Sunday, September 25, 2011

Posting UFO Sighting Reports Will Resume !

Note from Brian Vike: Been having problems with the back over the last months and have not done a lot on the blogs. There has been a ton of sighting reports that have come in and I have not been posting anything. Just today I was talking to a good friend by the name of Malcolm who use to help me out a lot in the past, I told him I stopped posting material, and to make a long story short, Malcolm is going to start posting reports to four of the blogs.

These will be the “Vike Factor” main page at and at “Canada UFO” blog and the “British Columbia” blog at and last will be the “United States” blog at

If for some reason a Sasquatch report comes in, (and there are a few here) then it will be posted on the “Sasquatch” page at:

My many thanks to Malcolm for undertaking this as it is a huge job. Malcolm is very interested in the UFO topic and has been since he was a young fellow, now at 74 years of age, he still has a passion for the UFO topic.

I will do what I can as well, so will see how all goes. Reports should start being posted either tonight, or tomorrow.

Thank you to everyone for your patience.

Brian Vike