking.
These lights were moving one in front of the other in what appeared to be a straight trajectory from the Northwest to the Southeast. They persisted in this fashion until they were roughly directly south from my vantage and then the first one faded from view. The second one persisted until it reached the position where the first one faded out and then it too, faded out. It was only then that I heard the sound of a plane which came into view, traveling from the east towards to west, in roughly the same area of sky but closer and lower.
This is the first time I have had a direct sighting of unidentified moving lights, neat.
Thank you to the witnesses for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: March 25, 2009
Time: 9:45 p.m.
HBCC UFO Research Note: One of the witnesses also gave me a call on the telephone just after the sighting took place, also as you will read below, sent in a written report.
My husband, who was out on the balcony, called me to come quick, I did.
As I looked westward into a clear starry night, I saw 2 lights similar in appearance to stars, about as bright and as large as Venus in the southern sky and unblinking.
These lights were moving one in front of the other in what appeared to be a straight trajectory from the Northwest to the Southeast. They persisted in this fashion until they were roughly directly south from my vantage and then the first one faded from view. The second one persisted until it reached the position where the first one faded out and then it too, faded out. It was only then that I heard the sound of a plane which came into view, traveling from the east towards to west, in roughly the same area of sky but closer and lower.
This is the first time I have had a direct sighting of unidentified moving lights, neat.
Thank you to the witnesses for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Moricetown Bigfoot Tracks Continue Sighting Outbreak
Posted: March 18, 2009
Has Bigfoot come out of hibernation? There has been yet another sighting of Sasquatch tracks near Moricetown. In July and August there was a rash of three sightings including photos of prints taken by Mormon missionaries near Burns Lake.
To read the entire article, please visit the Smithers Interior newspaper's website: *Moricetown Bigfoot Tracks Continue Sighting Outbreak - Smithers Interior Newspaper*
Has Bigfoot come out of hibernation? There has been yet another sighting of Sasquatch tracks near Moricetown. In July and August there was a rash of three sightings including photos of prints taken by Mormon missionaries near Burns Lake.
To read the entire article, please visit the Smithers Interior newspaper's website: *Moricetown Bigfoot Tracks Continue Sighting Outbreak - Smithers Interior Newspaper*
And Then There Are The UFOs
Posted: March 18, 2009
UFO sightings shot up to more than 1,000 a year across Canada in 2008, an increase of 26 per cent over the previous year.
In the Bulkley Valley, this trend has been followed closely by Brian Vike, a prominent ufologist based in Houston. Numerous incidents have been reported in the region he said, including a “major” incident at Granisle in the middle of February.
To read the entire article, please visit the Smithers Interior newspaper's website: *And Then There Are The UFOs - Smithers Interior Newspaper*
UFO sightings shot up to more than 1,000 a year across Canada in 2008, an increase of 26 per cent over the previous year.
In the Bulkley Valley, this trend has been followed closely by Brian Vike, a prominent ufologist based in Houston. Numerous incidents have been reported in the region he said, including a “major” incident at Granisle in the middle of February.
To read the entire article, please visit the Smithers Interior newspaper's website: *And Then There Are The UFOs - Smithers Interior Newspaper*
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
UFO Sightings In Valley Spike In 2008
Posted: March 11, 2009
UFO sightings shot up to more than 1000 a year across Canada in 2008, an increase of 26 per cent over the previous year.
In the Bulkley Valley, this trend has been followed closely by Brian Vike, a prominent ufologist based in Houston. Numerous incidents have been reported in the region he said, including a “major” incident at Granisle in the middle of February.
To read the entire article, please visit the Houston Today newspaper's website: *UFO Sightings In Valley Spike In 2008 - Houston Today Newspaper*
UFO sightings shot up to more than 1000 a year across Canada in 2008, an increase of 26 per cent over the previous year.
In the Bulkley Valley, this trend has been followed closely by Brian Vike, a prominent ufologist based in Houston. Numerous incidents have been reported in the region he said, including a “major” incident at Granisle in the middle of February.
To read the entire article, please visit the Houston Today newspaper's website: *UFO Sightings In Valley Spike In 2008 - Houston Today Newspaper*
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sasquatch/Bigfoot Tracks Found And Filmed In British Columbia (New Pictures)
Posted: March 10, 2009
I figured I would just give a short update on the new Sasquatch goings on in Moricetown, British Columbia. I posted a note yesterday, March 9, 2009 that informed everyone that I had received a call about a Sasquatch in Moricetown, B.C. The date of the incident was on March 8, 2009. I mentioned in my post that I would make the drive to Moricetown today, which is the 10th of March. Well, I gathered everything I needed up yesterday and made the 1 hour 30 minute run to Moricetown. Since the roads were in excellent driving conditions, I figured I better get out there before more bad weather covered the area.
It was a sunny day yesterday, blue sky and what a beautiful drive through the valley looking up at the snow covered mountain peaks. It really was a good day to head out.
Anyway, I arrived at the home where the possible Sasquatch/Bigfoot tracks were discovered and met a really nice lady who had discovered the foot prints.
We chatted a while, also there were three family members there and we eventually headed into the thick forested area to look at the tracks.
I was able to view tracks from a Moose and something else which was really interesting.
There was certainly no question in my mind that what I was looking at were tracks of something that walked on two legs, large foot prints that were not just in a small area, but rather this thing traveled a great distance. Matter of fact the length of the stride of this creature was something else, on a sharp incline (downhill slope) this creature had walked up the hill in about a foot and a half of snow, sinking down with every step it took. When one sees the distance between the foot prints, this creature had some long stride. I have all the measurements for this and for the tracks themselves.
I did mention that I was told there was some scat found close to the area, this ended up being a ways away from where the tracks were and appeared to be dog scat.
I took a whole whack of photos of the foot prints, I just brought my email in and received more photos from the lady who discovered them. Also we found in one of the foot prints (I would say the back of the heel) blood. Hair was found, but I am not sure about this at this time, possibly a hair from a Moose (?) So a very interesting area for sure, there were visual sightings of a Sasquatch in this area in 2008, some reported and others I had no idea about the sightings.
In one close encounter, a Sasquatch picked up two large rocks and banged them together, this I guess was to frightened off a witness who was walking along the road. So alot coming very soon.
Also I wanted to make a note that any of the samples I got from being in the field yesterday will be shipped to my good friend Barb Campbell a Forensic Investigator for Unexplained Animal Deaths. Barb's website can be found at: Web:
Also Barb and myself will be investigating the area this summer as our Sasquatch/Bigfoot expedition will get underway. Barb and I will be filming this, interviews with eyewitnesses in which more folks have come forward and alot more.
Hope to have things posted very soon.
Take care
Brian Vike
Director of HBCC UFO Research or
Phone: 250 845 2180
I figured I would just give a short update on the new Sasquatch goings on in Moricetown, British Columbia. I posted a note yesterday, March 9, 2009 that informed everyone that I had received a call about a Sasquatch in Moricetown, B.C. The date of the incident was on March 8, 2009. I mentioned in my post that I would make the drive to Moricetown today, which is the 10th of March. Well, I gathered everything I needed up yesterday and made the 1 hour 30 minute run to Moricetown. Since the roads were in excellent driving conditions, I figured I better get out there before more bad weather covered the area.
It was a sunny day yesterday, blue sky and what a beautiful drive through the valley looking up at the snow covered mountain peaks. It really was a good day to head out.
Anyway, I arrived at the home where the possible Sasquatch/Bigfoot tracks were discovered and met a really nice lady who had discovered the foot prints.
We chatted a while, also there were three family members there and we eventually headed into the thick forested area to look at the tracks.
I was able to view tracks from a Moose and something else which was really interesting.
There was certainly no question in my mind that what I was looking at were tracks of something that walked on two legs, large foot prints that were not just in a small area, but rather this thing traveled a great distance. Matter of fact the length of the stride of this creature was something else, on a sharp incline (downhill slope) this creature had walked up the hill in about a foot and a half of snow, sinking down with every step it took. When one sees the distance between the foot prints, this creature had some long stride. I have all the measurements for this and for the tracks themselves.
I did mention that I was told there was some scat found close to the area, this ended up being a ways away from where the tracks were and appeared to be dog scat.
I took a whole whack of photos of the foot prints, I just brought my email in and received more photos from the lady who discovered them. Also we found in one of the foot prints (I would say the back of the heel) blood. Hair was found, but I am not sure about this at this time, possibly a hair from a Moose (?) So a very interesting area for sure, there were visual sightings of a Sasquatch in this area in 2008, some reported and others I had no idea about the sightings.
In one close encounter, a Sasquatch picked up two large rocks and banged them together, this I guess was to frightened off a witness who was walking along the road. So alot coming very soon.
Also I wanted to make a note that any of the samples I got from being in the field yesterday will be shipped to my good friend Barb Campbell a Forensic Investigator for Unexplained Animal Deaths. Barb's website can be found at: Web:
Also Barb and myself will be investigating the area this summer as our Sasquatch/Bigfoot expedition will get underway. Barb and I will be filming this, interviews with eyewitnesses in which more folks have come forward and alot more.
Hope to have things posted very soon.
Take care
Brian Vike
Director of HBCC UFO Research or
Phone: 250 845 2180
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sasquatch Sighting At Moricetown, British Columbia (Breaking News)
Posted: March 9, 2009
Breaking News !
I just got off the telephone as a person called me to file a report of something unusual that took place in Moricetown, British Columbia on March 8, 2009. From what I was told there was some kind of loud sounds coming from the back end of a person's property, this happening in the dark hours. The person told another family member who was there the next day about what took place and they went out back to check to see what may have caused this commotion. The person arrived at the fence line and did see where a Moose was present as tracks from it were visible. But, what shocked them was seeing large foot prints from something. They appeared to be human in shape and hair was found in the area as well. Also human like scat is in the area. Pictures of the foot prints in the snow were taken.
Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research will be heading to the area most likely tomorrow as I have to gather some things together.
On another note, I reported a Sasquatch sighting, or three sightings in Moricetown, British Columbia I believe on January 1, 2008. I ended up having no luck whatsoever talking to these folks who claimed to have seen these creatures. Well I will be finally speaking to one of the folks who had a run in with a Sasquatch in Moricetown while they were dropping a letter into a mail box. This meeting is set up.
I will get everything posted when I get back and have time to write everything up.
Take care
Brian Vike
Director of HBCC UFO Research
Phone: 250 845 2180
Breaking News !
I just got off the telephone as a person called me to file a report of something unusual that took place in Moricetown, British Columbia on March 8, 2009. From what I was told there was some kind of loud sounds coming from the back end of a person's property, this happening in the dark hours. The person told another family member who was there the next day about what took place and they went out back to check to see what may have caused this commotion. The person arrived at the fence line and did see where a Moose was present as tracks from it were visible. But, what shocked them was seeing large foot prints from something. They appeared to be human in shape and hair was found in the area as well. Also human like scat is in the area. Pictures of the foot prints in the snow were taken.
Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research will be heading to the area most likely tomorrow as I have to gather some things together.
On another note, I reported a Sasquatch sighting, or three sightings in Moricetown, British Columbia I believe on January 1, 2008. I ended up having no luck whatsoever talking to these folks who claimed to have seen these creatures. Well I will be finally speaking to one of the folks who had a run in with a Sasquatch in Moricetown while they were dropping a letter into a mail box. This meeting is set up.
I will get everything posted when I get back and have time to write everything up.
Take care
Brian Vike
Director of HBCC UFO Research
Phone: 250 845 2180
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Vernon, British Columbia Canada A Large Object With Multicolored Lights
Posted: March 8, 2009
Date: March 7, 2009
Time: Approx: 10:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Vernon, B.C. Canada.
Number of witnesses: 9
Number of Objects: 6 or 7
Shape of Objects: Unsure.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Hi Brian, my wife came home last night after picking up her son at about 10:30 p.m. She asked me to come outside as she said there were some weird lights up in the sky. In the southwestern sky we saw a large object with multicolored lights on it, appearing as if it were sitting still. We then started scanning the sky and noticed there were others that seemed to be higher up in the sky. We could only detect blue and red lights on these ones and from our viewpoint, it only looked like two lights, side by side.
There were two that seemed to be actually moving and they moved side by side from east to west. It took approximately three minutes for the lights to move to the horizon where we could no longer see them. They appeared to come closer together at the horizon and then quickly spread apart. By this time we had phoned friends in nearby Kelowna and other friends at the north end of town here in Vernon and they all confirmed seeing exactly the same lights. Another one appeared in the northeast.
The remaining lights all seemed to be remaining static in one place and seemed to be higher up in the night sky. The largest one that my wife first saw seemed to be dropping slowly towards the horizon. At one point with the binoculars we could see lights that were green, purple, red, white and blue on it. It finally dipped out of our view. On speaking to my sister-in-law who lives in Langley, BC, this morning, she confirmed seeing a red and blue lighted object out of her bedroom window last night that seemed to just be sitting in one spot as well. She did not go outside to investigate.
We have also seen one of these exact same objects last July, moving slowly across the northeastern horizon one night and another one was sighted on January 31,2008.
We would be interested to hear if anyone else has seen similar objects. Thanks.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: March 7, 2009
Time: Approx: 10:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Vernon, B.C. Canada.
Number of witnesses: 9
Number of Objects: 6 or 7
Shape of Objects: Unsure.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Hi Brian, my wife came home last night after picking up her son at about 10:30 p.m. She asked me to come outside as she said there were some weird lights up in the sky. In the southwestern sky we saw a large object with multicolored lights on it, appearing as if it were sitting still. We then started scanning the sky and noticed there were others that seemed to be higher up in the sky. We could only detect blue and red lights on these ones and from our viewpoint, it only looked like two lights, side by side.
There were two that seemed to be actually moving and they moved side by side from east to west. It took approximately three minutes for the lights to move to the horizon where we could no longer see them. They appeared to come closer together at the horizon and then quickly spread apart. By this time we had phoned friends in nearby Kelowna and other friends at the north end of town here in Vernon and they all confirmed seeing exactly the same lights. Another one appeared in the northeast.
The remaining lights all seemed to be remaining static in one place and seemed to be higher up in the night sky. The largest one that my wife first saw seemed to be dropping slowly towards the horizon. At one point with the binoculars we could see lights that were green, purple, red, white and blue on it. It finally dipped out of our view. On speaking to my sister-in-law who lives in Langley, BC, this morning, she confirmed seeing a red and blue lighted object out of her bedroom window last night that seemed to just be sitting in one spot as well. She did not go outside to investigate.
We have also seen one of these exact same objects last July, moving slowly across the northeastern horizon one night and another one was sighted on January 31,2008.
We would be interested to hear if anyone else has seen similar objects. Thanks.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Numerous UFO Sightings Over Downtown Qualicum Beach On Vancouver Island
Posted: March 8, 2009
Date: Varies.
Time: Varies.
Hello Brian, Just read your article in the PQ News Mar 6, 2009 and was thrilled to finally see a story on these unusual lights in the sky that are just not stars.
I have been watching the skies over downtown Qualicum Beach off (name removed) Rd. where I live especially and along the waterfront of Q.B. for about 12 years now.
There has been far too much to deny seeing and it's almost as if 'they' know you're watching. I've actually videotaped movements to prove to my acquaintances my belief in many UFO's around here. Mother ships especially and not without their offshoots lined up in a pattern blinking to one another.
We've seen large bright "stars" underneath solid cloud cover. Light's brightening intensely, then closing down completely and opening up to varying levels again.
The most shocking was when I pointed up to this 'star' in Qualicum Beach, stating to my Mom whom I was with, if she thought it was a star as she had absolutely no belief in UFO's , when right in front of our very eyes that moment it moved clear across the sky at a medium speed and then rested about 50 degrees from where I pointed. Since then my Mom believes. My son told me the other day around 4:00am (which is when the most activity happens) he was parked at Qualicum Beach waterfront watching the activity above Lasquitie Island. Many patterns were witnessed with 4 ships. Sometimes they are so bright and large they almost look like another moon.
I've seen one pass overhead, above my house around 4:00am again. This was a large ship with all the lights looking much like what could be assumed as a plane, however it was extremely low and made absolutely no sound passing above, but a whoosh of air. I have been relatively consumed by this for many years but have tried to give up on thinking about it because I know I'll never know, so just accept it and don't make a big deal out of it. It certainly scares people, but this article is the first I've read locally, which I feel is an active zone and this article will prove to open up awareness and acceptance to its' reality in the near future. So thanks for providing a network for sightings. Good on you !
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report (s).
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: Varies.
Time: Varies.
Hello Brian, Just read your article in the PQ News Mar 6, 2009 and was thrilled to finally see a story on these unusual lights in the sky that are just not stars.
I have been watching the skies over downtown Qualicum Beach off (name removed) Rd. where I live especially and along the waterfront of Q.B. for about 12 years now.
There has been far too much to deny seeing and it's almost as if 'they' know you're watching. I've actually videotaped movements to prove to my acquaintances my belief in many UFO's around here. Mother ships especially and not without their offshoots lined up in a pattern blinking to one another.
We've seen large bright "stars" underneath solid cloud cover. Light's brightening intensely, then closing down completely and opening up to varying levels again.
The most shocking was when I pointed up to this 'star' in Qualicum Beach, stating to my Mom whom I was with, if she thought it was a star as she had absolutely no belief in UFO's , when right in front of our very eyes that moment it moved clear across the sky at a medium speed and then rested about 50 degrees from where I pointed. Since then my Mom believes. My son told me the other day around 4:00am (which is when the most activity happens) he was parked at Qualicum Beach waterfront watching the activity above Lasquitie Island. Many patterns were witnessed with 4 ships. Sometimes they are so bright and large they almost look like another moon.
I've seen one pass overhead, above my house around 4:00am again. This was a large ship with all the lights looking much like what could be assumed as a plane, however it was extremely low and made absolutely no sound passing above, but a whoosh of air. I have been relatively consumed by this for many years but have tried to give up on thinking about it because I know I'll never know, so just accept it and don't make a big deal out of it. It certainly scares people, but this article is the first I've read locally, which I feel is an active zone and this article will prove to open up awareness and acceptance to its' reality in the near future. So thanks for providing a network for sightings. Good on you !
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report (s).
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Okanagan Falls British Columbia A Triangular Formation (UFOs)
Posted: March 7, 2009
Date: Summer 2003
Time: Approx: 12:30 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Okanagan Falls B.C.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 3
Shape of Objects: 3 dots in the.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Came out of home to have a smoke and look at the night sky when I noticed 3 dots of light in what appeared to be a perfect triangle. After noticing said triangle I thought to myself I know of no constellation or any thing like that formed a triangle like that, so I was looking at it wondering what it could be the three light started spinning in a fast circular motion and the just zipped away in three different directions leaving no trail or any thing behind just sped off and disappeared. Been quiet about this until I read the article in the Qualicum Beach bi-weekly paper (Black Press). I thought I would pass it along then to some-one I hope doesn't think I should be in the HA HA Hotel! Hope this is of some help.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report. Also I would like to add in the Okanagan here in British Columbia in 2003 there was a major UFO flap that took place. Sighting reports came flying in, and some of these reports were major UFO events that still to this day have gone unexplained. All of the Okanagan I would say is most certainly the most active area for sightings in British Columbia, Canada.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: Summer 2003
Time: Approx: 12:30 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Okanagan Falls B.C.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 3
Shape of Objects: 3 dots in the.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Came out of home to have a smoke and look at the night sky when I noticed 3 dots of light in what appeared to be a perfect triangle. After noticing said triangle I thought to myself I know of no constellation or any thing like that formed a triangle like that, so I was looking at it wondering what it could be the three light started spinning in a fast circular motion and the just zipped away in three different directions leaving no trail or any thing behind just sped off and disappeared. Been quiet about this until I read the article in the Qualicum Beach bi-weekly paper (Black Press). I thought I would pass it along then to some-one I hope doesn't think I should be in the HA HA Hotel! Hope this is of some help.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report. Also I would like to add in the Okanagan here in British Columbia in 2003 there was a major UFO flap that took place. Sighting reports came flying in, and some of these reports were major UFO events that still to this day have gone unexplained. All of the Okanagan I would say is most certainly the most active area for sightings in British Columbia, Canada.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
UFOs - Our Mysterious Skies
Posted: March 7, 2009
By Neil Horner - Parksville Qualicum Beach News
Published: March 05, 2009 7:00 PM
A jet was flying due east, most likely to Vancouver International Airport. The sun glistened off part of the jet’s body. Following behind the jet on the port side, a disc followed at exactly the same speed.
— Port Alberni, Dec. 15, 2008.
When Canadians looked up, up in the sky in 2008, an unusual number weren’t able to identify what they were looking at as either a bird, a plane ... or anything else.
In all, according to Winnipeg-based Ufology Research, there were 1,004 reports of unidentified flying objects across Canada in 2008, an increase of 26 per cent over 2007. Reports had been filed by witnesses with government and military agencies, police, civilian UFO groups and online UFO websites.
Vancouver Island was no exception, says Houston, B.C. based UFO researcher Brian Vike.
To read the entire large UFO article, please visit the Parksville Qualicum Beach News newspaper's website: *Our Mysterious Skies*
By Neil Horner - Parksville Qualicum Beach News
Published: March 05, 2009 7:00 PM
A jet was flying due east, most likely to Vancouver International Airport. The sun glistened off part of the jet’s body. Following behind the jet on the port side, a disc followed at exactly the same speed.
— Port Alberni, Dec. 15, 2008.
When Canadians looked up, up in the sky in 2008, an unusual number weren’t able to identify what they were looking at as either a bird, a plane ... or anything else.
In all, according to Winnipeg-based Ufology Research, there were 1,004 reports of unidentified flying objects across Canada in 2008, an increase of 26 per cent over 2007. Reports had been filed by witnesses with government and military agencies, police, civilian UFO groups and online UFO websites.
Vancouver Island was no exception, says Houston, B.C. based UFO researcher Brian Vike.
To read the entire large UFO article, please visit the Parksville Qualicum Beach News newspaper's website: *Our Mysterious Skies*
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Chilliwack, British Columbia Beams Of Lights
Posted: March 3, 2009
Date: Late July 2003
Time: Just past midnight.
I read up on the website you have about these weird lights, I myself seen them but my sighting differs from the rest. I am located in Chilliwack, B.C. a little further west then the other sightings. This may not even be the same thing at all.It was late at night probably past midnight and I saw a couple white lights flash across the sky as far as I could see both ways. It was not a steady orb of light or a moving object, it was a very bright light that traveled from horizon to horizon instantly, it did not take any time to travel across the sky.After seeing about 5 of these, I told my father what I was seeing so he could also see it and believe me when I told him. We watched for a few more minutes with nothing, but then it happened again with about 11 bursts of light across the sky. All of these lights where bright solid white and after the white flashes died down I also seen a bright red light flash across, but I only seen this once.I am still wondering what the cause of these flashes were, I have done a lot of research on new weapon's and possible out of atmosphere defensive systems but this does not seem to match up with any.I thought I would share what I seen with you, hoping this can further help you, this is not the only weird sighting I have seen. I have seen steady orbs of light stay in one position then in seconds move distances no earth space craft could. Also I have seen a few objects disappear before my eyes. Thanks.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: Late July 2003
Time: Just past midnight.
I read up on the website you have about these weird lights, I myself seen them but my sighting differs from the rest. I am located in Chilliwack, B.C. a little further west then the other sightings. This may not even be the same thing at all.It was late at night probably past midnight and I saw a couple white lights flash across the sky as far as I could see both ways. It was not a steady orb of light or a moving object, it was a very bright light that traveled from horizon to horizon instantly, it did not take any time to travel across the sky.After seeing about 5 of these, I told my father what I was seeing so he could also see it and believe me when I told him. We watched for a few more minutes with nothing, but then it happened again with about 11 bursts of light across the sky. All of these lights where bright solid white and after the white flashes died down I also seen a bright red light flash across, but I only seen this once.I am still wondering what the cause of these flashes were, I have done a lot of research on new weapon's and possible out of atmosphere defensive systems but this does not seem to match up with any.I thought I would share what I seen with you, hoping this can further help you, this is not the only weird sighting I have seen. I have seen steady orbs of light stay in one position then in seconds move distances no earth space craft could. Also I have seen a few objects disappear before my eyes. Thanks.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Surrey, British Columbia Bright Light And Flashes Of Light (Pictures)
Posted: March 3, 2009
Date: March 2, 2009
Time: Approx: 7:20 p.m.
Hi, I live in Surrey, British Columbia. I looked out my front porch around 7:20 and then looked to the east of me and saw a very bright light that seemed to move a little then stop. I also noticed a quick flash to the right of it. After about 20 minutes of watching it, somebody was saying that Venus was visible right now and on how bright it is, then that flash not far off from it's right. It doesn't make sense. Is there a possible explanation for this as I'm very curious. Thank you for your time and patience. I took these pictures with a 4 megapixel camera, I hope they can help.
Thank you to the witness for their report and photos.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: March 2, 2009
Time: Approx: 7:20 p.m.
Hi, I live in Surrey, British Columbia. I looked out my front porch around 7:20 and then looked to the east of me and saw a very bright light that seemed to move a little then stop. I also noticed a quick flash to the right of it. After about 20 minutes of watching it, somebody was saying that Venus was visible right now and on how bright it is, then that flash not far off from it's right. It doesn't make sense. Is there a possible explanation for this as I'm very curious. Thank you for your time and patience. I took these pictures with a 4 megapixel camera, I hope they can help.
Thank you to the witness for their report and photos.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Monday, February 23, 2009
KBS FM Radio - The Wayne And Jayne Show Guest Brian Vike (UFOs)
Posted: February 23, 2009
Wayne and Jayne are two of the nicest people you will find on air to date, easy going and alot of fun interacting with the two of them. You can listen in to the Wayne and Jayne Show and visit their website at:
Brian Vike is a Ufologist in Houston, BC studying paranormal activity in BC! Listen to his findings Fridays 8:40! If you see something in the sky contact Brian at or
Listen into past shows: KBS_FM_Radio_20092.mp3
Wayne and Jayne are two of the nicest people you will find on air to date, easy going and alot of fun interacting with the two of them. You can listen in to the Wayne and Jayne Show and visit their website at:
Brian Vike is a Ufologist in Houston, BC studying paranormal activity in BC! Listen to his findings Fridays 8:40! If you see something in the sky contact Brian at or
Listen into past shows: KBS_FM_Radio_20092.mp3
KBS FM Radio - The Wayne And Jayne Show Guest Brian Vike (UFOs)
Posted: February 23, 2009
Wayne and Jayne are two of the nicest people you will find on air to date, easy going and alot of fun interacting with the two of them. You can listen in to the Wayne and Jayne Show and visit their website at:
Brian Vike is a Ufologist in Houston, BC studying paranormal activity in BC! Listen to his findings Fridays 8:40! If you see something in the sky contact Brian at or
Listen into past shows: KBS_FM_Radio_20091.mp3
Wayne and Jayne are two of the nicest people you will find on air to date, easy going and alot of fun interacting with the two of them. You can listen in to the Wayne and Jayne Show and visit their website at:
Brian Vike is a Ufologist in Houston, BC studying paranormal activity in BC! Listen to his findings Fridays 8:40! If you see something in the sky contact Brian at or
Listen into past shows: KBS_FM_Radio_20091.mp3
Prince Rupert British Columbia Bright Light Hovers Then Moves Off
Posted: February 23, 2009
Date: February 20, 2009
Time: Evening.
Last night, February 20, 2009 there appeared to be the same bright light off the west coast of Prince Rupert, B.C. I first noticed it on Sunday eve passed. I thought it was a bit bright and strange. But last night it does the same thing as the other nights. It goes really bright and then it fades. I was discussing this with my husband who is a fisherman and he said they saw the same light out fishing the other night. But this light had moved when they were fishing and it hovered down low then took off. We believe it is the same light, because it is in the same spot as before. We are not sure what it is, but it is definitely not normal. We live right on the harbor side of Prince Rupert and it is very bright at times. Well not sure what it is, but it is not a normal star. Maybe it's a UFO. Thanks for your interest.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog: HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: February 20, 2009
Time: Evening.
Last night, February 20, 2009 there appeared to be the same bright light off the west coast of Prince Rupert, B.C. I first noticed it on Sunday eve passed. I thought it was a bit bright and strange. But last night it does the same thing as the other nights. It goes really bright and then it fades. I was discussing this with my husband who is a fisherman and he said they saw the same light out fishing the other night. But this light had moved when they were fishing and it hovered down low then took off. We believe it is the same light, because it is in the same spot as before. We are not sure what it is, but it is definitely not normal. We live right on the harbor side of Prince Rupert and it is very bright at times. Well not sure what it is, but it is not a normal star. Maybe it's a UFO. Thanks for your interest.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog: HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Northern British Columbia Canada Police And A UFO
Posted: February 18, 2009
Date: August 13, 2009
Time: 1:00 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Light in the sky.
Weather Conditions: Clear.
Description: We were traveling South by automobile from Alaska to Washington State through Canada. At approximately 1:00 AM after entering the BC territory, several police vehicles were stopped with officers outside of their cars along roadway many miles from any town.
After passing the officers we noticed a light in the sky that appeared to be an aircraft vehicle hovering. Two of us were awake and debating what type of aircraft it was. We stopped to relieve ourselves alongside the road, still observing the lit vehicle in the sky. It then moved with such speed that we literally ran without a word to get back into the truck out of fear. We drove at a high rate of speed to the next town. When there, the object was a very great distance away and appeared to not be moving. We pointed it out to our other passenger who was now awake and to one other and debated what it was. A while later we went out from our hotel room and checked on it again, it was gone. It was never close enough to identify it's shape. The speed at which we saw it move earlier was beyond anything possible.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Date: August 13, 2009
Time: 1:00 a.m.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Light in the sky.
Weather Conditions: Clear.
Description: We were traveling South by automobile from Alaska to Washington State through Canada. At approximately 1:00 AM after entering the BC territory, several police vehicles were stopped with officers outside of their cars along roadway many miles from any town.
After passing the officers we noticed a light in the sky that appeared to be an aircraft vehicle hovering. Two of us were awake and debating what type of aircraft it was. We stopped to relieve ourselves alongside the road, still observing the lit vehicle in the sky. It then moved with such speed that we literally ran without a word to get back into the truck out of fear. We drove at a high rate of speed to the next town. When there, the object was a very great distance away and appeared to not be moving. We pointed it out to our other passenger who was now awake and to one other and debated what it was. A while later we went out from our hotel room and checked on it again, it was gone. It was never close enough to identify it's shape. The speed at which we saw it move earlier was beyond anything possible.
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Maple Ridge, British Columbia Canada Fast Moving UFO
Posted: February 17, 2009
Date: February 15, 2009
Time: Approx: 7:15 p.m.
Hello, just wondering if anyone else saw a strange light in the sky last night, February 15, 2009 about 7:15 PM. We were watching TV and I happened to look out the window and noticed a light which I thought was an airplane. But then it zoomed across the sky and disappeared. It didn't leave a trail, but the light wasn't like a dot, but more like a dash. The speed with which it moved across the sky just caught me off guard. I was in Maple Ridge looking toward the west. The light did not appear to be very high up. Space junk?? Something else?? Definitely not a plane. Thank you.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: February 15, 2009
Time: Approx: 7:15 p.m.
Hello, just wondering if anyone else saw a strange light in the sky last night, February 15, 2009 about 7:15 PM. We were watching TV and I happened to look out the window and noticed a light which I thought was an airplane. But then it zoomed across the sky and disappeared. It didn't leave a trail, but the light wasn't like a dot, but more like a dash. The speed with which it moved across the sky just caught me off guard. I was in Maple Ridge looking toward the west. The light did not appear to be very high up. Space junk?? Something else?? Definitely not a plane. Thank you.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Monday, February 16, 2009
Nanaimo British Columbia Canada Aircraft Or UFO ?
Posted: February 16, 2009
Date: February 12, 2009
Time: Approx: 8:00 p.m.
Hi, On Friday evening I looked out to see an aircraft with a very bright red flashing light either on the starboard side (aren't the lights required to be green on the starboard side) or rotating all around. It proceeded west to east, quite low, and soon disappeared behind the houses and trees. As soon as it was gone I saw it's twin but very high overhead. I watched it "float" slowly east for about 5 minutes, with naked eye and binoculars. Not once did I see a green light on either side of it nor a white light on the tail as I believe is also required. Just a very bright flashing starboard or a very bright rotating red light, it was hard to determine which is correct. Finally it disappeared from view way off in the east, much further than I would normally be able to keep airplane lights in view. It also did not travel as fast as an airplane. I think helicopters are also required to show the green starboard, red port, and white tail lights for safety reasons.
I failed to notice the time but would guess it was before my 7:00 o'clock on line appointment or immediately after it, at 8:00 p.m. What did I see?
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: February 12, 2009
Time: Approx: 8:00 p.m.
Hi, On Friday evening I looked out to see an aircraft with a very bright red flashing light either on the starboard side (aren't the lights required to be green on the starboard side) or rotating all around. It proceeded west to east, quite low, and soon disappeared behind the houses and trees. As soon as it was gone I saw it's twin but very high overhead. I watched it "float" slowly east for about 5 minutes, with naked eye and binoculars. Not once did I see a green light on either side of it nor a white light on the tail as I believe is also required. Just a very bright flashing starboard or a very bright rotating red light, it was hard to determine which is correct. Finally it disappeared from view way off in the east, much further than I would normally be able to keep airplane lights in view. It also did not travel as fast as an airplane. I think helicopters are also required to show the green starboard, red port, and white tail lights for safety reasons.
I failed to notice the time but would guess it was before my 7:00 o'clock on line appointment or immediately after it, at 8:00 p.m. What did I see?
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Friday, February 13, 2009
Major UFO Incident At Granisle, British Columbia
Posted: February 13, 2009
Three UFOs hovering over Babine Lake, two of the three shot back up into the air and the one just proceeded to stay with colorful lights. A lady couldn't believe what she was seeing so she phoned another neighbor and told them to look above their home, there is a UFO overhead.
Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research Note: The above short bit of information is just a peek into a major UFO incident that took place over Babine Lake at Granisle, British Columbia. Granisle is a 45 minute drive from home here in Houston, B.C. From what I have on this multiple UFO sighting is that all this took place on February 9, 2009 and their are multiple eyewitnesses who observed the UFOs from the different homes. I do have some of the peoples contact info (phone numbers) and will be calling them today for sure.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Three UFOs hovering over Babine Lake, two of the three shot back up into the air and the one just proceeded to stay with colorful lights. A lady couldn't believe what she was seeing so she phoned another neighbor and told them to look above their home, there is a UFO overhead.
Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research Note: The above short bit of information is just a peek into a major UFO incident that took place over Babine Lake at Granisle, British Columbia. Granisle is a 45 minute drive from home here in Houston, B.C. From what I have on this multiple UFO sighting is that all this took place on February 9, 2009 and their are multiple eyewitnesses who observed the UFOs from the different homes. I do have some of the peoples contact info (phone numbers) and will be calling them today for sure.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
UFO Sightings: 'I Believe There's Life Out There'
Posted: February 10, 2009
Brian Reinhardt could see it from the Richmond side of the tunnel. It was a large rectangle with a yellowish tinge, hanging in the air to the north around 6 p.m. on a sunny evening.
He was riding a motorcycle and lifted his visor. It must be a reflection, he thought.
It wasn't, his girlfriend saw it too.
By the time he got to the south end of the Oak Street Bridge, he saw what appeared to be shadows of people moving about inside—but its massive door was closing.
To read the entire newspaper article, please visit the Richmond Review newspaper's website:
Brian Reinhardt could see it from the Richmond side of the tunnel. It was a large rectangle with a yellowish tinge, hanging in the air to the north around 6 p.m. on a sunny evening.
He was riding a motorcycle and lifted his visor. It must be a reflection, he thought.
It wasn't, his girlfriend saw it too.
By the time he got to the south end of the Oak Street Bridge, he saw what appeared to be shadows of people moving about inside—but its massive door was closing.
To read the entire newspaper article, please visit the Richmond Review newspaper's website:
Monday, February 9, 2009
Chase, British Columbia Bright Bluish Ball Of Fire
Posted: February 9, 2009
Date: February 9, 2009
Time: Approx: 4:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Chase, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Round ball of fire.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: A ball of fire shot across the sky in front of my as I was walking down Shuswap Avenue in Chase, B.C. I was walking from west to east and the ball crossed my path going from south to north. It was beautiful. It was crossing through a blue break in the clouds and it was a bluish colour in the centre and very bright. It disappeared over the mountains above Star (Aylmer) Lake.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: February 9, 2009
Time: Approx: 4:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Chase, B.C.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Round ball of fire.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: A ball of fire shot across the sky in front of my as I was walking down Shuswap Avenue in Chase, B.C. I was walking from west to east and the ball crossed my path going from south to north. It was beautiful. It was crossing through a blue break in the clouds and it was a bluish colour in the centre and very bright. It disappeared over the mountains above Star (Aylmer) Lake.
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Hairy Tales Of The Northwest’s Mythic Man (Sasquatch)
Posted: February 8, 2009
By: Tanya Davidson
It’s been close to a decade since I started exploring the outdoors, and I have come a long way from the city girl who had never set foot in a canoe or off a well-signed, gravelled trail—yet the true backcountry still unnerves me. As beckoning as nature is, it also boggles with its sheer adversity, challenges with its imperviousness, and taunts with its secrets. Our Northwest wilderness harbours histories that reach back at least as far as the end of the last ice age, ten to twelve thousand years ago.
The original inhabitants of this land, generation upon generation of coastal and inland First Nations, spoke of upright, long-haired wild men (and women) of the woods. Many early European settlers and their descendents encountered a similar beast (and/or his tracks, smells, sounds, or nests). Houston, Babine Lake, Grassy Plains, Moricetown, Hazelton, Terrace, Masset, Juskatla, Skidegate, Klemtu, Hartley Bay, Kemano, and Kitimaat are just some of the many locations where the Sasquatch has popped up.
To read the entire magazine's story on Sasquatch/Bigfoot, please go to the magazines website at: *Northword Magazine - Hairy Tales Of The Northwest’s Mythic Man*
By: Tanya Davidson
It’s been close to a decade since I started exploring the outdoors, and I have come a long way from the city girl who had never set foot in a canoe or off a well-signed, gravelled trail—yet the true backcountry still unnerves me. As beckoning as nature is, it also boggles with its sheer adversity, challenges with its imperviousness, and taunts with its secrets. Our Northwest wilderness harbours histories that reach back at least as far as the end of the last ice age, ten to twelve thousand years ago.
The original inhabitants of this land, generation upon generation of coastal and inland First Nations, spoke of upright, long-haired wild men (and women) of the woods. Many early European settlers and their descendents encountered a similar beast (and/or his tracks, smells, sounds, or nests). Houston, Babine Lake, Grassy Plains, Moricetown, Hazelton, Terrace, Masset, Juskatla, Skidegate, Klemtu, Hartley Bay, Kemano, and Kitimaat are just some of the many locations where the Sasquatch has popped up.
To read the entire magazine's story on Sasquatch/Bigfoot, please go to the magazines website at: *Northword Magazine - Hairy Tales Of The Northwest’s Mythic Man*
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Port Coquitlam British Columbia Bright UFO Moves Upward From A Hover
Posted: February 3, 2009
Date: February 2, 2009
Time: 6:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Area: Port Coquitlam, BC (aircraft height or a bit higher)
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects : 1
Eyewitness Account: I was on our patio last night around 6:30pm and this very large bright light in the sky was hovering. The shape was sphere-like with colored lights circling it. (blue, red and yellow). It was hovering for about 20 minutes, then it started to move straight up slowly into the clouds. I ran upstairs to find my husband and he saw it too from our bedroom window. I asked him if weather balloons had lights he said he didn't think so and was blown away by what he had seen. "We are not alone".
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: February 2, 2009
Time: 6:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Area: Port Coquitlam, BC (aircraft height or a bit higher)
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects : 1
Eyewitness Account: I was on our patio last night around 6:30pm and this very large bright light in the sky was hovering. The shape was sphere-like with colored lights circling it. (blue, red and yellow). It was hovering for about 20 minutes, then it started to move straight up slowly into the clouds. I ran upstairs to find my husband and he saw it too from our bedroom window. I asked him if weather balloons had lights he said he didn't think so and was blown away by what he had seen. "We are not alone".
Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Kelowna, B. C. Two UFOs Battle It Out - More Eyewitness To Major Sighting (Diagram)
Posted: February 1, 2009
Date: July 2, 2007 Time: Approx: 10:45 p.m.
Hey Brian, Ok, so like I said I would I've been watching the skies. Not last night but the night before, I saw something out of this world (no pun intended). It was about 10:45ish at night and I saw two object in the sky just hovering. They weren't doing much, but something new with most sightings, they were different shaped objects. One was thin and longish, and the other was like a Triangular shape. They kept hovering there, so I got up quickly to run and grab my camera but the next thing I know I hear a smallest bang, almost like a gun, and the longish one starts to hurtle towards earth on fire making a deep sound. kind of like a nuclear generator bass kind of sound. I'm thinking to myself what the hell!
I watched the object and it disappeared at low altitude behind a smallish hill between my neighborhood and the lake. I look up and I see the triangular object make a small circle, come a little lower and then I see it start to hurdle towards the sky at a fast rate, and the longish one reappears from behind the hill no more fire, and ascending at break neck speed and when it gets a little higher, I saw it literally shoot something at the other object and then a very loud bang and the triangular one was no longer visible. The longish one started to what looked like search the sky. It was going north, then south, then east and west, Very quickly, almost like a hummingbird when it goes side to side. Then the object disappeared and I suppose it's departure broke the sound barrier immediately because I heard that sonic boom when the barrier is broken. Anyways, like I said. This seems ludicrous, and after my many years of watching the skies, I finally saw what seemed like two E.T.s duking it out. The thing I find interesting about this sighting though, is that the objects were not glowing eerily like most UFO sightings refer to. It makes the sighting almost that much more "real" if you know what I mean.
Thank you to the witness for the very important report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: HBCC UFO Research Blog: *HBCC UFO Research Blogs*
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Date: July 2, 2007 Time: Approx: 10:45 p.m.
Hey Brian, Ok, so like I said I would I've been watching the skies. Not last night but the night before, I saw something out of this world (no pun intended). It was about 10:45ish at night and I saw two object in the sky just hovering. They weren't doing much, but something new with most sightings, they were different shaped objects. One was thin and longish, and the other was like a Triangular shape. They kept hovering there, so I got up quickly to run and grab my camera but the next thing I know I hear a smallest bang, almost like a gun, and the longish one starts to hurtle towards earth on fire making a deep sound. kind of like a nuclear generator bass kind of sound. I'm thinking to myself what the hell!
I watched the object and it disappeared at low altitude behind a smallish hill between my neighborhood and the lake. I look up and I see the triangular object make a small circle, come a little lower and then I see it start to hurdle towards the sky at a fast rate, and the longish one reappears from behind the hill no more fire, and ascending at break neck speed and when it gets a little higher, I saw it literally shoot something at the other object and then a very loud bang and the triangular one was no longer visible. The longish one started to what looked like search the sky. It was going north, then south, then east and west, Very quickly, almost like a hummingbird when it goes side to side. Then the object disappeared and I suppose it's departure broke the sound barrier immediately because I heard that sonic boom when the barrier is broken. Anyways, like I said. This seems ludicrous, and after my many years of watching the skies, I finally saw what seemed like two E.T.s duking it out. The thing I find interesting about this sighting though, is that the objects were not glowing eerily like most UFO sightings refer to. It makes the sighting almost that much more "real" if you know what I mean.
Thank you to the witness for the very important report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: HBCC UFO Research Blog: *HBCC UFO Research Blogs*
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Brian Vike Director Of HBCC UFO Research And The Media
Posted: February 1, 2009
Brian Vike, Independent UFO Investigator/Reporter. I own and operate HBCC UFO Research. Below are some of the media interviews I have done since I started investigating UFOs.
I have been looking into the UFO phenomena since mid 2000. I work at it full time these days and really enjoy meeting with the witnesses and have made many new wonder friends along the way.
I reside in a very small town called Houston, here in British Columbia Canada and have made a good name for myself in the UFO field. I have received thousands of sighting reports from Canada, United States and all around the world. I also have a small radio show and only have guests on the show who have been witness to a UFO, Sasquatch/Bigfoot, Ghost sighting, or really anything that is classed unusual.
I decided to close my main website and use the blogs to report on all new UFO sightings that come in. The blogs are many more times easier to use and saves me a great deal of time and can put more time into the reports.
I have posted below just some of the media interviews I have done. I have talked to the media here in Canada, the United States and other parts of the world. I have been in a couple of UFO documentaries and been a guest on countless radio programs.
Below is just a small sample of media interviews I have done.
I would like to thank everyone for stopping by and if you have any questions about what I do, please do write to me.
I can be contacted at or through my main blog at:
Have You Spotted A UFO Lately
The Houston Today
The Editor
Wednesday, August 9, 2000
Article on HBCC UFO Research
Gathering The Goods On UFOs
The Terrace Standard
by Keith Freeman
Wednesday, October 18, 2000
Article on HBCC UFO Research
Lethbridge Herald, Alberta
Sherri Gallant
Health reporter
Article on HBCC UFO Research
UFO*BC Welcomes Researcher Brian Vike
Houston A Hotbed Of Activity
Quarterly Journal
Volume 5 Number 4 Autumn 2000
Article on HBCC UFO Research
Northern Television Interview For The News
May 27, 2001
Thanks To Reporter
Jennifer Crosby
Interview with Brian - HBCC UFO Research
CKNW Radio Interview - Increase In UFOs For 2001
August 18, 2001, 4:30 PM.
I was interviewed By CKNW Radio, British Columbia, Canada about the rise in UFO sighting across Canada. I must say, the interview was most enjoyable and a lot of fun. Thank you to CKNW, Sterling Fox & Don for having me.
Northern Television
September 7, 2001
Reported on the Vanderhoof Crop Circles telling that an investigator from HBCC UFO Research was on his way to do the field work on site.
Crop Circles Return To Vanderhoof
Omineca Express Newspaper
Serving Vanderhoof - Fort Fraser - Fraser Lake
Wednesday, September 12, 2001
Article on the September 2001 crop circles and investigator Brian Vike from HBCC UFO Research.
UFO Magazine - HBCC UFO Research
at: is based in Houston, a small town in northern British Columbia, yet their information is anything but small. This organization offers a fine place to post your UFO sighting and investigates UFO events in Western Canada. HBCC also forwards "foreign" sightings and events (always with permission of the witness) to others in the UFO field that are better located to investigate these reports, HBCC offers a large database of sightings, other strange phenomenon, and updates on space exploration.
Thank to Peter Robins / Editor, and writer of WWWebWatch for the UFO Magazine where this article appeared.
Issue - October/November 2001 - UFO Magazine at:
UFO Magazine - HBCC UFO
From Canada, our neighbors to the north comes Houston British Columbia Canada (HBCC) UFO Research at: This fine site investigates and posts breaking UFO information from North America as well as worldwide. The real focus, however, is on Canadian sightings and incidents, and HBCC does a fine, professional job of it Their site also includes well-researched pages on cattle mutilations, crop circles, the UFO flap of 1952, relevant news stories and other areas of interest.
Thank to Peter Robins / Editor, and writer of WWWebWatch for the UFO Magazine where this article appeared.
Issue - December/January 2001 - UFO Magazine at:
HBCC UFO Research was a guest on "Strange Days Indeed" on CFRB AM 1010 radio with host Errol Bruce Knapp. You can find these good people at:
HBCC UFO Research was a guest of George Filer on the Jeff Rense Radio Show discussing UFO's in northern British Columbia. Thank you to both, Jeff Rense host of the Jeff Rense Radio Program and to George Filer for having me as a guest. You can find the Jeff Rense show at: &
George Filer at: Filer's Research Institute at:
HBCC UFO Research was a guest on "Strange Days Indeed" on CFRB AM 1010 radio with host Errol Bruce Knapp. You can find these good people at:
Bright Objects In Night Sky
Omineca Express
Serving Vanderhoof - Fort Fraser - Fraser Lake and area.
Phone: 567-9258, Fax: 567-2070
Wednesday, February 27, 2002
Article on HBCC UFO Research
Bulkley Valley Hotbed of Interstellar Activity
Cross Roads For The Galaxy
Interior News
Smithers, B.C.
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
95th Year - Week 12
Community Reporter
By Timothy Schafer
The Interior News
Cross Roads For The Galaxy
Article on HBCC UFO Research
Highway 16 Reports May Be Linked
The Terrace Standard Newspaper
Weekend Advertiser
Volume No. 10 Circulation 15, 650
March 9, 2002
Article on HBCC UFO Research.
The Lakes District News
Serving Burns Lake and Area
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
Volume 82 - No 12
Article on HBCC UFO Research
The Houston Today Newspaper
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
Article on HBCC UFO Research.
Strange Days Indeed Radio Program - HBCC UFO Research was a guest on "Strange Days Indeed" on CFRB AM 1010 radio with host Errol Bruce Knapp. You can find these good people at: We were talking about the recent rash of UFO sightings here in the Pacific Northwest of British Columbia. Listen live by way of the internet.
BVLD Radio News: In the news, BVLD radio ran the story about the rash of sightings taking place around us. Ran a taped segment of me telling of the February 1, 2002 sighting east of Telkwa, B.C.
UFOs and interview with HBCC UFO Research
CBC Radio Morning Program: Interviewed - Talking about the increase in UFO activity in northern
British Columbia. (March 26, 2002)
Jeff Rense Radio Program - April 30, 2002 HBCC UFO Research & Graham Conway of UFO*BC were guests on the Jeff Rense Radio Show discussing UFO's in northern British Columbia.
Thank you to both, Jeff Rense host of the Jeff Rense Radio Program
You can find the Jeff Rense show at:
Strange Days Indeed - Radio Program -HBCC UFO Research was a guest on "Strange Days Indeed" on CFRB AM 1010 radio with host Errol Bruce Knapp on June 15, 2002, giving an update on the massive UFO reports which I have received.. You can find these good people at:
Northern Television Interview For The News
June 19, 2002 - Talking about the recent rash of reported sightings here in Northern British Columbia
Thanks To Reporter
Jennifer Crosby
Smithers Interior Newspaper
August 7, 2002 - Article on HBCC UFO Research and the July 29, 2002 sighting
CBC Afternoon Radio Show
August 14, 2002 - Speaking about the July 29, 2002 major UFO sighting.
Smithers Interior Newspaper
August 14, 2002 - Article on HBCC UFO Research and a follow up on the July 29, 2002 sighting.
Houston Today Newspaper
August 14, 2002 - Article on HBCC UFO Research and July 29, 2002 sighting.
The National Post
August, 2002 - Article on July 29, 2002 sighting and UFO investigator Brian Vike
Vancouver Province Newspaper
August 14, 2002 - Article on HBCC UFO Research and speaking about the July 29, 2002 sighting.
Lakes District Newspaper - Burns Lake
August 14, 2002 - Article on HBCC UFO Research and speaking about the July 29, 2002 sighting.
CIVI Television - Victoria British Columbia - Interview live in primetime with Brian Vike from HBCC UFO Research, Gavin McLeod from UFO*BC and Gordon Stewart witness to the July 29, 2002 UFO sighting. Taking about UFOs
Jaime Maussan Radio Show - Mexico
August 18, 2002 - Speaking about the July 29, 2002 major sighting, and the other 73 reported sightings to HBCC UFO Research.
Jerry Pippin Radio Program - Talk radio
September 6, 2002 Speaking on the flap of UFO reported sightings to HBCC UFO Research
Morning Line - Talk Radio
September 24, 2002 - Interview on UFOs in the north.
9:00 - 9:30 a.m.
Host: John Crawford of CJFW FM
CJFW FM Weekly UFO Update
September 2002
Host: Adam Thompson.
CJFW FM - Terrace, British Columbia
Almanac - CBC Radio Show
September 27, 2002 - Discussed the flap of UFOs here in the north.
Host: Greg Dickson
Talk Radio Show - Mexico
September 22, 2002 - Updating folks in the area about the large increase in UFO activity here.
Host: Jamie Maussan
CJFW FM Weekly UFO Update
October 3, 2002
Host: Adam Thompson
CJFW FM - Terrace, British Columbia
North Island Gazette Newspaper
October 3, 2002
Letter to the editor: Requesting witnesses come forward for the July 29, 2002 sighting in Sayward, B.C.
North Island Gazette Newspaper
October 10, 2002
Article telling that 6 witnesses come forward.
The Valley Echo Newspaper
September, 2002
Small article requesting folks report their sighting to HBCC UFO Research.
The Life Network
TV series called The "The Magnificent Obsession" .
You can visit the Life Network at:
The UFO Documentary was shot on February 4th & the 5th of February, 2003
UFO Magazine - HBCC UFO
Ran Sighting report From HBCC UFO Research in the February/March 2002 Issue.
"To The Point" - Talk Radio
CJFW FM with host John Crawford
Interview - 9:00 a.m.
February 18, 2003
Discussing the Increase in UFO activity here in northern British Columbia.
Terrace ranks 3rd and Houston ranks 4th for UFO sighting in all of Canada.
CFTK T.V. News
February 20, 2003
Interview discussing the Increase in UFO activity here in northern British Columbia.
Terrace ranks 3rd and Houston ranks 4th for UFO sighting in all of Canada.
The Terrace Standard (newspaper)
Wednesday, February 19, 2003
Vol. 15 No. 46
The paper ran two articles on HBCC UFO Research & The 2002 Canadian UFO Survey.
1. - UFO Survey Says We're The No. 3 Town For Sightings.
2. - TV Crew Uncovers UFO Obsession.
Both article by Jennifer Lang
CBC Radio News
Called From Prince Rupert, British Columbia
Short Interview for the news.
Lakes District News
Wednesday, March 5, 2003
Volume 83 - No. 10
Article on HBCC UFO Research
"Unexplained Sightings In The Area"
Houston Today Newspaper
Wednesday, March 5, 2003
No. 10
Article on HBCC UFO Research
"UFO Survey Says Houston In Top 4 For Most Sightings"
Houston Today Newspaper
Wednesday, March 5, 2003
No. 10
Article on HBCC UFO Research
"More Sightings Over The Past Week"
Northwest Leads In UFO Sightings
The Interior News
Wednesday, April 2, 2003
95th year - Week 14
Page 6C
Was There A Mass UFO Sighting?
Terrace Standard Newspaper
April 2, 2003
Article under the Community section
The Alberta Report ( Magazine)
Interview On The UFO Activity In Northern British Columbia
April 30, 2003
CFBV FM Radio News - Requesting witnesses to come forward over June 5, 2003 sighting over Houston, B.C.
