Date: November 3, 2010
Time: Approx: 9:30 p.m.My wife and I were walking along the boardwalk in White Rock, British Columbia and a woman called from outside her home to look up in the sky. We looked up and saw a yellow ball (orb) of bright light in the southeastern sky at about 65 degrees above the horizon.
We could not tell what it was, as none of the three of us had ever seen anything like this before. It hovered like a helicopter, but appeared to be quite close and from our perspective, it would have been about 3x the size of a helicopter or a bit larger. We doubted whether it could be any kind of helicopter because the ball of light was a complete orb and there was no distinction of any other form around or in the light.
It hovered at about 65 degrees for about 30 seconds, then dropped down to about 45 degrees for another 30 seconds then went back up to 65 degrees above the horizon and then it started to move away in a southwesterly direction. We watched until the ball went down to about 50 percent of it’s size and then it just totally disappeared like blowing out the flame of a candle.
I have no idea what this was and both myself and my wife and the people we spoke to on the pier have never seen anything like that and nobody had any ideas on what it was. We both have never seen any UFOs and therefore have never believed in any such thing. In any event, this occurrence has no rationale explanation for us albeit we are not very knowledgeable about what kinds of things this could be.
Just thought you would like to know.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website: