Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Report 2 - UFO Sightings For British Columbia In 2004 (UFO Investigator Brian Vike)
Investigator Brian Vike’s Note: Below are some of the sighting reports from 2004. There is a good number of sighting reports that came in from the Kootenay region in the southeastern portion of British Columbia and other areas in the southern part of British Columbia, Canada.
Most likely why there are a good number of sightings reports coming out of the area is I had a regular guest spot once a week for a few minutes every Friday morning on the Wayne and Jayne Show. Plus of course, people new that I was someone they could file their sightings to.
At that time, the station was called KBS FM radio. I now see the stations call letters are EZ Rock and you can find my friends at My many thanks to both Wanye and Jayne for there kindness towards me.
Also, I had a regular guest spot with Adam Thompson at CJFW FM Terrace and this also brought in a lot of sighting reports throughout the Northwestern part of British Columbia. I am grateful to him for having me on.
Lights Cross One Another’s Path Then Disappear Over Prince George, British Columbia
Date: May 13, 2004
Time: 11:15 p.m.
A mother and a daughter went out onto a porch to investigate the sounds of a crying cat, when the porch light suddenly went out.
They observed two moving lights in the sky that eventually crossed paths. The lights disappeared when they crossed.
The first light was observed for approximately three minutes and the second light was observed for approximately 1 1/2 minutes before they both vanished.
It was also a clear night.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Three Unknown Lights Leaves Witness Scratching Her Head And Seen Over North Vancouver, British Columbia
Date: May 14, 2004
Time: 4:00 a.m. – 4:30 a.m.
I couldn't sleep so I went out on to the patio at approximately 4:00 a.m. for a smoke. I looked up and coming from the southwest, I saw two lights that looked like two satellites flying together in tandem.
They were moving in a northeast direction, side by side. There was a third one following behind them, which I didn't notice at first.
My first reaction was 'wow, I've never seen two satellites side by side like this before, but once I saw the third one, I then began to wonder what this could possibly be.
My heart was racing a bit because I really felt like I was seeing something that wasn't from this planet. The third one caught up to the two moving in tandem and then suddenly, one of the front two moved away and the third almost seemed to take its place.
By this time, they were way up northeast and soon, they disappeared. They were definitely not meteorites and certainly not a plane of any kind. This was truly strange.
One of the most amazing things I've ever seen in my life. The whole sighting only lasted about 30 seconds at the most.
Brian Vike asked: Did the object/lights change direction ?
Witness: The direction of the group of three was northeast and these objects looked like they were on course for the north star, coming from the southwest. The overall direction did not change but there were two objects in 'front' flying tandem with the third trailing behind (almost like a reverse triangle).
The third (trailing) object eventually caught up with the front two at which point, one of the front two moved east (while the second of the front two stayed on course), almost as if to let the third (trailing) one 'in'. So I guess I would have to say yes, they did change direction since that one object did move eastward.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Witness Observes Strange Cluster Of UFOs Over Terrace, British Columbia
Date: May 16, 2004
Time: 11:00 p.m.
A resident at the Skeena Valley Trailer Park stepped outside at 11:00 p.m. to view a couple of comets through 10x50 binoculars.
Looking up he sees a strange cluster of lights off a bit to the side. When he looked at them through his binoculars, he described the sight as a "flying Christmas tree". Pale yellow light was coming from three rows of square windows running horizontally, one row above the other.
They were also in a vertical line. There wasn't time to count them, but an estimation would have placed more than ten in each row.
No wings or body outline could be seen and no sound was heard. From the spacing of the windows the crafts length was estimated to be about twice the size of a 737 Jet.
It was traveling much slower than the usual planes coming and going to the airport. The direction of travel indicated that it had passed over the north side of our airport and went past the north end of Copper Mountain. The estimated altitude was about 1,000 feet and it was in view for one minute.
One at the rear of it was a light blue light on the left or port side. On the right or starboard side there was a bright red light.
In-between these lights was a dimmer white light. This lighting configuration is different than conventional aircraft. A check with our airport showed that nothing fitting this description had ever landed there.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
2 Smaller UFOs Came From Main And Larger UFO Over Victoria, British Columbia
Date: May 18, 2004
Time: 10:35 p.m.
A man went outside to have a cigarette when he first saw the light/object. At first the man thought it was a satellite.
The object was as bright as the planet Venus and heading in a northerly direction traveling from the south on a straight line.
As the object moved across the sky, another two lights/objects shot out of it, one light heading to the east and the other towards the west.
Both of the lights that shot off together went at the exact same time. Also they were not as bright and a lot smaller than the main light.
The main light never lost its brightness as it moved across the sky. The witness believes the object he was observing was at a very high altitude.
The object was visible to the fellow for approximately 30 to 40 seconds before it finally disappeared. All of the objects were white in color and no tail or trail was seen following behind each of them.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Gray/Silver Coloured V Shaped UFO Hovers As Witnesses Observe At Trail, British Columbia
Date: May 19, 2004
Time: 9:52 p.m.
I was driving home alone from our local theatre along Highway 3-B going south. I was not too far from home when I noticed that a bright light was coming through my passenger window.
My car was “lit-up”. I looked out the passenger window to the south and saw a "huge craft", in the shape of a V, hovering very low in the sky.
My heart was racing as I tried to explain to myself a scientific reason why it was there. There were three lights on each "wing" of the V. The lights were rotating rapidly in circles and creating bright white lights.
There seemed to be extremely fast rotating-lights within the lights (like the chasing lights you would see on a Christmas tree)
There were no colours at all in these lights. There was also a very bright light on the "nose" of this craft.
There did not seem to be a body to this craft, like there is in an airplane where the passengers would sit, but rather just a V.
The "nose" of the craft also had a bright light. The lights were beaming upward, but the glow was so intense that this is why the light shone in my car. It was not a beam of light, but rather a brightness.
This thing was hovering very low and moving very slowly. I am not good with distance, but my husband says the way I described it, he would guess approximately 100 metres high. Keep in mind I was driving.
The speed limit was 50 km/hr, but I could slow almost to a stop as I had time to look in my rear view mirror and there were no cars behind me. I wanted to pull the car over and take a closer look, but this is a main highway and there was a guardrail to my right.
I had time to turn my music off and I heard no sound, although I did not think to roll my windows down.
The size was that of a large plane and it appeared to be gray or silver in colour. I am not sure because the white lights were so intense. There was no colour to any of the lights.
I remember telling myself to pay attention to detail. This is very hard to do when the mind is confused and trying to reason with what the eyes were witnessing.
Because I couldn't stop, I decided to go a bit above the speed limit and get home as quickly as possible.
This sighting was very close to where I live, so it was a matter of travelling up the road a bit and turning south (right) into my neighborhood.
I got out of my car, ran to our deck and looked in the direction of the sighting, but saw nothing. This "thing" should have still been in the sky, but was nowhere to be seen. It was incredible. We do live by and the sighting was by a Canadian Armory site.
I did not have any "missing time event". I was so amazed by this sighting though and so confused by it that I had to take a sleeping pill to calm me down to be able to sleep. I had some dreams in regard to what I saw, but nothing I would consider out of the ordinary.
I can't think of anything else to tell you. Today I am still rather shaken and trying to apply logic, but this thing was so large and hovering so low.
I don't know what is capable of doing this. It was hovering above an area where there are quite a few homes, so you would think somebody else should have seen it. We live near two airports. The main Castlegar Airport is approximately 30 km north.
We also have a local airfield approximately 8 km southeast. I didn't see any other planes or aircraft in our area.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Two Green Lights Lit Up The Clouds Over Trail, British Columbia
Date: May 20, 2004
Time: 10:15 p.m.
A fellow called to file a report over something he thought was unusual. He said the weather conditions weren't that great and it was very overcast.
The witness poured himself and cup of coffee and went and sat outside. While watching the sky with a limited view he saw in the northeast a dimly lit green light which was just below the cloud cover.
It was funny, as he said he rubbed his eyes to make sure what he was observing was really there, plus he ran quickly back into the house to get his glasses.
When he came back out, there was the same green light and another one following slowly behind at approximately 2 to 3 kilometers in distance from the first.
The two green lights were moving very slowly and even though the lights were not extremely bright, the witness said he was still able to see the texture of the clouds as the green objects lit up the clouds as they flew along.
Also the man noticed that when the objects passed over head his short wave radio started acting up as he was able to hear it. Once the lights had moved from his general area the radio seemed to be fine.
The witness said he was able to view the lights for approximately a couple of minutes, keeping in mind this was a long time to watch this event due to his limited view of the sky.
The lights traveled on a straight line not making any unusual maneuvers. There was no sound heard. Also what is interesting is that a few calls had come into the Trail RCMP over the sightings that had taken place on May 19, 2004.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
UFO Creates A Humming Sound Above Eyewitness At Victoria, British Columbia
Date: May 2004
Time: Late afternoon.
It was a Sunday and I was walking along the Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary on my way home from a friends when all a sudden I heard this high pitched humming noise that was seeming to go louder and then quieter over and over again.
I looked above my head where it was coming from and saw the most shocking thing I have ever seen. Once I saw it, I knew it was not a plane, or any normal flying object.
When I saw it, my heart just sank, and I couldn't move. It was flying from the direction of the Common Wealth Recreation Centre to Downtown Victoria and moving at a fast pace.
I tried to draw a picture of what I saw (See Below. The smaller image of the UFO under the bigger one is about the size it that it appeared when I saw it (due to how high it was in the sky).
The color was a grayish-white, like a normal commercial aircraft, with two dark colored (black?) lines going down the side.
I'm not sure if the lines were flat against the UFO, or going outwards. They may have been windows? or something dark enough for me to see from where I was. I'd have to say the UFO was about... 500 feet maybe? I don't know that much about how high things are, but to compare the height to something else, it was about the height that normal, personally owned air planes are flown.
It was a clear sky with a few clouds. Ever since that happened, I have been watching the sky nearly every night, because it has made me really interested in UFO's. I know what I saw was real.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
White Pulsing Light Travels Across The Sky Over Abbottsford, British Columbia
Date: June 3, 2004
Time: 1:00 a.m.
A white pulsing light traveled from the southwest to the northeast in 3 minutes. It traveled in a strait line at a constant rate of speed and would give off a bright flash at it's brightest points, "kind of like a when someone shines a mirror across your eyes".
It traveled about 15 degrees the arc in the sky between its brightest points and darkest points and the witness lost sight of it about 20 degrees above the horizon.
There was no sound of any kind. The witness felt that this could had been a satellite that was rotating causing reflections of the sun, but thought to report it any ways.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Security Guard Observes At Close Range Bright Orange UFO Langley, British Columbia
Date: June 3, 2004
Time: 2:30 a.m.
Remember when there were the meteor sightings over the Pacific Northwest. It was on all the major news outlets.
Well, I saw something that makes me doubt that it was only a meteor or the same thing that was seen over Seattle.
I was working security on a construction site. After 2:30 a.m. I saw a bright flash in the corner of my eye.
When I turned to figure out what it was, I saw a bright orange object only at about 100 feet and across the street and just above the roofline of the houses.
It appeared then just blinked out. There was no explosion. A few minutes later I heard rumbling.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Daylight Sighting Of Pulsating Object Just Disappears Over Prince George, British Columbia
Date: June 4, 2004
Time: 4:45 p.m.
“My Grandson was outside on his trampoline and he came running into the house to tell me about something up in the sky.
So I went out with him to see what he was talking about. It was 4:45 p.m. and what we saw was like looking at a star in the daytime. I did however, try to look at the object with binoculars.
The object looked round and appeared to be pulsating. We watched it for 10-15 minutes and then it was just gone, but before it was gone, I saw a quick flash underneath it.
It moved so slowly that it appeared motionless. There was no noise and it was very bright.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
UFOs Pay A Visit To Vernon, British Columbia
June 5 and 6, 2004
Time: 10:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m.
Weather conditions, there were low clouds, foggy and scattered heavy clouds under 8,000 feet.
At 10:30 p.m. just over my building a halogen white flare appeared, pulsed once and vanished.
The first flash was so bright, it appeared to lighten my close surroundings. At approximately 11:15 low in the north west sky a few miles away another halogen white globe flared. It was visible for a few seconds, dimmed, then vanished.
At approximately 12:10 a.m. at about 8,000 feet over the airport a white light became visible in the cloud as it descended to just under the cloud.
It was close enough to say the size of the light was bigger than the small planes that fly here. It brightened, then dimmed back to a light the brightness of Jupiter.
It started to ascend back into the cloud then vanished. The two were flying very slowly, floating with direction.
Through the scattered clouds I could see golden globes heading both north and south at different times.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Light Traveling In The Sky Makes Some Unusual Changes Over Fort Fraser, British Columbia
Date: June 7, 2004
Time: Late evening.
We went camping on my 5 acres out in Fort Fraser on June 7, 2004. My husband and his friend stayed up late stargazing by the campfire.
They both said they saw something strange in the sky. It was a light traveling, but then it 'grew wings' 10 times the size of the body, then disappeared.
My husband's friend said 'it brought tears to his eyes' as he had never seen anything like that in his life. The next evening I stayed up late by the fire to star gaze as well.
We did see a real plane go by (probably to Prince George airport), but we also saw something traveling without the strobe lights.
It then went bright, then disappeared amongst the clouds. We did not know what that was, if it was a plane's lower lights or something?
It was strange how the whole light got bright like that for a couple of seconds.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
UFO Appeared To Be Skimming The Tree Tops Over Trail, British Columbia
Date: June 8, 2004
Time: 11:45 p.m.
A husband and wife were traveling east on highway 3-B just outside of Trail, British Columbia when they spotted what they first thought was a airplane with it's landing light on coming towards them. As it drew closer to them they thought it was odd due to it being very low in altitude.
Just before they were to pull over to the side of the highway, they noticed another vehicle had stopped and a man was already standing beside his truck watching the same thing.
As they pulled over and got out of their vehicle, the object dropped lower and seemed to be skimming the tree tops through the valley. It suddenly rose up high enough to clear the top of the mountain, made a 90 degree turn to the north and was gone.
No sound was heard. It is reported that what ever it was moved really slow and seemed to pause from time to time as if it was looking for something.
At least this was the impression the fellow gave to the couple.
The couple ended up talking with the fellow and he said he had been watching this object for approximately 5 minutes. The witnesses said it was a eerie sight.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Witness Observes Multi Colored Lights Over Vancouver, British Columbia
Date: June 8, 9, 10 and 11th, 2004
Time: Varied. (listed below)
Hi Brian, the past two days the weather has been fairly clear. I saw more than a dozen of those weird multi-colored strobing stars?
I also saw two of those triangle shaped sets of lights almost straight up from my locations. All six lights, were strobing multi colors when I zoomed in on them.
Also I saw a number of those lights which look like metallic objects when I zoom in on them.
10:30 p.m. - June 8, 2004 I observed what appeared to be a large satellite passing over north to south. It appeared to be about as big as the space station, only was pale yellow instead of the usual white.
I had my camera already running and tried to swing it around to point at the "satellite?" But I was too slow, as the light passed over the tower across the street it just faded away.
10:32 p.m. - June 9, 2004 about five minutes earlier I aimed my camera at the area of the sky where I saw the "satellite?" yesterday.
For some unknown reason, I leaned forward and looked up. Just in time to see a large yellow light flash on just to the south of where my camera was pointed, within seconds it shrank to about the size of a normal star and continued south over my building.
11:17 p.m. - June 10, 2004 soon as it got dark enough, I aimed my camera back at the same area and left it running. Fairly heavy overcast but took a chance it might clear. I was feeding the image through my TV and saw two large bright lights flash on the screen.
The duration only a second or two. I ran back the tape and then checked it one frame at a time. The lights lasted about five frames and I noticed that they appeared to be sitting on top of black triangular objects.
The lower of which appeared to be at about a forty five degree angle as it was quite a bit narrower then the upper one. I tried making a drawing to show you roughly what they looked like. On the tape they were farther apart.
11:30 p.m. – June 11, 2004 the same witness as above had his video camera pointed at the sky and noticed that the stars in the frame faded away and came back again. His suspicion was that they were blocked by an unknown object.
Make sure to add diagram in my folders Vancouver, British Columbia
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Gold Coloured Ball Seen Moving Across The Sky Over Vernon, British Columbia
Date: June 13, 2004
Time: 11:30 p.m.
"I was watching a gold ball crossing the sky 50 degrees from horizon, SSE to NNW and I thought I was watching a satellite.
It remained visible as it cruised by the halfway flare point and as I kept track of it, it began to pulse every four seconds until it went out of sight in the north sky.
The best comparison I can make is that it pulses to a light the size and brightness of Jupiter.”
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Objects Seem To Keep Showing Up In The Sky Over Vernon, British Columbia
Date: June 16, 2004
Time: Times vary.
I have been out every night between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. watching the skies. I have seen every night a gold globe brighten to white at least once .
It appears in different parts of the sky and lately it has been appearing large and white as it comes from the south sky at 3500 feet before it dims.
There were three occurrences of brightening last night at low altitudes. Two in the west, and one in the south.
Last night at 11:45 p.m. there were four globes (approximately 10 - 15 seconds behind each other) coming from the south and within a short distance ascended to satellite height (except for the last one which went behind a small cloud) and vanished in the same part of the sky marked by the triangle formation above Jupiter.
When the last one was out of sight I saw a gold yellow streak about four inches long and as thin as a hair, in the sky heading toward the WNW horizon at 85 degrees or like a plane does as it approaches the horizon looking at it from a distance.
The streak lasted less than half a second from appearing to disappearing suggesting that whatever is at the front of it is moving at a phenomenal speed.
I have seen these streaks about five times and all heading down to the horizon. They move so fast that I was at first not sure if I was actually seeing them.
I ruled out light reflecting through spider webs, eye lashes and hair in front of my eyes. They seem to move faster than a meteorite!!! as the speed accelerates, and it is less than a half second to catch it.
Just after the streak in the west, a globe came through the cloud and brightened. It was over the airport around 4000 feet. It vanished too.
I stayed outside for an hour after, but saw nothing else. I was awake all night, I was so awe struck, contemplating the speed of whatever was in front of that streak, and the chance to see it in conjunction of seeing the globes ascend to "satellite" height. It was phenomenal. Maybe others have seen these streaks and first thought "meteorite, but it seems faster"
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Witnesses Observe Egg Shaped UFO With Broken Ring Of Blue Lights Near Nelson, British Columbia
Date: June 16, 2004
Time: 11:55 p.m.
I had a telephone call from a couple who reside in Nelson, British Columbia who witnessed an odd sight. They reported that while traveling north along the Kootenay River on highway 3A they saw what appeared to be an egg -shaped object, which sat stationary over the River.
Around the center of it was a broken ring of blue lights. They said there was a good number of these lights, which were very bright and not flashing.
The witnesses guessed the object was at an altitude of about 500 to 600 feet above the river. The husband who was driving wanted to stop to investigate this unusual sight, but due to his wife being frightened, they kept moving, but at a slower pace as he was certainly curious to know what this was.
A short distance down the highway his wife looked behind to see if it was still there, but she could not see any thing.
They said whatever it was, had disappeared or turned out it's lights. The husband estimated that the object was 40 to 50 feet in length at the most.
No sound was heard. However, the windows were rolled up in their vehicle and the radio was on. The object had a completely smooth surface to it, or at least the areas they could see clearly.
The husband said he is kicking himself now that he didn't stop to have a good look at the object.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
UFO Looked Like A Big Paper Airplane Seen In Richmond, British Columbia
Date: June 19, 2004
Time: 10:30 a.m.
My wife and I had just cleared the Alex Fraser Bridge and were heading west across the Richmond bypass (Hwy 91). I was just casually watching the planes as they made their approach to Vancouver Airport, Runway 26 Right. I was the passenger so could just relax and enjoy the ride.
I noticed what I first thought was a small plane just to the south of the approach and about half a mile ahead of us. It was heading west also, but to my surprise we were rapidly overtaking it.
I pointed it out to my wife, but she insisted it was just a plane and I pointed out, “I don't think so, it doesn't have any wings”.
The road curved and that put it on the driver's side of the van. By this time it was only about a 1/4 mile or less away. We were only doing about 100 km/hr, but rapidly overtook and passed it.
I lost sight of it due to the tinting on our back windows and the angle. We would have been at approximately on Hwy 91 at No. 7 Rd. when we passed it. Estimated speed approximately 30 km/hr, appeared to be small, perhaps 20 feet in length, was well below the glide path, estimated height under 1000 feet.
There was no engines or noise that I could detect. Appeared to be white on top and darker on the sides and bottom, but that could just be shadow.
From some angles it just looked like a big paper airplane. Attached is a sketch to give you a rough idea what it looked like.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Strange Object Flying At High Altitude Over Victoria, British Columbia
Date: June 19, 2004
Time: 3:00 p.m. - 3:05 p.m.
The witness was standing waiting for a city bus when she spotted something unusual flying at a high altitude. The woman pointed the object out to another lady who was also waiting for the bus.
As hard as it was to see, due to how high it was, the lady felt it was kind of strange looking. What she observed was a slow moving craft traveling from the north to the south and it was high overhead.
Whatever it was it had no wings and didn't appear to be a plane or helicopter. As they both watched the object finally flew directly overhead and they still weren't able to say for any certainty what it was.
The object appeared as if it was changing shape, but once again it was high up. There was a little red coloring on it and a white glow coming off it. The lady also said that the object "may" have been at the altitude of a jet airliner. She added that no contrail was seen following the object.
After the lady arrived home she called CHEX Television and talked to one of the news people and asked him if anyone had reported seeing this strange object. He said no other calls had come into the newsroom.
The following day the lady called the local airport to inquire about what she had seen. The person at the tower told her that they had no calls about the sighting and if the object was that high up they would not have tracked it as the tower only keeps track of the lower airspace.
Note: The women reported the sighting to Brian Vike on June 21, 2004 and wondered if it may had been related to the June 19, 2004 Richmond sighting.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Investigator Brian Vike And Another Couple Observe Black Coloured Disk Shaped UFO Over Houston, British Columbia
Date: June 21, 2004
Time: 3:29 p.m.
Investigator Brian Vike’s Note: "The only reason I am filing the sighting report below is due to receiving confirmation that what I saw on June 21, 2004 was also witnessed by a couple who live just west from Houston, British Columbia.
We have had some extremely hot weather here. Each day, starting in the afternoon we have had lighting and thunder storms roll in. Today the forecast is for the same.
On June 21, 2004 at approximately 3:29 p.m. I sat close to the window as I love watching the light show take place (rather not see it due to the fires it causes), but since we have no choice I sit and watch.
The forked lighting was just incredible to see. One large thunder cloud which was at a distance away, all white and fluffy as it rose up into the air, gray near the bottom.
I observed a black object sitting just outside of the fluffy white cloud. It wasn't a bird that I am sure of. I watched it maybe for 15 seconds before running to grab the binoculars.
When I got back it has disappeared. For the brief time I was able to observe the object, it sat stationary, "just" outside the cloud. So what it was, I don't know, but the object was certainly strange looking."
On June 23, 2004, Brian Vike was approached in a grocery store as I heard a voice call me. I turned around and found a man and his wife walking towards me. The couple introduced themselves as I did not know them. He had heard that there was a UFO investigator living in Houston and when he saw the logo on my sweatshirt, he figured this had to be the guy.
The witnesses said on June 21, 2004 they were outside mending a fence on there property, the fellows wife was constantly looking up at the sky due to them hearing thunder rolling across the sky, plus she was a little nervous.
She noticed a large thunder cloud in the distance, in which she could hear claps of thunder coming from it, so she had her attention trained onto this large cloud.
The lady again looked up at it and saw what appeared to be a disk-shaped object. The woman thought it really odd, so she tapped her husband on the head and at the same time telling him to look. Both stood watching the black colored object.
The object looked almost flat, but only once did they see it maneuver/tilt where it was on an angle, which showed the circular shape of it.
There were no lights, just the blackened craft. It was too far away from them to hear any sound. The fellows wife said it was really weird because she had just looked at the same cloud not a minute or so before she noticed the black object, and there was nothing there at that time.
Both figured they observed it for approximately one minute before it moved into the cloud and disappeared. The couple said they have never seen anything so strange and certainly had not seen an unknown like this before.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
White Cigarette Shaped UFO In The Sky Over Vancouver, British Columbia
Date: June 22, 2004
Time: 7:45 p.m.
“I was driving on Oak Street heading south, which is the direction of the Vancouver Airport in Richmond, British Columbia. The sky was clear, still very light out and I noticed this white cigarette-shaped object sort of just hanging in the sky, slow moving. I remember saying to my friend whom I was on my cell phone with at the time, that I was looking at a UFO.
It floated around for about a minute before it took off towards the west and then disappeared. I'm positive that this was not an airplane, one flew by a few minutes later and there was no comparison, plus the airplane made so much noise while the other flying object was silent.
This is not the first time I have seen a UFO but this is the first time I've been 100% sure of what I saw. I get Goosebumps every time I tell people what I saw.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Kelowna, Westbridge and Grand Forks, British Columbia
Date: June 29, 2004
Time: 2:40 a.m.
Calls came in from Kelowna, Westbridge and Grand Forks, British Columbia after a blue colored object was observed traveling in a southeasterly direction through the night sky.
All of the witnesses, a total of 5 people who watched the event said the blue colored ball of light was traveling horizontally.
A short tail was seen following behind and a couple of times, sparks could be seen dropping from it.
All the folks reported no sound was heard and the sighting lasted only 3 or 4 seconds at the most. As the object continued on the witnesses lost sight of it due to mountains, trees or buildings in the way.
Two of the witnesses thought that it wasn't all that high up in altitude. Everyone figured what they saw was a meteor.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
If anyone has had a UFO/UFOs sighting, please send me an email at or fill out the online UFO report form at with details of what you saw.
Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: or
The Vike Factor - Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.
Multi Coloured Lights Over West Kelowna British Columbia

Date: December 30, 2014
Time: 1:00 a.m. – 5:00 a.m.
Number of Objects: Upwards of 40 or 50.
Shape of Objects: Hard to determine.
Colour of Object: Red, green, white also larger objects have yellowish white glow.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: I have been watching these things for a few months now.
Tonight was the most activity I have ever witnessed, though the red and green ones take various forms of flight.
I am becoming more and more convinced that these are some type of entity, their movement is very sporadic, some of them are more active then others and I have witness them flying as a group.
There almost seems to be a smaller white light immersed into the red and green.
I am fascinated by them and I am glued to the sky, dusk till dawn.
On clear nights, there are larger yellowish white lights as well that are more or less stationary, although they do move a little and a overwhelming feeling comes over you that these are actually life forms and not craft of any type.
If anyone has had a UFO/UFOs sighting, please send me an email at or fill out the online UFO report form at with details of what you saw.
Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: or
The Vike Factor - Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Witnesses Observe Multi Coloured Light In The Sky Over Victoria British Columbia

Date: December 12, 2014
Time: Before midnight.
On Friday December 12, 2014 just before midnight I noticed a blinking light in the sky at least a few hundred feet above the tree-line in Victoria British Columbia (the craft appeared to be past the highlands).
My partners first response was that it was a satellite, but I asked "do they blink all different colors like that?", it was also not that high in the sky.
Then we thought "maybe its a plane", but it wasn't moving whatsoever and wasn't blinking the way a planes lights would.
The best way I could describe it was a hovering craft with multicolored lights, one color quickly flashing at a time and each appearing to come from a different direction/location on the craft.
We stood there for about 10 minutes just waiting to see if it would move, but the only thing we observed in that time was a second craft with a bright yellowish-white light approaching from the lower right.
That was when the craft ceased to blink multiple colors and instead slowly blinked from yellow to white much more dimly than the vibrant lights displayed before and again after the second crafts presence.
The second craft was not blinking red, so I'm not sure if that was a plane or another UFO. It returned in the direction it came from after coming reasonably close to what appeared to be a UFO, either trying to be discreet or using its lights to communicate.
There's no doubt in my mind, that this is the first time I have seen at least one UFO near earth with my naked eye.
If anyone has had a UFO/UFOs sighting, please send me an email at or fill out the online UFO report form at with details of what you saw.
Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: or
The Vike Factor - Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.
White Coloured Lights/Objects Playing Tag With One Another Over New Westminster British Columbia

Date: October 17, 2014
Time: Evening.
Brian, I live in New Westminster on the 21st floor of a high-rise. Around the same date I was out on my deck captivated by 4 light sources that looked like they were playing tag or something within a cloud.
No sound, just large white orbs zipping around a large cloud, as if using it for cover? I called my husband who just said it was strobe lights, but I could not see a source of lights coming from the ground.
It was just the white orbs without a ‘tail’ depicting where the energy was coming from nor did I see anything else in the sky, but the clouds and lights.
I tried to take photos, but my phone camera didn’t pick up anything. When I went back inside, the lights were still there, it was a least 15 minutes that I watched them.
If anyone has had a UFO/UFOs sighting, please send me an email at or fill out the online UFO report form at with details of what you saw.
Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: or
The Vike Factor - Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.
UFO Sightings For British Columbia In 2004 (UFO Investigator Brian Vike)
Investigator Brian Vike’s Note: Below are some of the sighting reports from 2004. There is a good number of sighting reports that came in from the Kootenay region in the southeastern portion of British Columbia and other areas in the southern part of British Columbia, Canada.
Most likely why there are a good number of sightings reports coming out of the area is I had a regular guest spot once a week for a few minutes every Friday morning on the Wayne and Jayne Show. Plus of course, people new that I was someone they could file their sightings to.
At that time, the station was called KBS FM radio. I now see the stations call letters are EZ Rock and you can find my friends at My many thanks to both Wanye and Jayne for there kindness towards me.
Also, I had a regular guest spot with Adam Thompson at CJFW FM Terrace and this also brought in a lot of sighting reports throughout the Northwestern part of British Columbia. I am grateful to him for having me on.
Beam Of Light From Above Brightens Up A Mountain At Nelson British Columbia.
Date: January 11, 2004
Time: 8:15 p.m.
A man, a wife and two teenaged children were travelling in their car, about 8 kilometers south of Nelson, when they noticed a narrow beam of light shining onto a nearby mountain.
They could follow the beam of light from where it was illuminating the trees, about half a mile from them, but could not see any object at the source of the light.
The woman rolled down the car window, but no sound, such as a helicopter could be heard. After about 30 seconds the light went out.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Brilliant Ball Of White Light Over Nelson British Columbia
Date: January 12, 2004
Time: 9:40 p.m.
A witness observed a brilliant ball of white light traveling slowly and extremely low over the town of Nelson, British Columbia.
The object was traveling in an easterly direction and as it got to around the Cedar Street area it broke up into two pieces, one went northward at a very fast rate of speed and the other moved slowly to the southeast.
The witness said there appeared to be no type of explosion when it separated, it just seemed to break in half.
There was no sound reported when he first noticed the light and there was no sound coming from it when it separated.
He guessed the whole event happened over a period of 7 or 8 seconds at most.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Circular Ball Of Red Light Comes To A Stop Over Prince George British Columbia
Date: January 30, 2004
Time: 9:45 p.m.
A woman and her mother watched a circular ball of red light about one block from their home. It was bright and rose up from behind the trees in the neighborhood.
It stopped briefly then moved slowly towards the west for a short distance before it came to a complete stop.
The red light then dropped down towards the trees, but stopped just short of the tops. Again it rose up rather quickly, then stopped and sat stationary for a few seconds.
As it travelled towards the west, it would occasionally make a sharp curve as if it was going around a bend. The object continued in this motion until it was out of their line of sight. The object made no sound.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Orange Lights Spotted In The Sky Over Prince George British Columbia (Case Solved)
Date: January 30/31, 2004
Time: 9:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Investigator Brian Vike’s Note: The reason why I thought it important to add this, is because I would like people who read the information below to know that I do investigate UFO sightings and are looking for the truth and trying to solve cases that come into me.
Know matter what the outcome is, a good part of the time, these objects may not have anything to do with an alien craft. Dozens of witnesses in Prince George, British Columbia observed this event and a very few actually saw what was causing the lights.
Many Prince George residents reported seeing two bright orange/white lights moving slowly around in the night sky.
It was eventually determined that the lights were attached to two parachutists that were sky diving at night.
On the evening of February 31, 2004, a large number of Prince George residents were stunned and puzzled over what they were witnessing in the night sky between 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m., PST.
Some called the Prince George Citizen newspaper to explain what it was they saw, and how peculiar it was. All of the witnesses, by the dozens, observed two extremely bright, orange circular lights in the sky.
The lights stayed fairly close together and did not make any sudden moments. Many residents reported the lights just hanging there for a number of minutes before moving ever so slightly. Brian Vike was contacted by the Prince George Citizen enquiring about it, and a staff reporter did an interview for Saturday, February 7, 2004, newspaper.
Over the weekend the telephone did not stop ringing. Many reports of orange lights came in from Prince George residents. Plus other very interesting reports for 2003 and back as far as the 1950s.
Some of these reports included beams of lights hitting their vehicles as they travelled along the highway. A huge ball of light hovering over the tree tops not making any sound. A line of red balls of light sitting stationary in the night sky, etc...
After taking the calls and listening to the stories, some of the descriptions started me thinking. More folks contacted me.
Some had watched the whole event unfold viewing the lights through binoculars. A retired military man was certainly the key to this case.
Plus another lady who also gave a great description of the event.
I made several enquiries to the RCMP, but the police had no information about the matter and took no calls from the general public over it.
I typed up a few reports below from the eye witnesses who called in.
Prince George, British Columbia
Date: January 30, 2004
Time: Between 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
Report #1 - Report received February 7, 2004
I had a call from a lady on February 7, 2004 who wanted to file a report on something she and her husband witnessed as they were driving down Tabor from 15th.
They looked to the east and saw lights in the sky and thought at first it may have been an airplane. The witnesses mentioned they saw no strobe lights which they knew an aircraft would have.
They reported the lights were moving rather slowly. As they drove down the road they passed by the trees which blocked their view of the lights in the sky.
After they came to a clear area, they stopped the car and looked to the south and again noticed the lights.
The witnesses told me that when they saw it again, this time it appeared to look like a black balloon, or umbrella shape.
The lady said it looked as if the object would flip over, so the umbrella appearance was at the bottom and then would show up back on top.
The lady and husband reported not a sound coming from it and whatever it was, dropped downwards. The couple reported the lights as being white in color.
The witnesses estimated they observed the event for approximately 5 minutes.
The folks didn't believe the object was very far from their location and said it wasn't that high up when they first saw it.
Also they finally lost sight of the lights when they dropped down low enough that homes finally blocked their view. The people estimated the size to be roughly that of a golf ball.
One other note, the witnesses said they believed that the lights were moving diagonally as they came closer to the ground.
Thank you to the witnesses for their report.
Prince George, British Columbia
Date: January 31, 2004
Time: Between 9:00 - 9:30 p.m.
Report #2 - Report received February 7, 2004
A gentleman called to report seeing the orange lights witnessed over Prince George on January 31, 2004. He and his wife live near 1st and the Foothills in Prince George and were planning an evening out when the walked out of their home, which faces towards the downtown area they noticed the two orange colored lights in the night sky.
They said the lights were very bright and that is what caught their attention. The witness went on to say he is used to seeing helicopters and fixed winged aircraft flying over all the time, but what he could not understand was the brightness of the lights, also how close the lights were to one another.
The couple stood just outside their front door watching the lights for a good three minutes, but due to them having reservations they had to get on their way.
The husband wondered if it might be a UFO, his wife said it possibly might be a plane, but both still thought it looked rather odd.
He told me he almost dismissed it at that time. But as they drove along 1st Avenue heading towards Tabor and not traveling very far the fellow decide it was time to pull the car over as he said one doesn't get to see anything like this very often or ever.
As they both sat watching, they were able to get a good view of what was taking place. One of the orange lights appeared to be over top of the other or maybe off to a bit of an angle to the left.
Another 3 to 4 minutes passed and the bottom light started dropping off towards the left and seemed to flicker a little bit. He thought it may have been going into some of the light clouds that were present that evening, then all of a sudden the light disappeared.
The other light was still visible and stayed around the same area in the sky for a little while longer. The witness estimated the last light held it's brilliance for maybe another 30 seconds before it started to flicker. It began to fade and then would become very bright again.
This went on for a very short period of time before it to vanished.
Again it was lightly overcast with a high ceiling. The witness also estimated the objects were roughly a finger length apart if one was to hold out their hand at arms length.
The witness stated that the lights did sit stationary for some of the time, before moving. The witnesses reported no sound was heard, and no aircraft were seen in the area.
At arm's length, using his thumbnail to guess at an approximate size of the lights, he said each one may have been one fifth of the size of his nail.
Thank you to the witnesses for their report.
Prince George, British Columbia
Date: January 31, 2004
Time: Approximately: 9:30 p.m.
Report #3 - Report received February 7, 2004
Calls kept coming into me, Brian Vike over the January 31, 2004 sighting in Prince George, British Columbia.
Below is another report from a fellow who wanted to tell me what he witnessed that evening. The evening was overcast and no stars were visible at the time of the sighting.
The man went on to tell me that his daughter spotted it first and then called to the rest of the family to come out and look at the strange lights in the sky which were reported to be just over top of one of the local mountains.
He explained that the color of the lights were an orange/white. The witness also said he thought there may have been a small tail behind each of the lights, but it was hard to distinguish for certain.
The lights were stationary for a very short time when these folks noticed them and as they watched, the lights did start to move, but ever so slightly.
They said there were two very bright lights which looked identical to one another. The man's wife said they looked like landing lights from an aircraft due to how close they were together, and the brightness of them.
They all ruled this out quickly as the lights just stayed in the one area of the sky. They observed the lights rise up for a short distance, still staying close to one another. As they watched one of the lights seemed to disappear quickly, but they didn't think it went into the clouds as he noted the cloud ceiling was rather high that night and the lights weren't close to them.
The other remaining light was seen to move back, or away from the families location and it also disappeared.
Both lights were extremely bright, and the family said they stayed that way until they finally blinked out, or just vanished.
These folks figured they watched the lights for at least two minutes before they were gone. They also reported no sound and the witnesses said if it had been a plane or helicopter, you would have certainly have heard it.
The folks estimated that the lights were approximately 10 times larger than their thumbnail.
Thank you to the family for their report.
Prince George, British Columbia
Date: January 31, 2004
Time: Approximately: 9:30 - 10:00 p.m.
Report #4 - Report received February 7, 2004
Now this was a very interesting call that I received from a man who resides in Prince George, British Columbia.
When I answered the phone, the fellow said he had just read their local newspaper and that he could tell me exactly what the lights were that everyone saw that evening. Below is the report the gentleman gave to me.
The fellow said he watched the whole event through a pair of field glasses. It was January 31, 2004, between 9:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. and the man claims, "it" landed two blocks from his home.
The witness said what he watched was a couple of night jumpers, jumping with parachutes with lights attached around their feet or ankles.
The man observed them coming over from the west over the hill. He mentioned that he had a fairly strong set of glasses (binoculars) and was clearly able to see the jumpers hanging in their chutes and saw when they turned their lights off.
One of them landed in a park just two blocks away from the witnesses home and the other went towards the Fraser River and the BCR Railway. The gentleman figured the were practicing night jumping.
When the jumpers were first spotted they were rather high up and he and his wife first thought it may have been an airplane. He went on to say the lights were a very bright orange in color, and the reason they were no longer visible, was simply because they had turned them off.
The fellow, now retired, was in the military himself and had done a lot of jumping out of a plane and as soon as he spotted the orange lights he thought it looked familiar due to the descent, plus the way the lights were traveling.
When he looked through his binoculars he knew exactly what it was he was seeing.
He figured the jumpers used their lights to keep track of each other and to designate where they were going to.
Once they started getting closer to the ground they turned off their lights and just used the lights from the city to land. He also said the chutes were beautiful, very modern shaped parachutes and the jumpers with such good gear were able to carry out some of the antics they pulled off that cold evening.
It was actually comical as the witness said, one of the jumpers almost turned himself upside down and then this would give the impression of the lights going back up into the night sky.
The two jumpers were carrying out some acrobatics on their way and obviously no sound was reported.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Bright Orange Moon Sized UFO Seen Over Houston British Columbia
Date: February 3, 2004
Time: Approximately 7:26 a.m.
A woman was walking through her home when she noticed a very bright orange object through the kitchen window (it was completely dark outside, the sun had not started to rise).
She called to her husband and the two of them watched a round moon-sized object that appeared to be hovering over the pasture behind their home.
The object had originally been moving slowly downwards, but then it stopped. At this point the woman grabbed her video camera and started shooting some footage.
The lady then decided to go outside and shoot some more film, but by the time she went out the front door and around to where she should have been able to see the object, it was gone.
When she went back in to the kitchen, it was back again! She shot a bit more footage until it seemed to “blink out”.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
8 To 9 Blue/Green Circular Balls Of Light Over Kitchener British Columbia
Date: February 9, 2004
Time: 9:15 p.m.
A husband and wife were driving from Cranbrook to Creston, British Columbia.
As they approached Kitchener, British Columbia which is just east of Creston, they observed what they estimated to be 8 or 9 basketball-sized bright bluish/green circular balls of light flying dead flat, or horizontally from the west heading eastward.
The sighting lasted about 10 seconds before they lost sight of the lights. The lights traveled very slowly and it appeared that some would change position while they flew along.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
UFO With Blue Lights Spotted Above Pauline Mountain Decker Lake British Columbia
Date: February 27, 2004
Time: 10:30 p.m.
A woman observed an object with a number of blue lights on it above Pauline Mountain.
The object slowly moved diagonally towards the mountain, occasionally stopping and moving up and down.
She viewed the object for 5 to 10 minutes before it disappeared.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
UFO Changes To A Oval Shape Then Comes To A Stop Over Decker Lake British Columbia
Date: March 7, 2004
Time: 9:10 p.m.
A witness observed a bright white light and thought at first it might have been an airplane due to the elongated shape.
Shortly afterwards it changed into a more round or oval shape and came to a complete stop. As the witness watched the object traveling along over Pauline Mountain it flashed an extremely bright blue light.
The object did this a couple of times. At this point the witness was clearly able to see a ring of blue lights which ran horizontally around the center of the object.
The woman estimated that there had to be a dozen or more lights. The object slowly moved away until she lost sight of it. Total viewing time was about 25 minutes.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Large Bright Object With Flames In The Sky Over West Kootenay Region British Columbia
Date: March 29, 2004
Time: 2:00 a.m.
Full Description of event/sighting: Both of us were awake watching TV when an extremely bright and large object went by the bedroom window.
It looked like it was flames (yellow mainly, but blindingly bright) but we decided it looked that way as it was passing behind a fir tree outside our window.
It travelled horizontally to the ground and made no sound whatsoever. There was a reported sighting from an a nearby airport.
Additional Information: It was partially overcast, not raining, not real clear and no full moon that I recall. There was no tail or trail that we could see.
The object was travelling from west to east. Not good at judging altitudes, but lying in the same position on the bed the next day and looking at the fir tree it had gone behind, it could not have been much above the treetops travelling parallel to the ground.
Judging from the time the object stayed in view, it would have had to be at least a few hundred feet long.
I could not tell the texture because of the extreme brilliance. Since this was approximately 2:00 a.m. we were not looking for aircraft, but this could definitely not have been an aircraft and there was no sound.
We called the closest neighbour the next day, but he said he was sleeping and saw nothing.
The object was visible long enough for us both to say at the same time, "holy crap, what is that, and then it was out of sight.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Silver Low Flying Disk Observed In The Sky Over Terrace British Columbia
Date: April 2004
Time: 9:21 p.m.
I was sitting today at 21:21hrs, on my steps looking east when a silvery low flight disk flew right above me.
The object was actually silvery, but translucent and it was a clear round shape, but looked a little "watery".
The object was roughly 40-50 meters high and had a diameter of +- 6 - 10 meters. It would be hard to spot, but it flew right into my vision and disappeared straight west.
Very fast speed because I could see it only for 3 - 4 seconds. I was by myself.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Blue Object Shoots Across The Sky Over Vancouver British Columbia
Date: April 4, 2004
Time: Between 12:00 a.m. and 1:00 a.m.
Around Oak/12th Street I saw a blue light (orb) shoot across the sky. First it appeared as one, then another behind it which was the same size.
This thing was moving really fast. This all took place in approximately 1-2 seconds time frame, really quick.
I had two friends with me, but they didn't see anything at all. It was so quick that by the time I saw it and took a moment to understand what I was seeing, then smacked my friend Brett, it was gone.
It happened to be my birthday.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Cigar Shaped UFO Seen Flying Over New Westminster British Columbia
Date: April 4, 2004
Time: 12:00 a.m.
Number of objects: 2.
Shape of objects: Cigar shaped.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was sitting on my balcony when two objects traveling south to north appeared.
They were travelling horizontally and were parallel to each other with bright red fireball heads and long bright yellow tails.
They were not very high in the sky and were moving at a steady pace for approximately 2 seconds before they disappeared.
There was no sound and the sky that night was clear and cloud free. The objects traveled in a straight line, staying right beside each other all the way.
There were no sparks. I lost sight of them due to the edge of the roof of the building beside me.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Bright Pink Spherical Shaped UFO Travels Over Smithers British Columbia
Date: April 8, 2004
Time: 11:20 p.m.
A woman observed from her home a bright pink spherical shaped object surrounded by a dark blue aura.
The object sat low, hovering over the Smithers Ski Hill Road until it disappeared at a extreme rate of speed.
Before the lady lost sight of it, it was moving very slowly from its hovering position. There was not a sound coming from the object that she heard.
The witness stated that it was not a plane as she is used to seeing them flying over top of the area all the time since to the Smithers airport is close by.
A very important note is that the object was below the rim of the mountains. Also, the object was "not" observed near any of the ski runs.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Object Observed With Gold And Red Coloring At Vernon, British Columbia
Date: April 8, 2004
Time: 11:00 p.m.
In the western sky something came in from the southwest to the northwest.
It came in at about twenty degree angle, was gold with red underneath, left short bright yellow gold trail and slowed down before the horizon. Time was about 3 seconds.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Bright White Object Larger Than Any Planet Seen Over Williams Lake British Columbia
Date: April 10, 2004
Time: 11:10 p.m.
A married couple watched an extremely large bright white light in the southwest portion of the sky. They reported the object as being larger than any planet seen in the night sky and much brighter.
The object sat low in the sky over the trees in the distance. As the husband and wife watched the object for a short period of time, it just went up and vanished.
They said the object was visible for approximately two minutes. The witnesses mentioned that there was a mountain behind the object so they knew it hadn't dropped down behind the back of it. They said it was a strange sight.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Large Orange Shaped Object Over Williams Lake British Columbia
Date: April 10, 2004
Time: Approximately 11:30 p.m.
I took a call from a witness who resides in Williams Lake, British Columbia who reported seeing a large orange shaped object sitting stationary at a distance and close to the tops of the trees.
The object was visible for approximately 1 minute, it then broke into two orange colored lights and disappeared very quickly.
The object was seen in the southwest. No sudden movements were noted, no sound was heard. There were also clear skies that night.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Large Bright Pink UFO Flew Overtop Witnesses Car At Smithers British Columbia
Date: April 16, 2004
Time: 10:30 p.m. – 10:45 p.m.
The witness was on her way to work for the graveyard shift. As she traveled around a corner on Harris Road by Harris Auto Wrecking she saw a extremely large bright pink object low in the sky.
The lady said she had never seen anything like it in all the years she lived in the area and also wondered if it might have been an airplane coming in for a landing at the Smithers airport.
She told me the object had to have been the size of a full moon and on the outer edge of the object the color was a much lighter pink in color.
As the woman drove along she said it passed overhead at approximately tree top level and at approximately 100 to 200 feet away from her in distance.
As the lady and the object passed one another, she slowed her truck down and turned around to watch the object move slowly into the distance, and as she watched it finally just blinked out.
When the woman continued on her journey, after seeing the strange object, she told me that she was questioning herself, "did I just see that"!
Later that evening and at her work place, she and another lady went outside for a coffee break and the witness mentioned having seen something very strange on her way to work.
I asked the lady if she thought it might have been a flare or even fireworks someone had maybe set off. The witness said she has never seen a flare or fireworks travel horizontally just over tree top level and for such a long distance.
There was no sound noted. The object was reported to be visible for approximately one minute. This same object has been seen twice, on two different occasions in the Smithers, British Columbia area.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Large V Shaped UFO Above Kelowna British Columbia
Date: April 25, 2004
Time: 1:20 a.m.
I just read the report of a sighting on April 26, 2004 in Kelowna, British Columbia (See below report). I saw a similar object on the 25th at 1:20 a.m.
I was in Kelowna in a hockey tournament and was in bed in my hotel room. Two team members were also in the room, although one was sleeping and the other could not get to the window fast enough to witness the object.
What I saw was a "V" shaped craft as big as a DC-10. It did not have a single light on it, nor did it make any sound.
It caught my eye as I was right beside the window in my room. It was so low that the lights from the streets and buildings illuminated the bottom of it.
This event lasted approximately 5-6 seconds. As I mentioned, my other roommate dashed across the room, but missed it.
I thought for sure that this would have been in the news considering how low it flew, and no I was not drinking. I had two drinks earlier in the evening after our game at 8:00 p.m. What I have written is 100% true.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Triangular Shaped UFO Over Kelowna British Columbia
Date: April 26, 2004
Time: 9:45 p.m.
A couple were sitting outside of their residence having a cigarette. A women was the first to notice the UFO. The object was visible for approximately 20 to 30 seconds before it left the couple’s line of sight and was certainly a triangular shaped craft.
The witness said it was a glowing white in color, no lights were seen on the craft. The man guessed the object was flying at approximately 20,000 feet.
Investigator Brian Vike’s Comment: Because of how high the craft was and being night time, I wanted to make sure how the witnesses came to be able to view the object.
They explained that this was due to the color of it, it was extremely bright, and went on to say you couldn't miss it. There was no aura or glowing light surrounding it, there was no trail or tail following behind.
The witness said he saw no aircraft before or during the sighting, but said right after the object passed by, a helicopter was seen flying at a low level shining it's spotlight down towards the ground.
The craft flew in a straight line towards the northeast over Okanagan Lake. At arms length the witness guessed the object would have been 1 to 2 centimeters in length.
No sound was heard. The man said the craft was solid in colour and not just points of light in a triangular shape.
The witness also said he tried to contact the Kelowna, British Columbia airport tower, but they were closed or not answering the telephone. The sky was completely clear.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
3 Unknown Objects Seen Flying Over Vancouver British Columbia
Date: April 28, 2004
Time: 4:20 a.m.
As I was walking home after work, I was staring up at the sky, as I always do. I always hope to see something more and I did.
Tonight I saw 3 different objects all within 5 minutes of one another. The first moved across the sky and looked to be weaving through stars.
The next was a object that flashed only a few times and then disappeared. The 3rd was like the first, just moving across the sky at a fairly good speed.
Like if I held my hands out above my head, stretched out, it would have gone the distance between my two outstretched hands in about 15 seconds. That's it.
Take care. you're doing great work Brian!
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Triangular UFO And Large Circular UFO Over Vancouver British Columbia
Date: April 28, 2004
Time: 10:45 p.m.
This report was gathered in real-time. A call came in from two witnesses who were sitting in their car at English Bay, British Columbia. They reported that they were watching three unusual objects and giving me the description over the phone as they observed them.
The witness said she was watching the objects through her binoculars and said the one object was huge and the other two a lot smaller.
The large object was circular in shape, bright white and filled with what she described as darker dots. In the center of the object there was nothing, or one would be able to see through it.
The object was also rotating and had two smaller objects flying around it. One of the crafts was reported to be triangular in shape and the other again more circular.
The triangular craft would move a distance away from the larger object, makes sudden turns and at times they were able to observe the full triangular structure and at other times flat.
The smaller circular object would travel around the triangle shaped object and also move around the circumference of the larger object.
The witnesses were facing west when observing the three objects and added that whatever these things were, they seemed to be at a good distance from them. The skies were completely clear. The sighting is under investigation.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
UFO Freaks Witness Out At Victoria British Columbia
Date: May 2004
Time: Late afternoon.
It was a Sunday and I was walking along the Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary on my way home from a friends when all a sudden I heard this high pitched humming noise that was "wavy" seeming to go louder and then quieter over and over again.
I looked above my head where it was coming from and saw the most shocking thing I have ever seen. Once I saw it, I knew it was not a plane, or any normal flying object.
When I saw it, my heart just sank, and I couldn't move. It was flying from the direction of the Common Wealth Recreation Centre to Downtown Victoria and moving at a fast pace.
The color was a grayish-white, like a normal commercial aircraft, with two dark colored (black?) lines going down the side.
I'm not sure if the lines were flat against the UFO, or going outwards. They may have been windows or something dark enough for me to see from where I was.
I'd have to say the UFO was about 500 feet maybe. I don't know that much about how high things are, but to compare the height to something else, it was about the height that normal personally owned air planes are flown.
It was a clear sky with a few clouds. Ever since that happened, I have been watching the sky nearly every night, because it has made me really interested in UFO's. I know what I saw was real.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Two UFOs Shot Off As Jet Aircraft Approached Their Position Over Christina Lake British Columbia
Date: May 3, 2004
Time: 1:20 p.m.
As a couple left their home at Christina Lake, the husband spotted two large, bright shapes in the southwestern sky.
The two objects appeared to be suspended in the sky, or sitting stationary for approximately 1 minute. Then the two objects eventually started to move as a jet airliner approached their position.
One of the objects flew slowly towards the south and the other shot off at a high rate of speed towards the northeast.
The witnesses said that the objects were a shiny metal color, no contrail was observed as they traveled from the area.
They also pointed out that there was another fellow who was seen looking up in the direction where the objects were.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Strange Lights Above The Tree Tops At Telkwa British Columbia
Date: May 4, 2004
Time: 11:30 p.m.
The night of the orange moon, I saw some strange lights happening above the trees near our home. it was 11:30 p.m. when they appeared.
It was scary because they went all over in and around the tree nursery and left. I am not sure if these are UFOs or not, but I can't describe what else they could be.
I hope that you could give some insight into what these things could be, if they are not UFOs. Thank you for you attention.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Black Triangular Shaped UFO Observed Above Greenwood British Columbia
Date: May 6, 2004
Time: 8:55 p.m.
A lady was traveling along highway #3 heading east when she observed a jet black triangular shaped craft which was flying from the east to the west.
It was getting toward dark, but the object was still easily seen in the sky due to it's dark color which really stood out.
She reports that there were no lights on it, or any other type of light source. It traveled on a straight path and also pointed out that she was not able to see any detail on the object even though it seemed to be not that high in altitude.
Not a sound was noticed, maybe this was due to her being in her car. The witness told me that she has seen the Stealth aircraft on TV and at an air show in the United States, but she said it wasn't one of these.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
Bright Light Appeared Outside Witnesses Window At Telkwa British Columbia
Date: May 8, 2004
Time: 11:20 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.
On May 8, 2004 I can remember it clearly because it is my brother's birthday. I saw a bright light suddenly appear through my window.
This light seemed a distance away from me. I thought that it was a flare or something, but I felt some impact on my trailer when it touched the ground.
Initially, I thought that this UFO may have crashed, but the next day, we couldn’t see any sign of a UFO crashing.
If you seen this object, or anything else like it, would you please contact me, Brian Vike at
UFOs Stump Witnesses In The Sky Over Vancouver British Columbia
Date: May 9, 2004
Time: 8:00 p.m.
On Mother's day I was leaving my Aunt's house to go back to Vancouver in British Columbia, while I was waiting by the car (for my grandmother to leave my aunt's house) with my dad I noticed 3 bright stars, one larger than the other two, forming a perfect triangle.
I recognized it off the bat. I had seen the same formation a couple nights before, off my balcony in downtown Vancouver at approximately 11:00 p.m. (although that time, there was 2 triangles, one was much larger and thought it was very low, hovering above the building in front of me).
It was weird, I felt some sort of presence that made me look up. The triangle was a deep gray black, slightly different black than the rest of the night sky, and the stars (or lights) were all a whitish hue, 2 the same size with one brighter at the tip. (for both triangles)
As we were still waiting for my grandmother to arrive, I kept staring at it and it seemed to float a bit to the side, but passed it off as my eyes playing tricks on me. (it was really light out at that hour, still bluish sky) I thought it was weird to see the lights when there was no stars out yet.
My aunt escorted my grandma to the car, I pointed out the "stars" to them and my aunt looked stunned and uncomfortable, she even mentioned how she thought it was odd and that it seemed to be moving.
We drove away, and I kept watching from the back of the car. When I arrived downtown it was darker, those lights were nowhere to be seen.
If anyone has had a UFO/UFOs sighting, please send me an email at or fill out the online UFO report form at with details of what you saw.
Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: or
The Vike Factor - Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.
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