June 5, 2003
CFBV FM - Smithers, British Columbia
CJFW FM - "To The Point" Morning Talk Radio
July 9, 2003
Host: John Crawford
Guests: Brian Vike & Peter Davenport
CJFW FM - Terrace, British Columbia
KBS Radio - FM 95.7 Trail
July 25, 2003
Trail, British Columbia
I still continue to give UFO updates on the Wayne and Jayne Show.
Sky's The Limit
July 23, 2003
Terrace Standard Newspaper
CBC Radio
Daybreak: Marion Barschel, host.
Interview with HBCC UFO
July 25, 2003
Sightings Draw Tourists To The Area
Wednesday, August 6, 2003
No. 32
Houston Today Newspaper.
Kimberley Daily Bulletin Newspaper
335 Spokane Street
Kimberley, B.C. V1A 1Y9
Email -
August 7, 2003
Article on UFO & Ray of Light and Brian Vike (HBCC UFO Research)
Cranbrook Daily Townsman Newspaper
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
822 Cranbrook Street, N.
Cranbrook, B.C. V1C-3R9
Phone 250 426 5003
Fax 250 426 5003
Saucer Full Of Secrets.
Capital News of the Okanagan
"Seeking Witnesses to UFO."
Letter to the editor in the August 15th edition
Kelowna, British Columbia.
Unknown Country
Website of Dreamland radio host and author Whitley Strieber
August 24, 2003 - Interviewed Brian Vike (HBCC UFO Research)
Brian did numerous appearances on Dreamland radio.
CIFM Radio
August 27, 2003
Host: Leo Baggio
98.3 on the dial
Kamloops, British Columbia
Airdrie Echo Newspaper Alberta
September, 24, 2003
Editor: Paul Wells
Sightings yet to be explained
UFO researcher contacted by Airdrie and area residents.
Rocky View Times Newspaper
A Close Encounter of the Airdrie Kind
September 25, 2003
Terrace Standard Newspaper
October 8, 2003
The Houston Today Newspaper
October 8, 2003
Article on upcoming T.V. Documentary.
Atlantis Rising Radio Show
Host Hilly Rose
Interview with HBCC UFO Research
October 8, 2003
CKCQ Radio Quesnel, British Columbia
Interview October 10, 2003
UFO over the Quesnel area.
The Lou Gentile Show Radio Program
Had a regular guest spot for sometime, also ran a small radio show through Lou's radio network.
The Kevin Smith Radio Show
Host: Kevin Smith
Feet To The Fire Radio Show
Host: James Arthur Jancik
BBC Radio UK
CFAX 1070 Talk Radio
Victoria, Vancounver Island B.C.
The Vancouver Sun Newspaper
The Province Newspaper
The Albuquerque Journal Newspaper
Move Over Roswell - Photo allegedly surfaces of 1976 Clovis UFO "incident."
Clovis News Journal
UFOs Over Cannon AFB
CBS Television News New Mexico
Cannon AFB UFO photo surfaces.
York News
Vaughan - UFO researcher says cluster of red lights 'weird'
Harlow Herald Newspaper
UFO Caught On Camera
Paisley Daily Express Newspaper
We Wish UFO A Merry Christmas
Paisley Daily Express
UFO Sightings In Elderslie
Niagara This Week Newspaper
UFO Sightings In The Falls
Niagara This Week Newspaper
Residents Report UFO Sightings
Observer's Newspaper
Unidentified Flying Object Regularly Observed Over Sarnia
Stockfort Express Newspaper
Did Close Encounter Light Up Our Skies?
The Citizen Newspaper
UFO Sighting Among Few Still Unexplained
Houston Today Newspaper
Three More Bigfoot Sightings Reported
And the list goes on and on and on.
You can contact Brian Vike at:
HBCC UFO Research
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada
Through web blog:
Phone: 250 845 2180
Brian Vike, Independent UFO Investigator/Reporter. I own and operate HBCC UFO Research. Below are some of the media interviews I have done since I started investigating UFOs.
I have been looking into the UFO phenomena since mid 2000. I work at it full time these days and really enjoy meeting with the witnesses and have made many new wonder friends along the way.
I reside in a very small town called Houston, here in British Columbia Canada and have made a good name for myself in the UFO field. I have received thousands of sighting reports from Canada, United States and all around the world. I also have a small radio show and only have guests on the show who have been witness to a UFO, Sasquatch/Bigfoot, Ghost sighting, or really anything that is classed unusual.
I decided to close my main website and use the blogs to report on all new UFO sightings that come in. The blogs are many more times easier to use and saves me a great deal of time and can put more time into the reports.
I have posted below just some of the media interviews I have done. I have talked to the media here in Canada, the United States and other parts of the world. I have been in a couple of UFO documentaries and been a guest on countless radio programs.
Below is just a small sample of media interviews I have done.
I would like to thank everyone for stopping by and if you have any questions about what I do, please do write to me.
I can be contacted at or through my main blog at:
Have You Spotted A UFO Lately
The Houston Today
The Editor
Wednesday, August 9, 2000
Article on HBCC UFO Research
Gathering The Goods On UFOs
The Terrace Standard
by Keith Freeman
Wednesday, October 18, 2000
Article on HBCC UFO Research
Lethbridge Herald, Alberta
Sherri Gallant
Health reporter
Article on HBCC UFO Research
UFO*BC Welcomes Researcher Brian Vike
Houston A Hotbed Of Activity
Quarterly Journal
Volume 5 Number 4 Autumn 2000
Article on HBCC UFO Research
Northern Television Interview For The News
May 27, 2001
Thanks To Reporter
Jennifer Crosby
Interview with Brian - HBCC UFO Research
CKNW Radio Interview - Increase In UFOs For 2001
August 18, 2001, 4:30 PM.
I was interviewed By CKNW Radio, British Columbia, Canada about the rise in UFO sighting across Canada. I must say, the interview was most enjoyable and a lot of fun. Thank you to CKNW, Sterling Fox & Don for having me.
Northern Television
September 7, 2001
Reported on the Vanderhoof Crop Circles telling that an investigator from HBCC UFO Research was on his way to do the field work on site.
Crop Circles Return To Vanderhoof
Omineca Express Newspaper
Serving Vanderhoof - Fort Fraser - Fraser Lake
Wednesday, September 12, 2001
Article on the September 2001 crop circles and investigator Brian Vike from HBCC UFO Research.
UFO Magazine - HBCC UFO Research
at: is based in Houston, a small town in northern British Columbia, yet their information is anything but small. This organization offers a fine place to post your UFO sighting and investigates UFO events in Western Canada. HBCC also forwards "foreign" sightings and events (always with permission of the witness) to others in the UFO field that are better located to investigate these reports, HBCC offers a large database of sightings, other strange phenomenon, and updates on space exploration.
Thank to Peter Robins / Editor, and writer of WWWebWatch for the UFO Magazine where this article appeared.
Issue - October/November 2001 - UFO Magazine at:
UFO Magazine - HBCC UFO
From Canada, our neighbors to the north comes Houston British Columbia Canada (HBCC) UFO Research at: This fine site investigates and posts breaking UFO information from North America as well as worldwide. The real focus, however, is on Canadian sightings and incidents, and HBCC does a fine, professional job of it Their site also includes well-researched pages on cattle mutilations, crop circles, the UFO flap of 1952, relevant news stories and other areas of interest.
Thank to Peter Robins / Editor, and writer of WWWebWatch for the UFO Magazine where this article appeared.
Issue - December/January 2001 - UFO Magazine at:
HBCC UFO Research was a guest on "Strange Days Indeed" on CFRB AM 1010 radio with host Errol Bruce Knapp. You can find these good people at:
HBCC UFO Research was a guest of George Filer on the Jeff Rense Radio Show discussing UFO's in northern British Columbia. Thank you to both, Jeff Rense host of the Jeff Rense Radio Program and to George Filer for having me as a guest. You can find the Jeff Rense show at: &
George Filer at: Filer's Research Institute at:
HBCC UFO Research was a guest on "Strange Days Indeed" on CFRB AM 1010 radio with host Errol Bruce Knapp. You can find these good people at:
Bright Objects In Night Sky
Omineca Express
Serving Vanderhoof - Fort Fraser - Fraser Lake and area.
Phone: 567-9258, Fax: 567-2070
Wednesday, February 27, 2002
Article on HBCC UFO Research
Bulkley Valley Hotbed of Interstellar Activity
Cross Roads For The Galaxy
Interior News
Smithers, B.C.
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
95th Year - Week 12
Community Reporter
By Timothy Schafer
The Interior News
Cross Roads For The Galaxy
Article on HBCC UFO Research
Highway 16 Reports May Be Linked
The Terrace Standard Newspaper
Weekend Advertiser
Volume No. 10 Circulation 15, 650
March 9, 2002
Article on HBCC UFO Research.
The Lakes District News
Serving Burns Lake and Area
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
Volume 82 - No 12
Article on HBCC UFO Research
The Houston Today Newspaper
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
Article on HBCC UFO Research.
Strange Days Indeed Radio Program - HBCC UFO Research was a guest on "Strange Days Indeed" on CFRB AM 1010 radio with host Errol Bruce Knapp. You can find these good people at: We were talking about the recent rash of UFO sightings here in the Pacific Northwest of British Columbia. Listen live by way of the internet.
BVLD Radio News: In the news, BVLD radio ran the story about the rash of sightings taking place around us. Ran a taped segment of me telling of the February 1, 2002 sighting east of Telkwa, B.C.
UFOs and interview with HBCC UFO Research
CBC Radio Morning Program: Interviewed - Talking about the increase in UFO activity in northern
British Columbia. (March 26, 2002)
Jeff Rense Radio Program - April 30, 2002 HBCC UFO Research & Graham Conway of UFO*BC were guests on the Jeff Rense Radio Show discussing UFO's in northern British Columbia.
Thank you to both, Jeff Rense host of the Jeff Rense Radio Program
You can find the Jeff Rense show at:
Strange Days Indeed - Radio Program -HBCC UFO Research was a guest on "Strange Days Indeed" on CFRB AM 1010 radio with host Errol Bruce Knapp on June 15, 2002, giving an update on the massive UFO reports which I have received.. You can find these good people at:
Northern Television Interview For The News
June 19, 2002 - Talking about the recent rash of reported sightings here in Northern British Columbia
Thanks To Reporter
Jennifer Crosby
Smithers Interior Newspaper
August 7, 2002 - Article on HBCC UFO Research and the July 29, 2002 sighting
CBC Afternoon Radio Show
August 14, 2002 - Speaking about the July 29, 2002 major UFO sighting.
Smithers Interior Newspaper
August 14, 2002 - Article on HBCC UFO Research and a follow up on the July 29, 2002 sighting.
Houston Today Newspaper
August 14, 2002 - Article on HBCC UFO Research and July 29, 2002 sighting.
The National Post
August, 2002 - Article on July 29, 2002 sighting and UFO investigator Brian Vike
Vancouver Province Newspaper
August 14, 2002 - Article on HBCC UFO Research and speaking about the July 29, 2002 sighting.
Lakes District Newspaper - Burns Lake
August 14, 2002 - Article on HBCC UFO Research and speaking about the July 29, 2002 sighting.
CIVI Television - Victoria British Columbia - Interview live in primetime with Brian Vike from HBCC UFO Research, Gavin McLeod from UFO*BC and Gordon Stewart witness to the July 29, 2002 UFO sighting. Taking about UFOs
Jaime Maussan Radio Show - Mexico
August 18, 2002 - Speaking about the July 29, 2002 major sighting, and the other 73 reported sightings to HBCC UFO Research.
Jerry Pippin Radio Program - Talk radio
September 6, 2002 Speaking on the flap of UFO reported sightings to HBCC UFO Research
Morning Line - Talk Radio
September 24, 2002 - Interview on UFOs in the north.
9:00 - 9:30 a.m.
Host: John Crawford of CJFW FM
CJFW FM Weekly UFO Update
September 2002
Host: Adam Thompson.
CJFW FM - Terrace, British Columbia
Almanac - CBC Radio Show
September 27, 2002 - Discussed the flap of UFOs here in the north.
Host: Greg Dickson
Talk Radio Show - Mexico
September 22, 2002 - Updating folks in the area about the large increase in UFO activity here.
Host: Jamie Maussan
CJFW FM Weekly UFO Update
October 3, 2002
Host: Adam Thompson
CJFW FM - Terrace, British Columbia
North Island Gazette Newspaper
October 3, 2002
Letter to the editor: Requesting witnesses come forward for the July 29, 2002 sighting in Sayward, B.C.
North Island Gazette Newspaper
October 10, 2002
Article telling that 6 witnesses come forward.
The Valley Echo Newspaper
September, 2002
Small article requesting folks report their sighting to HBCC UFO Research.
The Life Network
TV series called The "The Magnificent Obsession" .
You can visit the Life Network at:
The UFO Documentary was shot on February 4th & the 5th of February, 2003
UFO Magazine - HBCC UFO
Ran Sighting report From HBCC UFO Research in the February/March 2002 Issue.
"To The Point" - Talk Radio
CJFW FM with host John Crawford
Interview - 9:00 a.m.
February 18, 2003
Discussing the Increase in UFO activity here in northern British Columbia.
Terrace ranks 3rd and Houston ranks 4th for UFO sighting in all of Canada.
CFTK T.V. News
February 20, 2003
Interview discussing the Increase in UFO activity here in northern British Columbia.
Terrace ranks 3rd and Houston ranks 4th for UFO sighting in all of Canada.
The Terrace Standard (newspaper)
Wednesday, February 19, 2003
Vol. 15 No. 46
The paper ran two articles on HBCC UFO Research & The 2002 Canadian UFO Survey.
1. - UFO Survey Says We're The No. 3 Town For Sightings.
2. - TV Crew Uncovers UFO Obsession.
Both article by Jennifer Lang
CBC Radio News
Called From Prince Rupert, British Columbia
Short Interview for the news.
Lakes District News
Wednesday, March 5, 2003
Volume 83 - No. 10
Article on HBCC UFO Research
"Unexplained Sightings In The Area"
Houston Today Newspaper
Wednesday, March 5, 2003
No. 10
Article on HBCC UFO Research
"UFO Survey Says Houston In Top 4 For Most Sightings"
Houston Today Newspaper
Wednesday, March 5, 2003
No. 10
Article on HBCC UFO Research
"More Sightings Over The Past Week"
Northwest Leads In UFO Sightings
The Interior News
Wednesday, April 2, 2003
95th year - Week 14
Page 6C
Was There A Mass UFO Sighting?
Terrace Standard Newspaper
April 2, 2003
Article under the Community section
The Alberta Report ( Magazine)
Interview On The UFO Activity In Northern British Columbia
April 30, 2003
CFBV FM Radio News - Requesting witnesses to come forward over June 5, 2003 sighting over Houston, B.C.
June 5, 2003
CFBV FM - Smithers, British Columbia
CJFW FM - "To The Point" Morning Talk Radio
July 9, 2003
Host: John Crawford
Guests: Brian Vike & Peter Davenport
CJFW FM - Terrace, British Columbia
KBS Radio - FM 95.7 Trail
July 25, 2003
Trail, British Columbia
I still continue to give UFO updates on the Wayne and Jayne Show.
Sky's The Limit
July 23, 2003
Terrace Standard Newspaper
CBC Radio
Daybreak: Marion Barschel, host.
Interview with HBCC UFO
July 25, 2003
Sightings Draw Tourists To The Area
Wednesday, August 6, 2003
No. 32
Houston Today Newspaper.
Kimberley Daily Bulletin Newspaper
335 Spokane Street
Kimberley, B.C. V1A 1Y9
Email -
August 7, 2003
Article on UFO & Ray of Light and Brian Vike (HBCC UFO Research)
Cranbrook Daily Townsman Newspaper
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
822 Cranbrook Street, N.
Cranbrook, B.C. V1C-3R9
Phone 250 426 5003
Fax 250 426 5003
Saucer Full Of Secrets.
Capital News of the Okanagan
"Seeking Witnesses to UFO."
Letter to the editor in the August 15th edition
Kelowna, British Columbia.
Unknown Country
Website of Dreamland radio host and author Whitley Strieber
August 24, 2003 - Interviewed Brian Vike (HBCC UFO Research)
Brian did numerous appearances on Dreamland radio.
CIFM Radio
August 27, 2003
Host: Leo Baggio
98.3 on the dial
Kamloops, British Columbia
Airdrie Echo Newspaper Alberta
September, 24, 2003
Editor: Paul Wells
Sightings yet to be explained
UFO researcher contacted by Airdrie and area residents.
Rocky View Times Newspaper
A Close Encounter of the Airdrie Kind
September 25, 2003
Terrace Standard Newspaper
October 8, 2003
The Houston Today Newspaper
October 8, 2003
Article on upcoming T.V. Documentary.
Atlantis Rising Radio Show
Host Hilly Rose
Interview with HBCC UFO Research
October 8, 2003
CKCQ Radio Quesnel, British Columbia
Interview October 10, 2003
UFO over the Quesnel area.
The Lou Gentile Show Radio Program
Had a regular guest spot for sometime, also ran a small radio show through Lou's radio network.
The Kevin Smith Radio Show
Host: Kevin Smith
Feet To The Fire Radio Show
Host: James Arthur Jancik
BBC Radio UK
CFAX 1070 Talk Radio
Victoria, Vancounver Island B.C.
The Vancouver Sun Newspaper
The Province Newspaper
The Albuquerque Journal Newspaper
Move Over Roswell - Photo allegedly surfaces of 1976 Clovis UFO "incident."
Clovis News Journal
UFOs Over Cannon AFB
CBS Television News New Mexico
Cannon AFB UFO photo surfaces.
York News
Vaughan - UFO researcher says cluster of red lights 'weird'
Harlow Herald Newspaper
UFO Caught On Camera
Paisley Daily Express Newspaper
We Wish UFO A Merry Christmas
Paisley Daily Express
UFO Sightings In Elderslie
Niagara This Week Newspaper
UFO Sightings In The Falls
Niagara This Week Newspaper
Residents Report UFO Sightings
Observer's Newspaper
Unidentified Flying Object Regularly Observed Over Sarnia
Stockfort Express Newspaper
Did Close Encounter Light Up Our Skies?
The Citizen Newspaper
UFO Sighting Among Few Still Unexplained
Houston Today Newspaper
Three More Bigfoot Sightings Reported
And the list goes on and on and on.
You can contact Brian Vike at:
HBCC UFO Research
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada
Through web blog:
Phone: 250 845 2180
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