Date: August 24 2011
Time: Approx: 9:45 pm
Number of witnesses: 2 = a group of Japanese tourists.
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Unknown shape.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: At approximately 9:20 pm, my friend and I were viewing the Victoria City lights from a small mountain viewing area known as Mt. Tolmie. A flare fired from off shore near the Esquimalt Lagoon which caught our attention.
We watched from my friends vehicle, as 2 more flares were fired in the same area. A bright light appeared in the sky shortly after. We assumed it was a coast guard helicopter coming to investigate. However, we quickly realized that the light was much too high to be a helicopter and it was traveling due east away from the Esquimalt Lagoon location which was located to the southwest of the light and our vantage point.
We both commented on the peculiar wobble or shimmer of the light which was slowly approaching our location. We decided to exit the vehicle to get a better view of it as it approached. I heard the sound of a jet engine and boldly stated that it was just a plane. However, when we closely scanned the night sky, we were both able to locate a jet, which we recognized easily by it’s flashing lights and jet engine noise.
We watched as a second jet, flew over top of the object now directly over our heads. It was at this point that we were able to determine that it wasn't a satellite as there were many satellites to compare it to as they were also viewable overhead at the same time. It's altitude was much to low to be one and it made no sound so we ruled out the possibly of it being a plane or helicopter.
The object was a bright light, the brightest light in the sky by far. It had also drawn the attention of a group of Japanese tourists who watched along side of us. As the light moved farther to the east, the light just went out!
That in itself was strange because at the point that it disappeared, it was still closer to us than when we first noticed it approaching from the west. We both agreed that the light didn't just fad! e away a s it got farther away, as the light was brilliant and constant the whole just went out, disappeared from sight.
I tweeted the event hoping to get a response or a confirmation on what we had just seen. It was all very strange and can say that I've never seen anything quite like it to say the least.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website: